Ancient Kemet was a Bantu Civilization/NIle Valley Origins of all World Civilizations


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Thorough as always! Been thinking on a thread specifying Cac codewords we should know: Basal European DNA, Afro-Asiatic language family, Eurafrican,black whites, black brunettes,etc, etc,even "mysterious race," my personal fav!
This is how they insist Melanasians or even Australoids aren't African and get us to agree!

!!! Let’s go for it then!!!


May 20, 2013
The Source of Civilization in the Sahara and it's spread Across Africa then Asia & Europe


Eye of the Sahara

The Drying of the Once Fertile Ancient Sahara & the Next Phase of Civilizations
(6-4 millennium BC)


As we can see, what is being presented by myself is nothing more than a rebirth of the truth. The truth that the West has known for hundreds of years, but has tried to bury in a sad attempt to spare their fragile egos. As shown above the Hapi Valley is the ultimate source of Neolithic. Following the spreading of the Neolithic outside of Africa which began with migrations that occurred after the end of Ice Age by the Natufians (12,500 BC) were several other successive migrations of Africans throughout the northern half of the continent and outside of Africa. One of the reciprocal affects of the climate change at the end of the Ice Age (13,000 BC) was the shrinking of the Hapi River Valley that most of the Africans once inhabited. Conversely new heavy rains vitalizing the adjacent Sahara desert to the West for a few millenniums triggered a migration of those Africans from the Hapi River Valley to the Sahara. They brought with them the Neolithic that has been said to date back to the Hapi Valley to at least around 15,000 BC. Lake Chad which was enormous at the time, and a river Valley much like the Hapi River formed going though what would be Libya into the Mediterranean (shown in the map below). Scholars have speculated that Lake Chad and that river was the location of a major civilization. The different types of Africans who lived in the ancient Sahara during the fertile period included the Niger-Congo speakers, Nilo Saharan speakers and Dravidian speakers (who have since migrated to India). When these Africans migrated from the Sahara during it's different drying phases the spreading of post Atlantis (my conjecture) civilization began. One of the major Neolithic Megalithic Saharan sites is Napta Playa (the Western Desert) which is shown in the following picture. This is the original "Stonehenge" predating the one in Europe by thousands of years. You see the same megalithic structures through "Sub Saharan Africa" to this date. The one below it is from Kenya. The Africans are clearly the only ones with this knowledge as they are the only living populations still making it practical.


Anthropological data shows that these people who created these structures were clearly black Africans.

In the Egyptian Western Desert, the beginnings of human occupation date as early as ca. 9300 BC. Occupation continued until the middle of the third millennium BC when final desertification of the area no longer afforded human occupation. One of the areas occupied intensively during the early and middle Holocene was Gebel Ramlah. Some groups (using cemeteries E-01-2, E-03-1, E-03-2, and E-09-4) show some affiliation with sub-Saharan Africans, readable in the pottery assemblage and other grave goods, as well as some morphological features (Irish 2010; Kobusiewicz and Kabaciski 2010; Czekaj-Zastawny and Kabaciski 2015)... qualitatively, there are no obvious differences among all populations from Gebel Ramlah at the beginning of the Final Neolithic. Thus, the two groups, culturally different, were likely not much different biologically, possibly deriving from the same region of Africa. "

--~Czekaj-Zastawny et al 2018. Gebel Ramlah—a Unique Newborns’ Cemetery of the Neolithic Sahara. African Archaeological Review volume 35, pages 393–405
When the fertile Sahara period ended and the region returned to desert some of the Niger-Congo speakers would migrate into West Africa (Mande speakers), but most would immediately head east onto the the Hapi River Valley, establishing the oldest known monarchy in Nubia-Ta-Seti, and points onward into the Levant, Europe, Asia and America.


This map depicts some of the migration sequences from the Sahara, Ta-Seti and Kemet into the Levant, Europe and South and East Asia.


