"Basal Eurasian" Deception and It's African Origins
"The Genomic Piltdown man" - Dr. Clye Winters
In modern genetics (which is still a new field of research full of kinks and pressure from social - political manipulation) an attempt to try to lessen the blow of the known fact of an all melaninated ancient World, Western scholars have created a term "Basal Eurasian". According to Western scholars these people were depigmented
non Indo-European people (which is ironic when we consider the fact that Indo-Europeans and their branches are the only recorded non melaninated people in existence) roaming "Eurasia"
prior to the Indo European migration from the Caucus after 2,000 B.C. (Oh and white people
HATE when this fact of their habitation and exodus from the caves is insisted upon in these discussions). Basal Eurasian DNA is essentially the DNA that Africans carried out of Africa during various periods and settled into all parts of Eurasia with, which was subsequently absorbed by the pure Caucasians populations turning them into
semitic (semi recessive semi melaninated) populations of that region today. The Semitic populations today affected by white supremacy often wish to denounce the Africoid element of their fixed mulatto races, so they like to pretend that their mixture is an element in of itself. They denounce the original waves of settlement of the region by African migrants. Non melaninated people lie so much, that they will discount the only valid evidence to determine what a person or population looked like (physical anthropology), to make the Natufians (the same ones who were "clearly Negroid" from the findings above) look like them, because they took over the area.
Niger-Congo Languages at the Root of "Indo-European" Languages
The people who are considered "Caucasian" did not have a language, culture, and certainly not a civilization in the mountain range territory that they inhabited for thousands of years. As they were released from the caves those recessive hoards swallowed the smaller melaninated peoples who originally inhabited Eurasia (both Hunters and Gather populations and the Neolithic farmers) and absorbed their cultures, languages and technological innovations. The languages of those Neolithic populations of the Levant who made their way up to Europe was Niger-Congo. This has been confirmed by the fact that the Minoans were found to have spoken an Niger-Congo language. The video below (around 25:40 mark) discusess the various linguist who link Semitic and Indo-European to African origins;
GJK Campbell-Dunn -
All of which is cosigned by more recent studies such as the one released by Ricaut in 2008. Podcasters such as Joe Rogan often feature guest who speculate on the wave of high civilization that the World was on prior to 10,000 BC. These people often play the game demonstrated above of pretending the the people whom inhabited "Eurasia", and particularly Western Asia and Europe during these Mesolithic and Neolithic periods were "Indo-European" Caucasians. These people are amazing because they can go into great detail of these ancient sites, but act completely obvious to what consistent bio-cultural evidence has proven with regards to who these ancient "Eurasians" were.
Peer Reviewed Genetic Evidence Confirms the African Origins of the Natufians and the Migration into Europe
Cont. details the introduction of the nomadic Caucasoid population into the civilized melainated World
--F. X. Ricaut, M. Waelkens. (2008). Cranial Discrete Traits in a Byzantine Population and Eastern Mediterranean Population Movements Human Biology. 80:5, pp. 535-564 :
It is these findings of a chain of migrations that brought "Sub Saharan African biological affinities" associated with the Neolithic into the Near East, Europe and Asia that modern scientist confirm the racial identity via artistic reconstruction of those selected individual skeletal remains dating to these periods in Europe. i.e. Cheddar Man
The builders of Stonehenge
Recent DNA analysis also find "designated" African DNA markers throughout Natufian samples
The African Origins of Cattle Domestication is another pivotal piece of evidence to this equation;
The Language Factor - Controlling the Narrative
According to Dr. Clyde Winters the Ancient Kemetic Language was
Lingua Fraca that worked as a
bridge of communication between the various
distinct languages spoken by the melaninated African who inhabited the civilization. Western scholars have
lied about the ancient Kemetic language being apart of a made up language family that Western scholars call "Afro-Asiatic".
Language has been a major factor in identifying different population origins and interactions. The lies and myths surrounding the languages spoken by ancient peoples has been a crux for white supremacist notions following an "orthodox historical" approach. The lie that Niger-Congo speakers did not have involvement in Northeast Africa after the end of the Ice Age (12,000 BC) is essential to their attempts to write us out of history. In the graphic below the African language families are grouped differently by three linguist including Theophile Obenga. Obenga dismantled the Western lead notion that Niger-Congo languages are not closely related to "ancient Egyptian" (and other so called "Afro-Asiatic languages) as well as Nilo-Saharan languages. Obenga has contributed painstaking research over the past four decades has been crux to the narrative of this post by proving conclusively that Niger-Congo (with a focus on Bantu) along with the other mentioned languages originated and co-mingled in Northeastern Africa along the Hapi Valley and Saharan region before dispersing to their contemporary locations, and he calls this language family "Negro-Egyptian".
The ideological aspect (essentially white Egypt) of an
Afro-Asiatic language family is what keeps it alive in Western academia.
The reason why the Afro-Asiatic language is a false narrative is because, the Afro-Asiatic language has never been reconstructed as Obenga has pointed out.
Here excerpt from Language Classification: History and Method (2008) by Campbell and Poser:
The Creation and Promotion of the False "Afro-Asiatic" Language & The White Liberal Deception
There no mistaking the fact that this entire concept of the Afro-Asiatic language family is nothing more than a revamped PC 21st century version of the
Hamitic Hypothesis or Hamitic-Semitic languages. In the picture below is an untrue statement regarding Niger-Congo and other African language groupings by UCLA'S Christopher Ehret. Christopher Ehret is a deceptive "
white liberal" who likes to team up with "pro black" scholars who are also under the thumb of white supremacy (since they employ them and fund or not fund their research), to promote covert white supremacy. Christopher Ehret specializes in
promoting the existence of this
fake language family, which means that he specializes in the denial of the relationship between Niger-Congo speakers to ancient Northern and Eastern Africa. Interesting Ehret was initially promoted by the Western establishment to refute Theophile Obenga's stance relating ancient Kemetic to Niger-Congo languages, but he ended up agreeing with Obenga on the validity on "Negro-Egyptian".
Below is a piece that he wrote in which he acknowledges the undeniable fact that Niger-Congo originated in Northeast Africa (Nubia) due to the fact that it is the sibling of Cushytic languages (which he considers "Afro-Asiatic") which is undeniably East African in origin, but attributes the absence of Niger-Congo in the region's history to do an undisclosed yet
major migration from Nubia into West Africa.
Christopher Ehret in the video below is spewing the common lies on the subject under the guise of a white liberal ally. He starts off the lecture at the 21 minute mark by rebuking the obvious flaws of the study by
Schuenemann in 2017 that proclaimed the ancient Egyptians were Neolithic Turkish migrants. A weak minded Negro would be so happy that that that "good white man" is rebuking that bullshat racist study, that they would allow that "good white man" to mozzy on in with his
equally anti black African fables that again remove our people from ancient Kemet. His lies are nothing more than the debunked narrative of the origins and migration of Afro-Asiatic Cushytic East Africans.
One major fact that falsifies the notion of Africans inhabiting and spreading from what is now Cameroon is the glaring fact that
Tropical West Africa was uninhabitable swamp land until the 2nd millennium BC per McIntosh & McIntosh 1981 ,1986. In Ehret's passage above he cites no evidence whatsoever to support this fictional migration of Niger-Congo speakers from Eastern Africa into Sub Saharan West Africa during the 12,000 BC period at the end of the Ice Age. The passage by Ehret also completely disregards the genesis of civilization resulting from our northward migration from the East African Nubian origin (that they even acknowledge indirectly) of our people up into Kemet.