Ancient Kemet was a Bantu Civilization/NIle Valley Origins of all World Civilizations


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The Breakdown of Kemet
Following the invasion of the Hyksos, ancient Kemites said no to further invasions by creating it's first standing army. This army seeing the growing threat of these Asiatic, made a preemptive strike at imperialism. The domineering Imperialist legacy of ancient Kemet's rulers is on that the West has sought to replicate since they've first heard of them. The foot remained on the neck of these Asiatic until one pharaoh with a distinct "religious" view disbanded the army during his reign. This single action emboldened a generation of former Asiatic subjects to build their army to become a viable force for later pharaohs to contend with. Kemet's dominance held until after the reign of Ramses III.

Ramses II -Battle of Kadesh

Ramses II


Ramses II - Sea Peoples - via Libya

Thutmoses - Battle of Megiddo

King Tutankhamen - Assyrians



Kemet's Last Great Pharaoh

Ramses III was the last pharaoh of Kemet to have unwavering authority over both northern and southern Kemet. No natives thought to challenge his rule, and as such black unification was in place in the face of foreign danger. Below is an exert from the divine book by Cheikh Anta Diop African Origins of Civilization that details the major Battle between Ramses III's all black army and the white boys under the guise of the "Sea Peoples". Let's also note that Diop made a special acknowledgement of Ramses III's Blackness which has been verified with modern aDNA.

"This lasted until Setnekht created the Twentieth Dynasty (1200). After he had reigned for two years, his son, Ramses III, succeeded him under extremely difficult conditions. He had to face a new invasion of "sea peoples," by land and sea, especially by the Palestinian Philistines...... The most formidable coalition ever witnessed during Antiquity was formed against the Egyptians. It comprised the whole group of white-skinned peoples who had been unstable since the first migrations in the thirteenth century; . . . .. . Thanks to superior organization, the Egyptian armed forces scored a dual victory, on land and sea, over that second alliance. The fleet of the "Peoples of the North" was entirely destroyed and the invasion route through the Delta was cut. At the same time a third coalition of the same white-skinned Indo-Aryans was being assembled, again in Libya, against the Black Egyptian nation.


Yet, this was not a racial conflict in the modern sense. To be sure, the two hostile groups were fully conscious of their ethnic and racial differences, but it was much more a question of the great movement of disinherited peoples of the north toward richer and more advanced countries. Ramses III demolished that third coalition as he had destroyed the first two. ...... Such was invariably the procedure for acclimating white-skinned persons in Egypt, a process that became especially widespread during the low period. By bearing this in mind, we may avoid attributing a purely imaginary role to people who contributed absolutely nothing to Egyptian civilization. Ramses III then carried his defense to Phoenicia (Djahi, in Ancient Egyptian9), on the northern frontier of the Egyptian Empire. He took personal command of the fleet and, near the Palestinian coast, he annihilated the fourth coalition in 1191 B.C.E


This disaster was unprecedented; the enemy fleet was totally destroyed to prevent its escape. A new slave labor force was now available. But he could not import an entire people into Egypt. So he settled them on the very land where they had been defeated. This was the origin of the Philistines. The "sea peoples" were definitely demoralized after that setback. Yet, we can understand, after all those upheavals, to what extent the ancient ethnic groups must have been disrupted all around the Mediterranean, except for Egypt which alone had been able to repulse the Indo-Aryan invasion. Meanwhile, the Libyans in the western part of the Delta, were organizing still another coalition, the fifth directed against the Black Egyptian nation by the Indo-Europeans. Ramses III defeated them at Memphis in 1188 B.C.E After that date the White Libyans never again revolted against Egypt, but they tried by every possible means to infiltrate peacefully and to settle there as serfs or semi-serfs, working at various kinds of manual labor, as farmers or artisans, especially in the Delta.

These people, whose alien slave origin was obvious, would gradually be freed by Egyptian law. Later, some would become notables as a reward for "loyal" services to the Egyptian ruler. Yet, their slave origin would never be forgotten by the true Egyptian national, even when they took advantage of troubled periods to exercise control of a given district in the Delta where military command had been entrusted to them by the Pharaoh. We shall see how these foreign elements, who felt no real sentimental attachment to Egyptian soil, were to undermine political mores beginning with Psammetichus. To protect the country against invasion, Ramses III had to resort to conscription, drafting one Egyptian national out of ten (cf. Pirenne, II, 476). Because of their immunity, we do not know whether this measure was applicable to the temple properties. Since Ramses II, Libyans and other White foreigners who were recruited into the auxiliary armed services had farmed land belonging to the royal domain, of which the well-informed Egyptian administration kept a strict accounting. To prevent their flight in troubled periods, Ramses III had them all branded with the seal of the local administration. This old Egyptian practice leaves no doubt about their slave status, whether they were farmers in peacetime or enrolled in the auxiliary forces in time of war. Authors often misuse the term "mercenaries" to designate those who were, in fact, slaves bearing the indelible mark of their royal master. . . . The Egyptian army was losing its nationality. It was rapidly becoming a force of free mercenaries or semi-slaves commanded by national officers; only the high command and a few detachments of archers remained Egyptian (cf. Pirenne, II, 477). This procedure reached its climax under the Libyan usurpers of the Twenty-sixth Dynasty, more precisely, under Psammetichus."