The Phantom African Population - Dravidian/Tamil Factor
Their African Origins

As the ancient Sahara began to dry most of the migrants from the region would migrate back onto Hapi Valley to establish dynastic Ta-Seti (Nubia) the World's first "recorded" monarchy, and it is postulated to date back as far as 5,900 B.C.E. according to archaeologist Boyce Rensberger. From the second stop of Nubia along the Hapi river the ancient Kushytes migrated into the fertile crescent, the adjacent Arabian Peninsula and points eastward. Africans migrating from this region are responsible for the spreading of this indigenous African cultures to establish "civilizations" as defined in the traditional sense throughout Africa, "Hindu Kush" and the World. The Greek historian Herodotus and later Historians have verified that there were two sets of "Aethiopians" those in Africa and those and Asia. The Dravidians of India originated in Africa with the rest of the Africoid "races", and were apart of this migration as well.
In modern geography the name Ethiopia is confined to the country known as Abyssinia, an extensive territory in East Africa. In ancient times Ethiopia extended over vast domains in both Africa and Asia."
“It seems certain,” declares Sir E. A. Wallis Budge, “that classical historians and geographers called the whole region from India to Egypt, both countries inclusive, by the name of Ethiopia, and in consequence they regarded all the dark-skinned and black peoples who inhabited it as Ethiopians. Mention is made of Eastern and Western Ethiopians and it is probable that the Easterners were Asiatics and the Westerners Africans. (History of Ethiopia, Vol. I., Preface, by Sir E. A. Wallis Budge.)
There are a plethora of evidence shown with linguistic and cultural exchange between these various Africoid groups with the Dravidians (also Africoid) supporting this interaction in their African Sahara and on the Hapi Valley prior to the migrations across Asia all the way to China.


Further proof of the Tamil's origins and interactions in Africa comes through the language. Much like the map above showing the origin and east-west bi-directional migration of millets in the ancient Sahara, which brought the millets to West Africa and into the Near East, the Tamil language is spoken not only in India, but also in what is now Cameroon in West Africa.

The Earliest Migrations from Africa Were Retraced By These Later Saharan Migrants


The Twa followed by proto-aboriginal Australian were the first people to migrate out of Africa into these locations in the maps above (also into northern Asia establishing the Ainu cultures of proto Japan). This initial migration from Africa placed them throughout Asia, and the Americas (where the so called "good hair" seen in us - via our "Native American ancestry" really comes from).
The Reason Why White Supremacist Need to Keep Their Mouth's Closed In These Discussions

On the map below if you also notice the dates (while inaccurate for Kemet) all state that these civilizations are older than 2,000 B.C.E. Notice that Ta-Seti/ancient Nubia is no where on this map below given to our children in school to learn their "HIS-story (because universal thought comes from our consciousness, which is why "My-stery" has the meaning that it does).​



The notation of 2,000 B.C.E. is to quell the ill informed notions of white supremacy that are rampant throughout Western society, as it is around this date that the first non melaninated people were first recorded in history. It is very much important to know that whites were still in the caves of the Caucus during the dawn of civilization, and thus their presence had no bearing on the creation of civilizations throughout the Earth. All of these civilizations were created by melaninated people's who came from Africa.​

The Niger-Congo Bassa of Cameroon (not Liberia!) and Tamil are basically IDENTICAL but for pronunciation according to this Tamil.

But he speaks like a Euro declaring its based on Tamil when its obviously the other way round!

Edit: yes, I'm AWARE the vid isn't a school quality confirmation of Afro Tamil linguistic affinities but still....
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Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
Notice that Ta-Seti/ancient Nubia is no where on this map below given to our children in school to learn their "HIS-story (because universal thought comes from our consciousness, which is why "My-stery" has the meaning that it does).

I'm :patrice: on the etymology. But that's still a :ohhh:, :banderas: bar.


May 20, 2013
Cushytic Speaking Africans
The lighter skinned Habesha (Semitic) populations who reentered Africa via the Arabian Peninsula have nothing to do with Ancient Kemet. Semitic Africans rather, were the ones who took over the Axumite empire from the Bantus, which eventually destroyed Kush. It is the dark skinned Oromo (evident by their name having translative meaning in Medu Neter like the Niger-Congo speakers shown above) and Somali populations who have integral relations with ancient Kemet.


