Ancient Kemet was a Bantu Civilization/NIle Valley Origins of all World Civilizations


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
To address the evidence of the dispersal from the Hapi Valley of that original Bantu population from Nubia-Kemet. For comparison purposes I will repost these maps below. The next spot that we migrated into from Kemet was back south into Kush/Nubia.



Original homeland of the Bantu up to 1500 A.D
Dark shading: Possible ultimate origin of the Bantu
Cross shading: Area of Bantu expansion into Kemet


Bantu Migration Routes from Kush and the Island of Meroe


The evolutionary history of Southern Africa Francesco Montinaro1,2 and Cristian Capelli1

E1b1a Only Goes Back to 6.9K BC

The son of the PN2 Clade and the brother/sibling of the older E1b1b, it only makes sense for E1b1a to have originated in Northeast Africa. That would place E1b1a in Northeastern Africa during the late Green Sahara phase and the initial settling from the Sahara Eastward onto the river Nile. Keep in mind the oldest finding of e1b1a SO FAR has ONLY been in Kemetic royalty (Ramses III) FACT!

On the map below notice how around northern & central Sudan along with middle & southern Egypt has an almost complete absence of Africa's most frequent genetic marker Y-Dna haplogroup E1b1a. Coincidentally this is the exact same region where the Bantu Homeland and expansion is given by African scholar Alfred M M'Imanyara (maps above) decades prior to the heavy reliance on genetic data (compare the map below to the black and white maps of the homeland and expansion above). The migration map with the arrows above explains the genetic marker's current distribution in the map below. The area that lacks this marker has an uncanny match with the earlier postulated homeland of the Bantu. It seems like an exodus of some sort occurred! It's like plugging the pieces of a puzzle.

Distribution of Y-DNA (male DNA) haplogroup E1b1a/E-M2 lineage (predominant African American lineage)

"The Distribution of E-M2 and it clades in Central and Southern Africa has usually been explained by the ‘‘Bantu migrations" (which occurred 3000-2500 B.C), in which agriculture and iron technologies spread from the Bantu's homeland located in the Benue complex i.e. Nigeria/Cameroon’’ But their presence in the Nile Valley and in other Non-Bantu speakers Can Not be explained in this way. E-M2 distribution is probably explained by their presence in the populations of the “Early Holocene Sahara”, Who went on to people the Nile Valley in The mid-Holocene eraur (12,000 B.P.) according to Hassan (1988). this occurred long before the "Bantu Migrations", which also do not explain the high frequency of M2 in Senegal, since there are no Bantu speakers there either; Exploring Northeast African Metric Craniofacial Variation at Individual Level; A Comparative Study Using Principal Components Analysis American Journal of Human Biology (2004)"
The East African origins and spread of E-M2 (the most common genetic marker in equatorial Africa) depicted in the map below verifies the oral traditions of the of the Niger-Congo speakers in the West, South and Central regions. The map shows our migration from the area of Sudanese Nubia, but obviously neglects the northward migration of the M2 lineage into Kemet. In essence we're just taking the map for what it's worth. This migration into West, South and Central Africa however did not happen until the 6th century BC, correlating with the fall of ancient Kemet via the Persian invasion.




Niger-Congo Kemetic descendants:

Transatlantic slave trade routes (numbers are over exaggerated)


Archaeology also shows that there was NOT an immediate migration into tropical West Africa following desertification between 6-3 BC. Instead you only see settlements of Mande in the Western Sahara and Kemet and Nubia in the East. All West African settlements are recent a number of reasons including it's oversaturated swampland from the South and West moving monsoon rains that created the Green Sahara until around 2,000 BC. Further supporting that the marker was still in the vicinity of Northeastern Africa at the time of Nile Valley civilization.


a(Ancient)DNA Results


STR Testing Results Confirming Genetic Affinities between Ancient Kemetic Pharaohs and Niger-Congo speakers
(DNA tribes and DNA Consultants Analysis)

DNAconsultant Analysis
"The Akhenaten Gene. Named for the pharaoh who attempted to convert Kemet to monotheism, this autosomal ancestry marker like most of the Amarna family group’s DNA is clearly African in origin. Akhenaten received it from his mother, Queen Tiye.... But it is mostly absent in Asia and the Americas, except where brought there by Africans or people carrying some African ancestry. About 1 in 6 Africans or African Americans has it."