-The African Origins of Civilization -Cheikh Anta Diop
It is also apparent that Caucasians saw it as better to live in our African system among our people that they were willing first to get killed in battle trying to gain entrance, and then rather than going back to their all white Utopia they actually offered to relegate themselves to a low social status just to live among us. According to the actions of Caucasians it was better for whites to live at our feet than it is for them to stand on their own. For these reasons I ignore their current proclamations of supremacy!

Since 1765 B.C.E. a constant state of war had suddenly began to characterize civilizations throughout Eurasia, and eventually reaching Northern Africa.

Dr. Chancellor William's makes it clear that the overtrustng of people who are not our own has lead to the downfall of our people.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The Nubian Based 25th Dynasty


The United African Fronts last far reaching dominion & inner African reasserted culture on an amalgamated Kemet

They did this "for the culture"


Kemet and Nubia has many back and fourth battles throughout Kemet's history. Nubia even defeated Kemet early in Kemet's history. None the less after the Hyksos occupation the New Kingdom brought about a time of Kemet going on a conquering spree, and that included Nubia. This period of Kemet ruling Nubia created a common culture between the two that would result in a reestablished bond.

Ending the Third
Intermediate period in ancient Kemet following the Libyan Dynasties, Nubian pharaoh Piye conquered a divided Kemet in 747 B.C., and his Nubian dominance was reinforced by his successor Shabaka and later his successor Shebitku in face of Assyrian threats against control of Kemet. The pharaoh Taharqa followed Shebitku in reign, and lead this 25th dynasty to initial victory against the Assyrians. This repelled them from Kemet and from neighboring Jerusalem (thus saving the "Hebrews" from destruction which is a historical event noted in the bible) thus maintaining a brief period of peace in in the region on top of his 15 year reign. He restored many temples, and reinstated the old ways in ancient Kemet. The map above fails to show what was the greatest territorial extent of Taharqa's Kingdom at the height of the Dynasty. The limit went as far as modern day Spain where ancient inscriptions clearly relay Taharqa's dominion over the land.

As stated the Assyrians lead by king Esarhaddon (black) made an unsuccessful attempt to enter Kemet before successfully doing so with the treacherous (they let them sweep right into Delta) acts of the mixed blood native born kings of the North (who began to dominate this region towards the later dynasties). It is with the defeat of Taharqa (25th Dynasty Nubian pharaoh of Kemet) that northern Kemet was taken over by the Assyrians (originally were also black). Though Southern Kemet was thoroughly held in African grip.
Taharqa (named as a powerful King in the Bible).

After Taharqa's death two years after his defeat a new coalition of our people was formed under Shabaka's son pharaoh Tanutamon that repelled the Assyrian control of the north, and made the treasonous kings of northern Kemet humbly surrender their support for Assyria. The Assyrians retaliated and advanced south and sacked Thebes. This event begins the Late Period of Kemetic history, and this is also the 26th Dynasty.

It was during this 26th Dynasty period from Upper Kemet and Kush that most of our ancestors eventually migrated into their contemporary locations in Western, Central and Southern Africa. Herodotus also confirms that a 250,000 strong southward migration of Kemetic soldiers occurred around the 7th and 6th century B.C.E. as a result of Assyrian appointed ruler of the Kemet, Psamtik I making the mixed race Greek mercenaries (paid to kill) the new defense for a weakened Kemet. Herodotus's account coincides with what is actually recorded in ancient Kemet. Those native Kemites in the army were distraught over the preferential treatment that the Greek soldiers appeared to have got, which caused rebellions, and perpetuated the southward migrations of our people from Kemet as described by Herodotus.

At the time Assyria was rife with civil war that preoccupied it's army, and this allowed Psamtik I to wave off Assyrian authority with the newly formed alliance with the Greek mercenaries as he planned. After the collapse of the Assyrian empire and it's control over Kemet Psamtik II extended Kemetic control into neighboring Nubia again.