Oromo is derived from 'orma' - person to 'oromo' - people in the Oromo language
Orma ; Oromo - the name of a god



Dhaanto Dance



Modern Beja - Medjay Nubians





Migration from Kemet of Cushytic Africans into Saharan and "Sub Saharan" East Africa.

The map below details the Cushytic Y-DNA (paternal) M-215's initial migration from Punt (Ethiopia-Eritrea) north into Kemet and it's descendants (V-12 and V-32) later leaving Kemet. This is showing the back migration of these Cushytic/Hamitic Africans who left Kemet and also migrated further south into the eastern parts of Sub Saharan Africa such as Somalia and Oromia, Ethiopia (V32). In modern day northern Sudan-southern "Egypt" V-12 signals these Cushytic people as descendants of Kemet.​



The African groups above are remnants of those Cushytic Kemites who migrated from these civilizations with the Anu/Bantu from the constant threat of war along the Mediterranean with the chaotic Tamahu who were using their newly obtained knowledge from blacks of civilization, bathing, speech and what not to put our once peaceful advanced existence into a war state.
Amélineau adds,

"These Mesnitu had overthrown the original ruling ethnic/class, the Anu (those belonging to Osiris's ethnic group; and yes, Osiris was a real life personage), who had previously established its domination over all of Kemet through military conquest and political unification. Their place of origin was also "Ta Seti" ('Land of the Bow') in the Sudan."

From the Kememu:

Anu the city of Heliopolis (Coptic; On)

Anu Meh Anu of the north (Heliopolis)

Anu Shemo Anu of the south (Hermonthis/Ermant)

Anu Monti Anu of Hermonthis

Anu Tem the Anu of Tem (Hermonthis)

Anu Re the Anu of Re

Afdu Ikhu the Four Ancestors (of the Anu)

Ugrit Goddess of the Duat of Anu

Djandjané Anu the Anu Court of Judges: Tem; Shu; Tefnut; Osiris; Thoth

Anu n Ptoh the Anu of Ptah (Denderah)

Anu n Nut the Anu of Nut (Denderah)

The domination of the Bantu Africans in Kemet along their initial northwad expansion from would explain why there is a massive Sphinx with a Bantu individual all the way in northern Kemet. The civilization of Kemet itself was a confederation of these distinct Africans (including the one below), but as shown by the findings of UNESCO the Bantoid element of the population was the largest in number. We find that the language of Kemet was interchangeable with the Bantu populations with the names of the long existed groups having a direct translation in the ancient Kemetic language. We find that in some Cushytic groups like the Oromo, but that is it. The bulk of Cushytic Africans were likely hinged along the Red sea as the linguistic evidence shows in the map above that they were almost exclusively found in the Eastern front of the Nubian & Kemetic desert. We find much evidence however that the Dravidian populations should be identified as the "Mediterranean" branch of the population as opposed to the Cushytic speakers who now dominate Northeastern Africa. The gracile features shown in some of the Kemites depictions most likely reflect those black Dravidian populations who have since left Africa and relocated into India. The Nilotic groups on the other hand shown in the last part of this section were a pivotal part of the society since it's inception as well despite being the smallest percent numerically of the African indigenous elements.​


Their occupation of the Hapi Valley and Eastern Africa had been continuous for over 30,000 years. The migration out of Africa that brought the Neolithic to other parts of the World is what is detailed in the map below. This particular migration included the "Bantu" and Cushytic populations ultimately from Punt as shown in the map below.​

Western scholars deny the truth however. What's interesting about the relationship between both the Bantu and the Mesnitu is that they are genetically brother populations with both respective branches of Y-DNA haplogroup E forming what is referred to as the PN2 clade.​

Basil Davidson on the people of the ancient Sahara

I heard a 3rd hand version of this story from an Ethio Jew. It seems some Kikuyus migrated from Axum in the 1200s ending up around Mt Kenya when JEWISH Queen Yudit invaded and destroyed the kingdom. Until very recently older Kikuyu followed Mosaic dietary laws. There was an earlier migration from Egypt around 1500 bc that sojourned in the same area. Do you have a timeframe?


