I wasn't big on Kendricks album but he will win rap album of the year. I absolutely thought Pusha's album was better but Kendrick is a grammy darling and he has music critics in his pocket at this point. Anything he drops will be crtically acclaimed.
As for the general categories I've actually made a point listen to everything nominated so I can have an accurate opinion. Ive actually been doing it for years now. I used to just crap on the Grammys if what I wanted to win didn't win. Now I bump everything regardless of genre so when I crap on the grammys its justified.
Record of the year - Id roll with the Heart part 5
Song of the year - Id roll with Bad Habbit.
Album of the year - I personally would go with Adele. Im usually not a fan of her full projects but this one was surprisingly good and better then everything else nominated by a pretty wide margin IMO
What I think WILL happen is Beyonce will clean up in every category. Its her time. The album was huge and I can't imagine the backlash is Adele beats her again.