The King Tut Gene. Tutankhamun is the most famous of all pharaohs. He was the son and successor of Akhenaten, grandson of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye and great-grandson of the royal matriarch Queen Thuya....Tutankhamun actually carries a “double dose” of the allele named for him. Like most of the other genes in the family, it is Central African in ancient origin, but unlike the other alleles it has a widespread, albeit sparse distribution outside Africa. Still, Africans (and African-influenced populations) are ten times more likely to have it than non-Africans.

DNAtribe Analysis

Recent genetic analysis of two separate New Kingdom families. This first one is King Tut's family (Amarna). What we find with this simple STR analysis is that these genetic markers are most prevalent in areas that are dominated by Bantu's. We see "Southern Africa" and the "Great Lakes" having the closest link. Both of these regions are again dominated by the Bantu along with Nilo Saharans in the Great Lakes.


Geographical analysis of the Amarna mummies was performed using their autosomal STR profiles based on 8 tested loci.Results are summarized in Table 1 and illustrated in Figure 1. Maps for individual Amarna mummies are included in Figures 2-8 in the Appendix.

Discussion: Average MLI scores in Table 1 indicate the STR profiles of the Amarna mummies would be most frequent in present day populations of several African regions: including the Southern African (average MLI 326.94), African Great Lakes (average MLI 323.76), and Tropical West African (average MLI 83.74) regions. These regional matches do not necessarily indicate an exclusively African ancestry for the Amarna pharaonic family. However, results indicate these ancient individuals inherited some alleles that today are more frequent in populations of Africa than in other parts of the world (such as D18S51=19 and D21S11=34).


Peer Reviewed DNA analysis of Ramses III and his son

We amplified 16 Y chromosomal, short tandem repeats (AmpF\STR Yfiler PCR amplification kit; Applied Biosystems).........Genetic kinship analyses revealed identical haplotypes in both mummies (table 1⇓); using the Whit Athey’s haplogroup predictor, we determined the Y chromosomal haplogroup E1b1a


DNAtribes follow up.

These results indicate that both Ramesses III and Unknown Man E (possibly his son Pentawer) shared an ancestral component with present day populations of Sub-Saharan Africa
..A previous issue of DNA Tribes Digest identified African related ancestry for King Tut and other royal mummies from the Amarna Period. In this issue, results indicate that the later pharaoh Ramesses III also inherited alleles that are most frequent in present day populations of Sub-Saharan Africa. This provides additional, independent evidence of Sub-Saharan African ancestry (possibly among several ancestral components) for pharaonic families of ancient Egypt....In addition, these DNA match results in present day world regions might in part express population changes in Africa after the time of Ramesses III. In particular, DNA matches in present day populations of Southern Africa and the African Great Lakes might to some degree reflect genetic links with ancient populations (formerly living closer to New Kingdom Egypt) that have expanded southwards in the Nilotic and Bantu migrations of the past 3,000 years (see Figure 1)



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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Recent DNA Testing Confirms that Every Pharoah Genetically Analyzed is a Black African

The mechanisms used by the DNA companies above have been verified, and the conclusions have been found to be accurate by 2018 peer reviewed study:


Results that are likely reliable are from studies that analyzed short tandem repeats (STRs) from Amarna royal mummies5 (1,300 BC), and of Ramesses III (1,200 BC)6; Ramesses III had the Y chromosome haplogroup E1b1a, an old African lineage7. Our analysis of STRs from Amarna and Ramesside royal mummies with popAffiliator18 based on the same published data5,6 indicates a 41.7% to 93.9% probability of SSA affinities (see Table 1); most of the individuals had a greater probability of affiliation with “SSA” which is not the only way to be “African”- a point worth repeating.”

FROM: -Gourdine JP, Keita SOY, Gourdine JL, Anselin A, 2018. Ancient Egyptian Genomes from northern Egypt

2018 MTDNA also Confirms a Black African Genetic Affinity for Early Dynastic Kemet


Schuenemann et al. 2017


Recent And Highly Publicized White Racist Attempt to Mislead the Public About Genetic Affinities of this Ancient African Civilization. Segments of Western academia are revamping their racist deceptive tactics with genetics as they have done with anthropological studies in the past (i.e. Brace 1993).