May 20, 2013
Many of us are descended of Native Americans - Africans who had made this land home for millenniums before Columbus arrived or the first "slave" ships came across the Atlantic. Stop disrespecting the integrity of our elders and ancestors who insisted that we have "Native American in our family", by claiming that this statement is one of "self hate". If you understand that the Native American ancestry is an ancient or long standing African presence (which infused with some of the much more ancient American populations in most cases) then this should be respected as fact!







Dr. Clyde Winters (who is very accessible) has detailed the African origins of haplogroup R, and these early African native Americans are responsible for the haplogroup being found in what essentially makes us aboriginals to America with an African origin of course.​


Even among the Woke far too few are aware of this earth shaking reality. It forces obvious questions people don't want to ask let alone answer.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The Niger-Congo Bassa of Cameroon (not Liberia!) and Tamil are basically IDENTICAL but for pronunciation according to this Tamil.

But he speaks like a Euro declaring its based on Tamil when its obviously the other way round!

Edit: yes, I'm AWARE the vid isn't a school quality confirmation of Afro Tamil linguistic affinities but still....

Yes!! One thing that I notice about the Tamil/Indians is that they do acknowledge their African origins on a scholarly level as far back BB Laal, but they tend to make it from a perspective that they were the civilizers. That simply was not the case. They were an element in the civilization, but it had little to do with the overall progression of the aforementioned. The fact that whites go out of their way to disconnect the Tamil from Hapi/Nile Valley civilization when they clearly were there, makes it all the more tempting to piece this puzzle together. There was a full scale exodus of this type of African for some reason. I make my on conjectures as to that reason based on evidence from other scholars and philosophers (Bobby Hemmit). One of those conjectures is that these Indians as a whole were the original base of "Set Typhonian" cult that of course lead to civil war along the Hapi Valley.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I heard a 3rd hand version of this story from an Ethio Jew. It seems some Kikuyus migrated from Axum in the 1200s ending up around Mt Kenya when JEWISH Queen Yudit invaded and destroyed the kingdom. Until very recently older Kikuyu followed Mosaic dietary laws. There was an earlier migration from Egypt around 1500 bc that sojourned in the same area. Do you have a timeframe?

Yeah the "Destruction of Black Civilization" and several African ethnic based histories blames the destruction of Meroe on the Axumites, but the Axumite civilization appears to have been overran by a "mixed" population eventually to cause that conflict. A heard a Nilotic population who were also in Axum blame the destruction on this invading "Hamitic" element. The Nilotic version also details subsequent conflicts with some of the Bantus once the civilization crashed and everyone was scrambled and had to compete for the best lands along the Great Lakes.

To me though it kind of verifies that if they don't look like us then are going to be a problem!!


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Even among the Woke far too few are aware of this earth shaking reality. It forces obvious questions people don't want to ask let alone answer.

I have a theory (Tre's theory)..... that I am going to bring up in another thread soon when the ones that I have open die down. There is a HEAVY and UNKNOWN genetic correlation and disconnection among so called "African Americans" and some Niger-Congo populations who we are assumed to arise DIRECTLY from. When I presented this bold revelation on Egyptsearch the haters couldn't refute it. They could only complain about me again shifting the paradigm of African history. It's in a nutshell there is genetic evidence that links African Americans moreso to Bantu's in Southern Africa more than West African Niger-Congo populations. A;so the regions the adjacent Near East in Palestine/Isreal today was dominated by Kemites as well, and namely our population the Niger-Congo. We know however that eventually this Near Eastern region was overran by whites, who created a bunch mixed race folks there around the 2nd millennium BC (see Ricaut's study on page one of this thread). This eventually lead to the Hyskos invasion around 1,800 BC.......This caused great trouble for the black Kemites who dominated Northern Kemet and the Near East prior to this period. They were being subjugated and terrorized via the history in the North, while most of the black population remained in the South near the Nubian boarder unaffected at that time. This terrorism by the non blacks in the North triggered a migration into the Americas and parts of West Africa via Phoenician (who too were originally black) mariners.The first remnants of the Olmec civilization began around 1,800 BC, with indisputable cultural and biological relationships to ancient Kemet. That's how long I believe that our specific black people have been in the Americas (the Australoid Twa people like Luzia were in the America's prior to that, and that African Twa blood is why Mexicans are so damn short).