The next pharaoh was Apries (Wahibre), who like and unlike Taharqa attempted to defend Jerusalem from the Babylonians and was unsuccessful in doing so. Apries like Psamtik I also promoted the use of Greek mercenaries in Kemet's army. In defending a following attack on neighboring vassal Libya, by Dorian Greeks, Kemet's army was defeated. This lead to native Kemites to distrust in Apries, because they believed that Apries plotted to lose as a way to reaffirm Greek mercenaries a prominent place in Kemet's army. As a result civil war broke out between the native Kemites and the mixed race Greek mercenaries. This lead to a rebellion in Thebes in which native Kemite soldiers declared one of Apries generals "Amasis" the pharaoh. With the support of the native Kemite army Ahmose II (Amasis was his imposed Greek name) took the throne, which lead to several attacks in which Apries gathered foreign armies (Babylon) to reassert his power. With the contentious aid of Greek mercenaries Ahmose II defeated Apries for control of the North, while Apries held the middle region of Kemet. He attacked once again and was defeated and killed by Ahmose II (buried with honors). Ahmoses II then had control of all of Kemet.
Battle of Pelusium -
Persian Invasion & End of Kemet

525. BC


The continuous threat from the rising also mixed race Persia meant that an extended alliance with the Greeks for the battle wary Kemet was necessary to maintain to keep it's sovereignty under Ahmoses II until his death in 526 B.C.E. Psamtik III the son of Ahmose II reigned for 6 months after Ahmose II's death before the Persians overcame the "alliance" (largely due to the treacherous Greeks mercenaries recanting their alliance with Kemet before the battle) and ushered in Persian control.​

Divide and conquer - A "Egyptian" servant of the Psamtik III was sent to Persia where he angrily told the Persians a secret regarding the Kemetic military that proved to have been effective in battle. Here is what Herodotus stated regarding the battle that took Kemet.

"Polyaenus (Greek) claims that Cambyses (Persian King) had his men carry the "sacred" animals (cats) in front of them to the attack. The Egyptians did not dare to shoot their arrows for fear of wounding the animals, and so Pelusium was stormed successfully. Herodotus, however makes no mention of any such strategy."
Kemet eventually wrestled away from Persian control in 404 B.C.E during the 30th Dynasty. The last native Kemetic pharaoh was Nectanebo II, in which Kemet prospered under. Following yet another alliance of Greece and Persia who again attacked and defeated the threat of a rising Kemet. The Greeks (our one time allies) who came in next under Alexander, and renamed Kemet "Egypt". The Greeks who were aware of the debt of that their own knowledge had great respect towards the "Kemites" and the traditions. The Romans would come in after that. Then the spread of Islam would bring in the Arabs.
Meroe - The Kush Phase
6th century BC - 4th century AD





While the Africans who remained in Upper Kemet struggled to oust the Assyrians the wealthy nation of Kush just further to the south was never invaded by these Asiatic powers. Remember that while Kush did lose the gained territory of Kemet to the Assyrians, Kemet was simply their colony at the time not their home base. The Assyrians did not dare try to invade the home base as they loosely had control of the rebellious Kemites in the south on the Nubian border as it stood. The Assyrian invaders as mentioned were eventually ousted by the native Kemites. Then in comes the Persians. After their cowardly tactics of strapping the sacred cats to their soldiers chest the Persians charged in at the battle of Pelusium. This act got them into Kemet during 525 BC. Herodotus reports however that the Persian ruler Cambyses attempted to take over Kush after sacking Thebes in southern Kemet. He sent two campaigns heading into Nubia. One was stated to have succumb to inadequate preparation for the voyage, and coupled with the response of a counter Nubian campaign forced them to redraw back into Kemet. The other came by way of the Kemetic Western Desert comprised of over 50,000 soldiers. This second group was Cambyses so-called "Lost Army" that was supposedly lost in a "sandstorm" that consumed them, but in reality the Nubians who they came for tapped that ass.

After defeating the Persians, the Greek ruler Alexander felt compelled to test his luck by following the real Kemetic populations of southern Kemet in the new African stronghold of Meroe further up in Nubia where the gold, sacred ostrich feathers, frankincense and myrrh was. The story that is never told however is that the Queen of Kush at the time was awaiting Alexander perched on top of a Nubian war elephant, and backed by a ready Kushyte army. Alexander did not want that action, so he peacefully took his pale azz back to what had become the Greek Provence of "Egypt". The Romans would later attempt to do the exact same thing after they had taken over the old Greek territories including "Egypt". The Romans were defeated in battle against a female lead Kushyte army. The Nubians even enticed war with the Romans by going into Thebes and decapitating the Roman Emperors statue. The success of the Nubians in defeating the Roman army is seen in the fact that Nubia never paid tribute to Rome, unlike other nation who has gone against Rome. Western scholars will rarely call it for what it was.

Meroetic Kushyte empire remained in tact for over a millennium, but due to pressures from another African civilization Axum caused the Kushyte kingdom to eventually collapsed. The Axumite civilization according to some Nilotes and Bantu (as noted by the very Kemetic obelisk which is it's only viable relic to this date) were overtaken by Amharic Ethiopians. The success of the Axumite empire brought a rise of Christianity into the region. Around the 7th century A.D. however Muslims attempted on two occasions to invade Nubia by way of "Roman - Egypt", but both attempts were, thwarted. The accuracy of the Kushyte's archer's was recorded to have left many Arabs blind with the arrows being aimed at their eyes. Through treaty offered by the pesky Arabs they were allowed to trade in Nubian territory on their third attempt, which was peaceful. Slavery was a factor in the treaty to end the pesky Arabs attempts to take over Nubian land. This Arab treaty pitted Africans against Africans subsequently. Once the Arabs were in the land they have brought over a millennium of barbarous slavery and abuse of the descendants of the "friendly African" who let those whom initially let their ill intentions known.
Lesson here is value the divinity of the Melanin that's inside of you!​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Destruction of Meroe
Continuous migrations and Resettlement into "Sub Saharan Africa" of the Niger-Congo and other Africans