(That is an example of a Mayonnaise Party)

Gourdine JP, Keita SOY, Gourdine JL, Anselin A, 2018


Despite their deceitful efforts the leading authority on the matter bio-geneticist SOY Keita has once again halted their white lies dead in it's tracks with a peer reviewed rebuttal to that nonsense released in 2017. This rebuttal was never publicized the way that the initial fallacy was or at all... If it's not already known, mainstream media outlets are nothing more than platforms for a white supremacist agenda, and with CNN making an entire segment dedicated to this feculent study it confirms without a shadow that it is a racist network that should be canceled (even during political season) by our people.


Consistent Cranial and Archaeological Evidence Confirms that Early Ancient Kemites were Black Africans all the way throughout the history until the Late Period:

"On this basis, many have postulated that the Badarians are relatives to South African populations (Morant, 1935 G. Morant, A study of predynastic Egyptian skulls from Badari based on measurements taken by Miss BN Stoessiger and Professor DE Derry, Biometrika 27 (1935), pp. 293–309.Morant, 1935; Mukherjee et al., 1955; Irish and Konigsberg, 2007). The archaeological evidence points to this relationship as well. (Hassan, 1986) and (Hassan, 1988) noted similarities between Badarian pottery and the Neolithic Khartoum type, indicating an archaeological affinity among Badarians and Africans from more southern regions. Furthermore, like the Badarians, Naqada has also been classified with other African groups,
namely the Teita (Crichton, 1996; Keita, 1990).

Nutter (1958) noted affinities between the Badarian and Naqada samples, a feature that Strouhal (1971) attributed to their skulls possessing “Negroid” traits. Keita (1992), using craniometrics, discovered that the Badarian series is distinctly different from the later Egyptian series, a conclusion that is mostly confirmed here. In the current analysis, the Badari sample more closely clusters with the Naqada sample and the Kerma sample. However, it also groups with the later pooled sample from Dynasties XVIII–XXV. -- Godde K. (2009) An Examination of Nubian and Egyptian biological distances: Support for biological diffusion or in situ development? Homo. 2009;60(5):389-404."

Pale People like to resort to the "racially ambiguous" Northern Kemetic populous, because their skulls were not consistent with Niger-Congo speakers who dominated in southern Kemet. Their attempts are in vein as the study below shows. C.A> Diop has argued that early Northern Egyptians were Dravidian Indians, which I agree with.

A plethora of anthropological, archaeological, and genetic studies confirming the Negroid origins of Kemet here and here.


S.O.Y Keita Studies and Comments 1993
As displayed with the Jebel Sahaba skull (Pleistocene Nubians) earlier when the word "Negroid" is being used it is in reference to the Niger-Congo speaking, E-M2 lineage carrying African populations (except in some cases the vast "Sub Saharan" regions diverse black populations are regarded as one). Our skull shape is the most unique of everyone else (somewhat close to the aboriginal Australian skull however, but everyone can spot the facial distinctions) as a result of our prognathism, wider teeth, and wide nostrils African. (African Origins of Civ -165) Below is a "Negroid" skull from Kerma (Nubia) whom the pre-dynastic Kemites cranio-metrically overlapped with;

So Who in the Hell are Modern day "Egyptians" And Do They Have A Link To Ancient Kemet?




Needless to say that the modern inhabitants of "Egypt" today are generally remnants of those late period "Caucasoid" invading populations along with some Africoid groups who remained along the Hapi (mostly in Upper Egypt and the rural areas) River aside from the Niger-Congo speakers over the last 2,500 years. We know that most modern Egyptians (particularly urban northerners) cannot possibly be the physical representation of the ancient Kemites, which is based on consistent anthropological (which is the accurate measure of a person's physical appearance) studies that find a distinction in racial types between the Late Period Egyptians and the early Dynasties.

