True.. some quick points tho.
First, we're gonna need some help to jump up that far, that quick. Also, Gallon is beasting .. I told everybody about mighty mouse before the season started. He's just got that Wes Welker knack for getting open. Word is (I cant tell cause I haven't been to a game this year, nor can I see it on TV) Chesson's actually getting open, but Gallon is Devin's safety valve, and he's always open .. so Gardner throws to him.I wanna see what Chesson can do with the ball in his hands. All I know is he's blocking like a fukkin maniac and I bet this staff LOVES that. Did you see his block on that Gallon 360/broken tackle TD catch? Chesson launched (I believe) #22 for Notre Dame in the air
.. I need some more Funchess too. He's actually looking respectable at the line blocking, and we all already know he;s a beast catching the ball. I like Butt too .. I cant lie. I think the kid's gonna be special. Next year, Ian Bunting comes in ...
.. we're gonna be having tight ends splitting out wode for days. SO much athleticism at that position for us. And that's not even counting Khalid Hill who can catch his ass off too.
Our young OLine was getting handled a bit in the ND game, but nowhere NEAR the way people thought they would, going up against (arguably) the best DLine in all of college football. There weren't many lanes for Fitz to run through, but at least he's not dancing that much anymore. He's choosing his lane, and hitting the hole hard. I'm loving that. In the first game against Western, he didn't play the 2nd half, and was splitting time with 4 different backs, so I'll reserve judgement on his for now. He looks great running it tho. Hopefully he can stay healthy.
Yeah Chesson has been open a lot but Gardner seems to trust Gallon more which is understandable. Once Chesson starts getting involved teams are going to be

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