In the attempt to deny the Bantu's involvement in the acquisition of civilization in antiquity, and namely in ancient Northeast Africa a narrative of having lived in "Sub Saharan Africa" for time immemorial has been produced. Western academia is in a codified lie to that many if not most Africans in "Sub Saharan Africa" are there resulting from events following the collapse of various advanced civilization. These events triggered the constant migrations from the Northeast African homeland into interior regions of Africa including Southern, Western, East and Central Africa. As displayed in the early part of the previous section, the denial of our earlier genesis in Northeastern Africa is the weapon used by Western scholars to prop up their false narrative of our-story. This truth is further obscured by the naming convenience based on contemporary locations of Africans. Hence the term "West African", implies that people in West Africa today have always been there, and should only look into that region in search of our ancient story.

Origin of the Bantu;


Migration from the Northeast Africa in the 6th century B.C.E.


Below is a crudely drawn map that to me is significant in the detail of the migratory patterns leaving ancient Kemet/Nubia. These migratory patterns are very important to know to understand our peoples true story.

What have we established since 500 BC?


There were many other civilizations that had been established since our migration from the Nile Valley civilization around the 6th century B.C.E. The first civilization to be noted to have arisen around this period was the Nok empire in modern day Nigeria. Though the empire is dated to around the mid 2nd millennium BC, it took off technology after the 6th millennium BC with the contributions of those who had recently migrated into the region via Nubia-Kemet.

Nok Civilization
(The First Civilization in the "Sub Saharan" genesis of our people)

2,000/1,500 BC - 500 AD



"The Nok culture of northern Nigeria, a civilization that existed from approximately 500 B.C.E to about 500 C.E., is principally known for its terracotta figures. Relatively little is known about the purpose of these figures or the civilization that created such extraordinary sculptural representations of its people...This work depicts a person of high status wearing elaborate beaded jewelry, and with a crooked baton on his right arm and a hinged flail on the left. These are symbols of authority also found in ancient Egyptian depictions of the Pharaohs and the god Osiris.


note the crock attached to the Nok's "Seated Dignitary's arm


Ausar's Crock and Flail

The Nok culture existed during the late Pharonic period and intra-African trading could have spread Kemetic influences
" - Met Museum



Agriculture Diffused from Nile Valley Civilization into West Africa - Nok civilization; which is additional proof of migrations into interior Africa

Iron Production Diffused from the Hapi Valley into Interior Africa

Smelted iron was found near the pyramids implying that it was around during the so called "pyramid age", but the white scholars claimed that it had simply fallen into the cracks. They claimed that Asiatic invaders brought iron into Kemet thousands of years later. Dr Ivan Van Sertima details C.A. Diop's noting of this fabrication. Steel was being produced by Africans for around 2,000 years as well (22 min mark).

The production of iron was also a huge technological trait created in Africa;(Oboui is the oldest known production found in what is now the Central Republic of Africa) that characterized Hapi Valley civilization (particularly the later Kush), and the spreading of Niger-Congo speakers. It was around this same time as the Nubian capital city Napata was switch to Meroe that a large migration from Kemet into various regions of Sub Saharan Africa occurred, which was around the 6th century B.C.E. This was also around the time that iron smelting first entered West Africa (Nok civilization and a Cameroonian site slightly south of it). All of our people did not leave the Hapi Valley during the 6th century B.C.E.. Some remained in Mereo until it was conquered by Axumite Empire. A few nation states like the Wolof of Senegal left Egypt at much later dates, such as when the Arabs invaded in 639 C.E.

The Nok empire was founded around 2,000 and 1,500 BCE. The appearance of this civilization's foundation prior to the 6th century BCE is likely due to earlier migrations from the Hapi Valley triggered Hyksos invasion of Norther Kemet and it's Eastern satellite. The disappearance of the "Negroid" element of the ancient Egyptian Late Period population;
"Nutter (1958) noted affinities between the Badarian and Naqada samples, a feature that Strouhal (1971) attributed to their skulls possessing “Negroid” traits. Keita (1992), using craniometrics, discovered that the Badarian series is distinctly different from the later Egyptian series, a conclusion that is mostly confirmed here. In the current analysis, the Badari sample more closely clusters with the Naqada sample and the Kerma sample. However, it also groups with the later pooled sample from Dynasties XVIII–XXV. -- Godde K. (2009) An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development? Homo. 2009;60(5):389-404."

is explained by the emergence of that same "Negroid" element in South, Central and West Africa. The Nigerian Nok civilization springs up during that time. The introduction of iron which was Hapi Valley technology was seen in the Nok empire during 6th century BCE.
The Akan