Logically with the physical and genetic distinction going as far back as the Late Dynastic Period the modern Egyptians in the major cities of the North especially bear no physical resemblance to the ancient Kemites. Those African ethnic groups that have remained in modern day "Egypt" and Sudan are Cushytic and Nilotic (with some genetic remnants of Niger-Congo admixture in southern "Egypt"). When scientist lie and say that the "Egyptians" of today are genetically descended (or have "continuity") of the ancient Kemites they are referring strictly to the continuity of one African segment of the diverse African Hapi Valley population, and the subsequent ASSUMPTION that this particular "African" lineage is the one that predominated in the civilization. That segment is the "Cushytic" branch of Africans that have been noted to dominate the adjacent Arabian peninsula could have came back into Africa during the Islamic invasion and this is evident through their paternal characteristic E1b1 (formerly called "E3b")/M-215 (green) still seen in "Egypt" today.

The real descendants of the founders of ancient Kemet in the main are highlighted in the dark-mid green (E) along with A & B on the map above as explained through the evidence laid out before it. Most of the impostors in modern day "Egypt" know this themselves. Notice however she can admit that the "Cushytic" /Hamitic branch of Africans was present in ancient Kemet, but she actively rejects the truth about the Bantu populations having established the civilization or even being there.

How is this woman who works around the artifacts of our ancestor not reminded of us? Clearly she is lying and there is also clearly a conspiracy on the part of the "Caucasians" both Western and Semitic to deceive the people about the stories of these ancient African civilizations.

The Cushytic Africoid element is still dominant in the southern regions of modern day "Egypt", and has remained somewhat (a little Arab admixture) in tact since early Dynastic times.

"Genetic continuum of the Nubians with their kin in southern Egypt is indicated by comparable frequencies of E-V12 the predominant M78 subclade among southern Egyptians."

[Hassan et al. Y-chromosome variation.." Am J. Phy Anthro. v137,3. 316-323

Robert Buval who is also an "Egyptian" has went out of his way to make a book called the "Black genesis" where he details how pharaonic civilization was the sole product of the Blackest of Africans, and that there is in fact a great conspiracy with Zahi Hawass as the figure head to hide this fact.

(Start at the 29 minute mark)

These modern southern Egyptians and northern Sudanese (the same people genetically) are in fact remnant of an ancient Africoid (Cushytic) element (meaning not the full representation) of the ancient Kemetic population. The urban people who live in the North (who look like mulattos) are relatively recent migrants from various different invasions. Further explained below.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The Distinct Africoid Populations who Comprised Early Ancient Kemet


1)*The Twa or "Pygmies" (European name) are often credited by various African groups and scholars as the ultimate creators and teachers of science, mathematics, dance etc. These Africans were also apart of the initial northward migration from Central/East Africa along the Hapi. They were an integral part of ancient Hapi Valley culture and beliefs. The so called "leprechauns" of Ireland were none other than the Twa, who were massacred by Catholic "jihadist" lead by Saint Patrick.

In Taiwan there is an annual festival in which the Taiwanese adhere to their ancient tradition and obligation to honor the "Little Black People" who taught them the arts of singing, dancing, and civilization or they will face the wrath of the curse laid upon them by the last remaining Twa. Some may chuckle at the superstition, but these East Asians are not playing about their obligation to maintaining this truth. Below is a great passage on the significance that the Twa have had on human development.

"It was simply the returning of a cycle, for it was the Inner African, the Original Twa, who first went in and civilized the Hapi Valley. While Kushyte-Kemetic culture represent a technological climax in African culture, technology is not synonymous with civilization. Civilization: the science of harmony with (being CIVIL) the world of man and nature, was first mastered by the Proto-Twa (misnamed pygmies) of Central Africa. They, not the Kushyte nor Kemetyu, are the Mothers and Fathers of Civilization. They taught human beings how to live in prosperity and peace for 2 million years. The so-called Homo-Erectus that dates to this period is not a distinct species of man but a race of when all of man was a Proto-Twa or Twa-Papua.