My conjecture based on this evidence is that "Disaspora" American blacks are based on the Bantu Branch of the Niger-Congo speaking family rather than the West African populations whom the Western media always attaches us to;



Now let's look at African American genetic breakdown

" The ancestry of African Americans is predominantly from Niger-Kordofanian (~71%), European (~13%), and other African (~8%) populations, although admixture levels varied considerably among individuals. "

The Genetic Structure and History of Africans and African Americans.
We see West Africans (Niger-Congo speakers specifically) are NOT lactose intolerant. We see Europeans are NOT lactose intolerant. If those two components make up over 80% of "African American" genetics.....Then how in the Hell can African Americans be "lactose INtolerant"...... Notice how Bantu's are lactose INtolerant as well. It's some funny shyt going on here man!!!!!!
I think that many West African populations had remained in Northern-Northeast Africa longer than the Bantu's. The societies that took shape in those regions unlike Southern Africa perhaps exposed them to lactate. I know that Nilotic populations drink milk heavily, but Niger-Congo speakers as a whole do not.
The people of Bukusu originally came from Kemet in canoes.
Possible migration routes of Bantu from Central Sudan


Original homeland of the Bantu up to 1500 A.D
Dark shading: Possible ultimate origin of the Bantu
Cross shading: Area of Bantu expansion into Kemet


Bantu Migration Routes from Cush and the Island of Meroe


Migration of the Bantu


Anyway here's a link to the argument

African Americans really predominantly of Bantu descent? | Egyptsearch Reloaded
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May 20, 2013
My own info has it the Sea Peoples/Philistines,Hyksos and Libyans at this stage were also Black. Do you have any craniometrics and/or dental forensics.


May 20, 2013
Sorry but must intervene! That's no Kongo ambassador. Look at the cross pattee,restricted to Euroyalty on the cap and the Teutonic Knight cross round his neck. For the original explanation:
The Lie of the Kongo Ambassador

I strongly suspect he's one of the Original Black Catholic Rulers.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
My own info has it the Sea Peoples/Philistines,

I've seen the argument on realhistoryww that claims that the Sea Peoples were black through some of their appearances on the murals in Kemet. C.A. Diop however argues that these Sea Peoples were nothing more than savages. They literally destroyed an entire phase of civilization along the Mediterranean upon their interaction with it. Diop states that those white savages were halted however by the black Ramses III, and DNA verified that this pharohs that he ascertained was black actually was, and E1b1a even.


The Sea Peoples migration was the event that brought those "North-Central" European biological affinities onto the black African populations of the Levant and Southern Europe during the 2nd millennium. Semiticizing the population of the Mediterranean.

They were a mixed group. Kushytes formed the basis of their population. Some have postulated that they are the descendants of the Set worshipers who were exiled by Narmer.

and Libyans at this stage were also Black

Agreed! Libya was all black until the Sea Peoples settled there after their failed attempt to attack Kemet from the West. The "black mummy" that is considered the oldest example of mummification was found in pre-dynastic Libya.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Sorry but must intervene! That's no Kongo ambassador. Look at the cross pattee,restricted to Euroyalty on the cap and the Teutonic Knight cross round his neck. For the original explanation:
The Lie of the Kongo Ambassador

I strongly suspect he's one of the Original Black Catholic Rulers.

You doubt that the boy in the picture is a Congolese national all together?