"Oral traditions of the ruling Abrade (Aduana) Clan state that Akans originated from ancient Ghana. The Akan people migrated from the north through Egypt and settled in Nubia (Sudan). Around 500 AD (5th century), due to the pressure exerted on Nubia by the Axumite kingdom of Ethiopia, Nubia was scattered and the Akan people moved west and established small trading kingdoms. These kingdoms grew and around 750 AD the Ghana Empire was formed. The Empire lasted from 750 AD to 1200 AD and collapsed as a result of the introduction of Islam in Western Sudan, due to the zeal of the Muslims to impose their religion, their ancestors eventually left for Kong (i.e. present-day Ivory Coast). From Kong, they moved to Wam and then to Dormaa (both located in present-day Brong-Ahafo region). The movement from Kong was necessitated by the desire of the people to find suitable savannah conditions since they were not used to forest life. Around the 14th century, they moved from Dormaa South Eastwards to Twifo-Heman North West Cape Coast. This move was commercially motivated."

Here are more sources supporting what has been written about the Akan's Hapi Valley Origins.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Some random cultural comparison between Bantu and ancient Kemet

Leopard skin worn by priest and for ceremonial purposes throughout Southern African Bantu's




Top image shows the Fon art on the left hand side, which is reminiscent in its theme, of the ancient Egyptian wall relief of Rameses smiting an enemy on the right hand side. Bottom image shows another example of parallels between west Sahelian/Sub-Saharan art [likely Benin carving] — sporting the head of some carnivorous creature [likely a feline of some sort] on the left hand side, and two ancient Egyptian figurines — one sporting a falcon head, and the other, a feline; what stands out here, is the remarkably similar standing postures, particularly what they are doing with their arms and hands.




In Togo, Benin and Nigeria, the Kutito (among Gbe speaking people) and Egungun (among Yoruba speaking people) are masked dancing ancestors returning to earth to help and punish living people. Jean Charles Coovi Gomez pointed out that this ceremony was exactly the same as what we know of Kemetic "raising the Djed Pillar Ceremony".Egungun ,the Yoruba name of the ceremony means "bone, skeleton". In Kmt, the Djed pillar was considered as the backbone of the neter Ausar. There is ample evidence for mummification in traditional Africa. Félix Dubois reported it among Songhoi people, M.Delafosse among Baule(Akan) people of Ivory Coast, A.M.L Desplagnes among the Dogon and Mossi, J.C.C.Gomez among the Yoruba.

Mummy of the Obi Ijeh of Idumuoghu,Ibusa, Nigeria From Oscar Pfouma "Histoire culturelle de l'Afrique Noire": 





On the top, is an ancient Egyptian "paddle" doll, courtesy of the British Museum; in the middle, we have Ashanti examples of the fertility doll, and third image is yet another example of fertility dolls common amongst the Akan.

Fertility dolls are a fairly common theme in Africa, from the Akan speaking groups of Ghana to the Donguena, Evale, Hakawama, Himba, Humbe, Kwanyama, Mukubal, Mwila, Ndimba, Ngambwe, Ovambo and Zemba people of the semi-desert areas of Angola for example, and it appear that the ancient Egyptians were no different in this aspect.

A little trivia on the Egyptian "paddle doll"...

Such dolls are usually found in Upper Egypt and Nubia. When complete they have faces and hair of clay. Hair may also be of faience beads. This one is missing its hair. A number have been found dating to the second half of the 11th Dynasty from tombs in the neighbourhood of Deir el Bahri and are common at Thebes. However, at least two have been found in earlier tombs at Beni Hasan and one at Rifeh. Another was found beneath the Ramesseum at Thebes dating to the 13th Dynasty (Bourriau 1988, 126-127). Most are of 11th Dynasty to Middle Kingdom.

The marks on the body are thought to be tattoos or scarification and the end of the paddle, it has been suggested is an exaggerated pubic area. That such dolls are found mainly in female graves has led Egyptologists to suggest that these are fertility figurines put in graves to ensure fertility in the afterlife. - Courtesy of SWANSEA UNIVERSITY.



More Links this time in the form of serekhs in both cases by an object or an animal and while the Kemetic symbols developed into a full writing system where the name could be read,the Beninese kings used theirs as a memory device. 

Prince Gagni Xesu (1620) is symbolised by a bird and a drum. 

Dyn 0 Kemet King Scorpion. 

King Hwegbeadja (1645–1680) is represented by a fish and a fyke net. 

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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Cultural Commonalities continued

(combat sports)

Wrestling originated among our people, and obviously spread throughout the World (Senegalese Lutte).


Stick Fighting seen in ancient Kemet and among the Zulu warriors.