While the European's system is considered more "civilized" by some, their system of civilization is unsustainable and is sure to feed on itself into extinction after only 2,000 years of power. That is a mere blink in time compared with the 2 million year sustainability of the Twa system.
What is your technology worth if you are not at harmony with the world and nature? You will simply exhaust all the resources and your species will become extinct. True civilization is not what you make but what you preserve. Thus, the Twa people of the Congo Rainforest remain the most civilized of all man.
This is why the Kemetyu revered them and documented them as the Twa race of man that civilized the Hapi and Mesopotamia. They founded the temples of Annu at the Delta and were considered gods by the people of Mesopotamia, who called them the Annunaki.
The people of Papua New Guinea are direct descendants of the Twa settlers of Oceania, untouched by an external conquest. For this reason, the Proto-Twa would have appeared to have features similar to both modern Twa and the Papua.
The reverence for the Twa was deified as Bes in Kemet. Bes is the divinity of healing. The Twa are master healers. Those that live away from Westernization, deep in the Congo Rainforest, live to be over a 100 years old on average. They have the science of healing so accurate that they can cure AIDS, Cancer, and all other ailments. This is why the Europeans waged a war on them because European society is based on sickness turned into capitalist benefit and a culture that can cure all diseases is an ultimate threat to a wicked economic system based on sickness as a business. Upon discovering their mastery over all ailments, the Belgians had millions of Twa round up and executed.
So, know, that the Kushyte-Kemetic are the mouthpiece of civilization but not as the architects. That title goes to the Proto-Twa of the Congo Rainforest, Mother and Father of Harmonious Civilization."






The earliest God worshiped in Nubia and eventually ancient Kemet was a Twa God by the name of "Bes".


(Egyptian) Bes - The god of childbirth. Imported from Nubia, can be traced to pre-dynastic Hapi Valley culture.

(Yoruba) Obatala -A sculptor-god, has the responsibility to shape human bodies, ultimately responsible for child birth.



The worship of this very popular God and presence of these "little people" is seen from Africa all the way into parts of Europe, Asia, and yes the ancient Americas. The Twa were the creators of arts and sciences that form the basis of all civilizations that were created by those other groups of Africans listed below.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The Bantu was the Centerpiece of Ancient Kemet

The deliberate misclassifications of indigenous African types is one of the primary tools that Western scientist have used to label the remains of two of the distinct yet primary groups (Nilotic and Cushytic spearking Africans) of ancient Kemites as "Mediterranean" or "Europoid" or generally "Caucasoid. This tactic deceptively leaves the "Negroid" Niger-Congo speaking population as sole the "true" representatives for "the black race". The Forum member Zaharan has done an excellent job over the last decade clarifying the flaws and misconceptions of these numerous studies. Below is the summary of anthropological evidence from the UNESCO conference of 1973.

The peopling of ancient Kemet and the deciphering of Meroitic script Proceedings of the symposium held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974

These Migrations from Kemet brought These Africans Groups into their Contemporary Land Occupations


This deceptive tactic on the part of the racist Eurocentric Western scholars was outed for the crock of shyt that it is by leading Bio-geneticist SOY Keita 30 years ago;

2) The Anu "Bantu" - "Niger-Congo Speakers"


courtesy of Wally
The most significant fact of the founding of Pharaonic Civilization by the Anu people is rarely, if ever, mentioned in texts on Ancient Egypt. Not to mention the Anu is actually worse than, say, writing a history of the United States of America and not mentioning the Pilgrims (aka "Founders"/"Forefathers"). One has to look at earlier texts for this vital information:

The French Egyptologist Abbe Émile Amélineau is credited with the discovery of the Anu and their contribution to Egyptian civilization. It was Amélineau who designated the first black race to occupy Egypt as the Anu. He showed how they came slowly down the Hapi and founded the cities of Esneh, Erment, Qouch and Heliopolis..."


The Niger-Congo speaking populations identified as the "Anu" of ancient Kemet were the most numerous (per the UNESCO exert above), and were the center of the civilization as seen by our adherence to Ausarian religion.

As displayed on the first page this is literally the same word as Bantu next to these Kemites.

The God Ausar (renamed Osiris by the Greeks) is depicted with the stereotypical facial features of a "Negroid" individual. The worship of Ausarian religion is the centerpiece of ancient Kemetic society. The only people on Earth who uphold this legacy are the vast array of members in the Niger-Congo family.





Notice how the Zulu Warriors in the video below used the exact same cowhide shields as the ancient Kemitic soldiers above when they are depicted fighting the British in South Africa. This is yet another aspect of ancient Kemetic culture that diffused into Southern African Bantus following our migrations from Northeastern Africa.

