Doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is The Democrats aren't ashamed of their former Presidents. Carter and Clinton both did things for the Convention. Meanwhile George Bush and his Father didn't even get an invite or call. Clinton did the dirty work for Obama by hitting the Republicans where it hurts. He ethered them on trying to blame Obama for not fixing the mess that their President spent 8 years causing. He basically said Obama needed more time and his plans are long term not short term. He killed them on Jobs record as the country economically have done better under Democratic Presidents than Republicans.
He killed Romney and Paul with his speech. Clinton also is very popular now as more American realize they were bamboozled by Republicans trying to impeach Clinton over gettin some head when the country had Tons of Jobs and we weren't at War. The fact is Clinton has more creditibilty as a LEADER than Romney or Paul. Michelle and Castro murdered it last night. Bill murdered it tonight and Barack going to finish they a$$es off tomorrow and the Debates. Ted Kennedy bodied Romney in the debates, what you think Obama going to do?: Clinton made the case. Obama will win, it may not be a huge victory like Mccain but he will win.