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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Debunking Common Western Lies About "Sub Saharan Africa"

Lie 1) "There was no wheel invented in Sub Saharan Africa"

"Black Africans had not invented the wheel."
While not in "Sub" Saharan Africa the Tassili-n-Ajjer ancient Saharan rock art (dating back to 8,000 B.C.E.) in Algeria below clearly showing our people when we lived in Northern Africa not only with the "wheel" but the beloved "chariot" that they enthusiastically claim to have "introduced" into civilization upon their arrival.



Mande Script
3,000 BC
The depiction below is an inscription from Western Saharan rock art in the seldom discussed "Mande script" often noted by Rutger's professor Dr. Ivan Van Sertima.


White Lie 2) "There was no writing in Sub Saharan Africa"

"The Ikom monoliths in Nigeria for example, frequently show several nsibidi designs such as carefully rendered concentric circles, spirals, lozenges, and other discrete figures. These have been dated by some scholars to 120-220 AD. (Source: Alok and Emangabe stone monoliths: Ikom, Cross River State of Nigeria,-Ezio Bassani, Arte in Africa (Modena: Edizioni Panini, 1986), 103. ) "

This makes Nsibdi in Nigeria over 600 years older than written English.


Stone monoliths with Nsibidi designs- Nigeria- From Ross Archive-Yale University.



Many whites are simply projecting what they know is their history onto us;


Many simply cannot handle this truth. A common retort by ignorant whites in light of this pain is to accuse those people who are reporting on this ancient glory of our people of being ashamed of the relatively recent history in Sub Saharan Africa (many of our own people are ignorant of the glories of Sub Saharan African civilizations).


Understand that these whites through their culture that promotes sheer ignorance are saying in fact that they view the recent achievements of Sub Saharan African civilizations as sub-par to all civilizations on Earth, and that they think that blacks are not aware of their attempted mockery of our recent predicament as a result of their inherently wicked nature. They are refusing to acknowledge our early legacy in Northern, Northeastern Africa, Asia etc, and then saying that the only thing that we have done in history is that in which they saw in the areas that we lived when they arrived in the 16th century as a result of the World War that they started upon their exodus from the Caucus. Denying this earlier genesis Nile Valley civilization is an attempt by Western academia or whites to hide the last Zenith of our people.

The reason so much emphasis has been put on Kemet, it is where ancient civilization reached its zenith. It is also the place that many European classicists scholars have declared war against the reality of the original inhabitants being indigenous Afrikans, and that the arts and sciences, which are now practiced throughout the world, were created by these same black people. This is totally unacceptable to these European and Arab scholars who will never admit what they already know."
Considering the fact that "Sub Saharan" Africa has been the home (for most of us) for over the last 2,500 years we have in that time frame created an entirely new genesis of civilizations that retain the principal traditions and ideals of that which were taught in our more grand ancient past in Northeastern Africai, and that most certainly is something to take immense pride in for our people.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Recent "Sub Saharan" African Civilizations

Kingdom of Benin
(Much Better than London Before Colonialism)




"Benin City was also one of the first cities to have a semblance of street lighting...In 1691, the Portuguese ship captain Lourenco Pinto observed: “Great Benin, where the king resides, is larger than Lisbon; all the streets run straight and as far as the eye can see. The houses are large, especially that of the king, which is richly decorated and has fine columns. The city is wealthy and industrious. It is so well governed that theft is unknown and the people live in such security that they have no doors to their houses.”

In contrast, London at the same time is described by Bruce Holsinger, professor of English at the University of Virginia, as being a city of “thievery, prostitution, murder, bribery and a thriving black market made the medieval city ripe for exploitation by those with a skill for the quick blade or picking a pocket”.....

Benin City’s planning and design was done according to careful rules of symmetry, proportionality and repetition now known as fractal design. The mathematician Ron Eglash, author of African Fractals – which examines the patterns underpinning architecture, art and design in many parts of Africa;

notes that the city and its surrounding villages were purposely laid out to form perfect fractals, with similar shapes repeated in the rooms of each house, and the house itself, and the clusters of houses in the village in mathematically predictable patterns.



As he puts it: “When Europeans first came to Africa, they considered the architecture very disorganised and thus primitive. It never occurred to them that the Africans might have been using a form of mathematics that they hadn’t even discovered yet."

Houses are built alongside the streets in good order, the one close to the other,” writes the 17th-century Dutch visitor Olfert Dapper.

Dapper adds that wealthy residents kept these walls “as shiny and smooth by washing and rubbing as any wall in Holland can be made with chalk, and they are like mirrors. The upper storeys are made of the same sort of clay. Moreover, every house is provided with a well for the supply of fresh water”.

"A series of walls marked the incremental growth of the sacred city from 850 AD until its decline in the 16th century...Connah estimated that its construction, if spread out over five dry seasons, would have required a workforce of 1,000 laborers working ten hours a day seven days a week. Ewuare also added great thoroughfares and erected nine fortified gateways.

Excavations also uncovered a rural network of earthen walls 4 to 8 thousand miles long that would have taken an estimated 150 million man hours to build and must have taken hundreds of years to build.