The first Dynastic King of ancient Kemet Menes has distinctly robust facial features that are stereotypical of the those belonging to the Niger-Congo family. These features are quite universal among "pharaohs" throughout the dynasties. These features are distinct most notably in Africa from the "Hamitic"/Cushytic or Dravidian populations who also cohabited the region, and who are often said to have "Caucasoid" features. Many higher officials in Kemet also closely the Nilotic Africans in their distinctive customs and phenotype discussed below;

The names of many of the older ethnic groups who formed the 42 Nomes of ancient Kemet have literal translations in Medu Neter.


Akan - the name of a god
Akaniu - a class of gods like Osiris



(An Akan group)
Fante - "he of the nose" - a name of Thoth - one of the 42 judges in the Hall of Osiris ("Shante" in modern Egyptian)



Ourbaiu - great of souls, a title of gods or kings
Ouruba - Great God of soul
Egungun (Yoruba) and Djed Pillar (ancient Kemet)


Hausa (Though non NC speakers)

Hosa - a singing god


The Bini

(the original people and founders of the Edo/Benin Empire)
Binni - a phallic god


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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
3) A; Mesnitu-Dravidians

(misclassified as "Mediterranean", "Aethiopid" and or a "Brown race" in older anthropological studies)


Mediterranean” is an anthropological euphemism for “Negro”. - Anthropologist Wyatt MacGaffey


According to the Ancient Kemites, a second Kemetic ruling ethnic/class's ancestral homeland was Punt. They referred to this land as "Ta Nteru" ('Land of the Ancestors'). To emphasize their Puntite origins, the Kemites portrayed the Puntites in the exact same manner in which they portrayed themselves. Amélineau adds,

"These Mesnitu had overthrown the original ruling ethnic/class, the Anu, who had previously established its domination over all of Kemet through military conquest and political unification. Their place of origin was also "Ta Seti" ('Land of the Bow') in the Sudan."

Dravidians/Tamil Modern "Indians" of the Sub Continent - Set Worshipers

Based on several lines of evidence it seems reasonable to say that the Dravidian population who now predominate in southern India was the population that had migrated from Nile Valley civilization following the unification of the region by the king Mena Narmer. Narmer was clearly "Bantoid", and represented the "Bantu" population of the south with emphasis on their religion was centered on Ausar. The Dravidians were on the other hand the Set worshiping cult who predominated in the North (as C.A. Diop suggested) and certain areas of Nubia in the Sudan to the south and the Sahara at the time.
The biological, linguistic and cultural evidence certainly points to a Dravidian element in the Levant and the Aegean during the formative period of civilization in those regions. What is also interesting to note is that it was from this region that the Hyksos came from, and the Hyksos were a mixed bunch (included many semitic/mixed race individuals by this date), but they were also Set worshipers. For the Hyksos to come into Africa already worshiping African deity means that they had a previous history in Africa. Dr. Clyde Winters points to the Nubian origins of the Hyksos by a little known stella that mentions the Hyksos referring to themselves as the Kings of Kush or heqa khasut, "ruler(s) of the foreign countries" (an Old Kingdom Kemetic phrase used to describe Nubian kings). The complete exit of the Dravidian populations from Africa via the C-group Nubian migration (shown in the previous post) is a point strengthener. We have indisputable proof of their presence in historical African periods, evidence of their complete exit.





There is a concerted effort in the West to hide the fact that the Dravidians of India are the result of a relatively recent migration from Africa. This is hidden likely because of their close genetic relationship to Whites. Directly prior to the emergence of dynastic Nubia, the Dravidians were apart of the unified Saharan Kushyte community during the Holocene period also coined the Ma Confederation by Dr. Clyde Winters. This is shown through common language that he has demonstrated between Manding speakers and Dravidians . These Dravidian Africans along with Manding speakers migrated from the Sahara into the Near East (Sumer), Indus Valley, China and Russia.

