You know It’s kinda annoying seeing Ohio state and Oregon get grace for their bad performances but people hold our “bad” performances against us like it makes us overrated. It seems nobody factors in that this Clemson game is probably the first game since UTSA we’ve been the most healthy.
Oregon is the only undefeated team

not losing earns you grace.
NO ONE is gracing OSU, they've been ridiculed by man, woman & child for that performance against michigan. They were ridiculed for that winnable game vs. oregon too...Lanning out coached tf out of Day
Texas didn't get the same benefit of the doubt b/c until yesterday y'all hadn't beaten a ranked team (besides A&M). No one is selling texas short,
y'all can def win the whole thing. I think people were hesitant until yesterday b/c of the UGA lose, and then y'all should've won the rematch but seemed to not finished UGA off with the killshots in the 1st half.