this thread inspired me to look up the types of dangerous fish/sea creatures i'd be likely to encounter in Hawaii, where i frequently snorkel....
i didn't realize half of the fish I see all the time can injure me...
Cone Snail
COMMON HABITAT Tide pools, sandy areas, shallow to deep offshore waters.
PREVENTION Do not handle (even with gloves), especially near tip.
INJURY MECHANISM Poisonous, dart-like mechanism near tip used for stunning and killing fish and invertebrates.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Stinging, burning pain, numbness, coma or cardiac arrest.
FIRST AID TREATMENT Scrub the wound.
Get medical help for severe reactions.
Moray Eel
COMMON HABITAT Rocky areas, in holes, under rocks, crevices and tide pool ledges.
PREVENTION Keep hands out of rocky areas, holes and crevices. Use stick to probe. Dead fish, blood or bait will bring them out of their holes.
INJURY MECHANISM Razor sharp teeth, powerful jaws.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Bleeding, severe muscle damage, but more commonly tendon and nerve damage.
FIRST AID TREATMENT Stop bleeding with pressure, clean thoroughly. Get medical help (guard against infection).
Needle Fish I've seen these a lot....never knew they could puncture skin.
COMMON HABITAT Near surface in bay areas and open waters.
PREVENTION Use caution when night lighting/fishing.
INJURY MECHANISM Long pointed jaw.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Pointed jaw may puncture and break off leaving a puncture wound.
FIRST AID TREATMENT If point doesn't break off, clean with antiseptic if stabbed. If point breaks off do not remove it. Stop any bleeding with pressure. Get medical help immediately!
Sea Urchin
COMMON HABITAT Shallow reef areas to 100 foot depths.
PREVENTION Wear foot protection. Don't walk on rocky areas with poor visibility. Do not handle!
INJURY MECHANISM Long, extremely brittle spines.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Throbbing pain. Purplish discoloration.
FIRST AID TREATMENT Pull out protruding spines. If spines(s) is/are in a joint, nerve, or when wound is infected - get medical help.
swim with these all the time
COMMON HABITAT Wave zone to 150 foot depths.
PREVENTION Take care in handling.
INJURY MECHANISM Spine and knife-like razors near tail.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Throbbing pain, itching, bleeding and numbness.
FIRST AID TREATMENT Stop bleeding with pressure, clean thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical treatment for deep cuts and embedded spine pieces.
Do not try to remove pieces yourself.
Tube Worm
COMMON HABITAT Shallow reef areas.
PREVENTION Use protective footwear and gloves.
INJURY MECHANISM Hardened, razor sharp opening to worm's shelter.
SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Circular cut with fragments that may be embedded. Bleeding.
FIRST AID TREATMENT Stop bleeding with pressure, clean thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical treatment for deep cuts and embedded pieces.
Do not try to remove pieces yourself.