Wall of Benin




The Kingdom of Kongo





Yes we demanded that they respect us and they complied



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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
@Jesus is my protector What do you think is the biggest fallacy in this thread? You're doing sucker shyt like 1 starring my thread, but you don't have the balls debate me on anything.


Dr. Clyde Winters​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Recent aDNA studies validate this as the true narrative of ancient Africans. So we have E1b1a is absent in West Africa circa pre-historic times and also absent in Southern Africans in pre-historic times but present in Ramesis III 1000BC? Again Northeast Africa (Hapi Valley) is the homeland of our people (the so called "Niger-Congo"-Bantus) that is why the oldest E-M2 lineage (our defining male lineage) found anywhere thus far is literally in Dynastic Kemetic royalty. It's not found in ancient West Africa nor ancient Southern Africa where it now dominates. There was clearly a migration (during dynastyic times) from the Northeastern region of Africa (Kemet-Nubia) of our people that brought the E-M2 lineage into Western, Southern and Central Africa. No other narrative makes any sense given the evidence at hand.


Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement
in sub-Saharan Africa

Ke Wang1*, Johannes Krause1,

Africa hosts the greatest human genetic diversity globally, but legacies of ancient population interactions and
dispersals across the continent remain understudied. Here, we report genome-wide data from 20 ancient sub-Saharan
African individuals, including the first reported ancient DNA from the DRC, Uganda, and Botswana. These​
data demonstrate the contraction of diverse, once contiguous hunter-gatherer populations, and suggest the resistance
to interaction with incoming pastoralists of delayed-return foragers in aquatic environments. We refine
models for the spread of food producers into eastern and southern Africa, demonstrating more complex trajectories​
of admixture than previously suggested. In Botswana, we show that Bantu ancestry post-dates admixture
between pastoralists and foragers, suggesting an earlier spread of pastoralism than farming to southern Africa.
Our findings demonstrate how processes of migration and admixture have markedly reshaped the genetic map
of sub-Saharan Africa in the past few millennia and highlight the utility of combined archaeological and archaeogenetic
If anybody disagrees please explain why, as this is an open forum.


May 20, 2013
"Basal Eurasian" Deception and It's African Origins

"The Genomic Piltdown man" - Dr. Clye Winters

In modern genetics (which is still a new field of research full of kinks and pressure from social - political manipulation) an attempt to try to lessen the blow of the known fact of an all melaninated ancient World, Western scholars have created a term "Basal Eurasian". According to Western scholars these people were depigmented non Indo-European people (which is ironic when we consider the fact that Indo-Europeans and their branches are the only recorded non melaninated people in existence) roaming "Eurasia" prior to the Indo European migration from the Caucus after 2,000 B.C. (Oh and white people HATE when this fact of their habitation and exodus from the caves is insisted upon in these discussions). Basal Eurasian DNA is essentially the DNA that Africans carried out of Africa during various periods and settled into all parts of Eurasia with, which was subsequently absorbed by the pure Caucasians populations turning them into semitic (semi recessive semi melaninated) populations of that region today. The Semitic populations today affected by white supremacy often wish to denounce the Africoid element of their fixed mulatto races, so they like to pretend that their mixture is an element in of itself. They denounce the original waves of settlement of the region by African migrants. Non melaninated people lie so much, that they will discount the only valid evidence to determine what a person or population looked like (physical anthropology), to make the Natufians (the same ones who were "clearly Negroid" from the findings above) look like them, because they took over the area.


Niger-Congo Languages at the Root of "Indo-European" Languages

The people who are considered "Caucasian" did not have a language, culture, and certainly not a civilization in the mountain range territory that they inhabited for thousands of years. As they were released from the caves those recessive hoards swallowed the smaller melaninated peoples who originally inhabited Eurasia (both Hunters and Gather populations and the Neolithic farmers) and absorbed their cultures, languages and technological innovations. The languages of those Neolithic populations of the Levant who made their way up to Europe was Niger-Congo. This has been confirmed by the fact that the Minoans were found to have spoken an Niger-Congo language. The video below (around 25:40 mark) discusess the various linguist who link Semitic and Indo-European to African origins;

GJK Campbell-Dunn -



All of which is cosigned by more recent studies such as the one released by Ricaut in 2008. Podcasters such as Joe Rogan often feature guest who speculate on the wave of high civilization that the World was on prior to 10,000 BC. These people often play the game demonstrated above of pretending the the people whom inhabited "Eurasia", and particularly Western Asia and Europe during these Mesolithic and Neolithic periods were "Indo-European" Caucasians. These people are amazing because they can go into great detail of these ancient sites, but act completely obvious to what consistent bio-cultural evidence has proven with regards to who these ancient "Eurasians" were.​

Peer Reviewed Genetic Evidence Confirms the African Origins of the Natufians and the Migration into Europe




Cont. details the introduction of the nomadic Caucasoid population into the civilized melainated World


--F. X. Ricaut, M. Waelkens. (2008). Cranial Discrete Traits in a Byzantine Population and Eastern Mediterranean Population Movements Human Biology. 80:5, pp. 535-564 :

It is these findings of a chain of migrations that brought "Sub Saharan African biological affinities" associated with the Neolithic into the Near East, Europe and Asia that modern scientist confirm the racial identity via artistic reconstruction of those selected individual skeletal remains dating to these periods in Europe. i.e. Cheddar Man


The builders of Stonehenge


Recent DNA analysis also find "designated" African DNA markers throughout Natufian samples​


The African Origins of Cattle Domestication is another pivotal piece of evidence to this equation;

The Language Factor - Controlling the Narrative

According to Dr. Clyde Winters the Ancient Kemetic Language was Lingua Fraca that worked as a bridge of communication between the various distinct languages spoken by the melaninated African who inhabited the civilization. Western scholars have lied about the ancient Kemetic language being apart of a made up language family that Western scholars call "Afro-Asiatic".


Language has been a major factor in identifying different population origins and interactions. The lies and myths surrounding the languages spoken by ancient peoples has been a crux for white supremacist notions following an "orthodox historical" approach. The lie that Niger-Congo speakers did not have involvement in Northeast Africa after the end of the Ice Age (12,000 BC) is essential to their attempts to write us out of history. In the graphic below the African language families are grouped differently by three linguist including Theophile Obenga. Obenga dismantled the Western lead notion that Niger-Congo languages are not closely related to "ancient Egyptian" (and other so called "Afro-Asiatic languages) as well as Nilo-Saharan languages. Obenga has contributed painstaking research over the past four decades has been crux to the narrative of this post by proving conclusively that Niger-Congo (with a focus on Bantu) along with the other mentioned languages originated and co-mingled in Northeastern Africa along the Hapi Valley and Saharan region before dispersing to their contemporary locations, and he calls this language family "Negro-Egyptian".

The ideological aspect (essentially white Egypt) of an Afro-Asiatic language family is what keeps it alive in Western academia. The reason why the Afro-Asiatic language is a false narrative is because, the Afro-Asiatic language has never been reconstructed as Obenga has pointed out.

Here excerpt from Language Classification: History and Method (2008) by Campbell and Poser:

The Creation and Promotion of the False "Afro-Asiatic" Language & The White Liberal Deception


There no mistaking the fact that this entire concept of the Afro-Asiatic language family is nothing more than a revamped PC 21st century version of the Hamitic Hypothesis or Hamitic-Semitic languages. In the picture below is an untrue statement regarding Niger-Congo and other African language groupings by UCLA'S Christopher Ehret. Christopher Ehret is a deceptive "white liberal" who likes to team up with "pro black" scholars who are also under the thumb of white supremacy (since they employ them and fund or not fund their research), to promote covert white supremacy. Christopher Ehret specializes in promoting the existence of this fake language family, which means that he specializes in the denial of the relationship between Niger-Congo speakers to ancient Northern and Eastern Africa. Interesting Ehret was initially promoted by the Western establishment to refute Theophile Obenga's stance relating ancient Kemetic to Niger-Congo languages, but he ended up agreeing with Obenga on the validity on "Negro-Egyptian".

Below is a piece that he wrote in which he acknowledges the undeniable fact that Niger-Congo originated in Northeast Africa (Nubia) due to the fact that it is the sibling of Cushytic languages (which he considers "Afro-Asiatic") which is undeniably East African in origin, but attributes the absence of Niger-Congo in the region's history to do an undisclosed yet major migration from Nubia into West Africa.

Christopher Ehret in the video below is spewing the common lies on the subject under the guise of a white liberal ally. He starts off the lecture at the 21 minute mark by rebuking the obvious flaws of the study by Schuenemann in 2017 that proclaimed the ancient Egyptians were Neolithic Turkish migrants. A weak minded Negro would be so happy that that that "good white man" is rebuking that bullshat racist study, that they would allow that "good white man" to mozzy on in with his equally anti black African fables that again remove our people from ancient Kemet. His lies are nothing more than the debunked narrative of the origins and migration of Afro-Asiatic Cushytic East Africans.

One major fact that falsifies the notion of Africans inhabiting and spreading from what is now Cameroon is the glaring fact that Tropical West Africa was uninhabitable swamp land until the 2nd millennium BC per McIntosh & McIntosh 1981 ,1986. In Ehret's passage above he cites no evidence whatsoever to support this fictional migration of Niger-Congo speakers from Eastern Africa into Sub Saharan West Africa during the 12,000 BC period at the end of the Ice Age. The passage by Ehret also completely disregards the genesis of civilization resulting from our northward migration from the East African Nubian origin (that they even acknowledge indirectly) of our people up into Kemet.

Thorough as always! Been thinking on a thread specifying Cac codewords we should know: Basal European DNA, Afro-Asiatic language family, Eurafrican,black whites, black brunettes,etc, etc,even "mysterious race," my personal fav!
This is how they insist Melanasians or even Australoids aren't African and get us to agree!