"Dravidian and Niger-Congo In the sub-continent of India, there were several main groups. The traditional view for the population origins in India suggest that the earliest inhabitants of India were the Negritos, and this was followed by the Proto-Australoid, the Mongoloid and the so-called Mediterranean type which represent the ancient Egyptians and Kushytes [9]. The the Proto-Dravidians were probably one of the cattle herding groups that made up the C-Group culture of Nubia Kush[33].The linguistic, anthropological and linguistic data make it clear that Dravidians came to India from Africa during the Neolithic and not the Holocene period. The Dravidian and Mande speakers began to migrate out of Africa by 3000BC. They were part of the C-Group. They first settled in Iran and from here expanded into Central Asia and the Indus Valley. According to Sergent [35], the Dravidian populations are not autochthonous to India , they are of Africa origin. The archaeological evidence also appears to support an African origin for the Dravidian speaking people [7,50-51].Researchers have conclusively proven that the Dravidians are related to the Niger-Congo speaking group and they originally lived in Nubia [7]. The Dravidians and C-Group people of Nubia used 1) a common BRW [7]; 2) a common burial complex incorporating megaliths and circular rock enclosures[7] and 3) a common type of rock cut sepulcher [7] and writing system [50-51].The BRW industry diffused from Nubia, across West Asia into Rajastan, and thence to East Central and South India [30]. Singh [30] made it clear that he believes that the BRW radiated from Nubia through Mesopotamia and Iran southward into India. BRW is found at the lowest levels of Harappa and Lothal dating to 2400BC. T.B. Nayar [31] proved that the BRW of Harappa has affinities to predynastic Egyptian and West Asian pottery dating to the same time period. After 1700 BC, with the end of the Harappan civilization spread BRW southward into the Chalcolithic culture of Malwa and Central India down to Northern Deccan and eastward into the Gangetic Basin. The BRW of the Malwa culture occupied the Tapi Valley Pravara Godavari and the Bhima Valleys. In addition we find that the pottery used by the at Gilund[32], Rajasthan on the banks of the Bana River, was also BRW. Archaeologists agree that Black and red ware (BRW)was unearthed on many South India sites are related to Dravidian speaking people." - C. Winters


Genetic proof of this interaction between Mande peoples of the Western Sahara and the Dravidians of India is that the Indian haplotype for sickle cell (shown in royal blue) is seen in the Western Saharan samples in the map below, which is unlike any of the other samples shown in Africa;



Beta-Globin Gene Haplotypes Among Cameroonians and Review of the Global Distribution: Is There a Case for a Single Sickle Mutation Origin in Africa? -Mar 2015 Valentina Josiane Ngo Bitoungui

Dr. Winters evidence makes it clear that this particular type of Niger-Congo (Mande) were the most distinct in the greater family, and that this distinction likely results from them being perhaps one of the only members of our group to have such extensive interactions with Dravidians during the Holocene period of the ancient Sahara.

Further as explained on the first page, the Tamil branch of Dravidian is still spoken in parts of West Central Africa to this date;

Anthropological studies since the 19th century have linked the Dravidians pimrarily to the various people's of pre-dynastic Kemet.


Notice how the Dravidians are closer to the Naqada period remains then the Somalis/Gallas. Western academia has tried to use the Somalis and some Ethiopian groups as stand ins for the true peoples of the pre-dynastic because they are relatively close in morphology, and could possibly trick those unknowing to tie them in based on their ignorance of prior findings and their inferences based on contemporary geographic locations.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
3) B - Cushytic Speaking Africans


Were the Ancient Kemites Somalis and Ethiopians?

So we have some people of the East African Cushytic branch who are not sure if they want to try to claim Kemet or not. What they are sure of however is that they do not wish for the Bantu to claim our heritage in Kemet! This attitude is strictly the result of their championing of the modern Hamitic Hypothesis being masqueraded as a linguistic theory known as "Afro-Asiatic" languages, which has been thoroughly debunked on page one. The people who tend to be centered around this racial theory are Somalis and Ethiopians. Somalis are nomadic meaning;
"a member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place" -​

and that being said based on their nomadic lifestyle alone there is little that they have in common with ancient Kemet.
"Osiris festivals symbolically reenacting the god’s fate were celebrated annually in various towns throughout Egypt. A central feature of the festivals during the late period was the construction of the “Osiris garden,” a mold in the shape of Osiris, filled with soil. The mold was moistened with the water of the Nile and sown with grain. Later, the sprouting grain symbolized the vital strength of Osiris." - Encyclopedia Britannica
So why would nomadic people who essentially chase food and forage celebrate the success of an agricultural period as we see is a central theme of the ancient Kemetic religion? So do Somalis claim Kemet based strictly on their current inhabitation of the area that was Punt? Have Somalis always lived in Punt?


As you can see there is no real oral tradition that these people maintain passed 1,000 BC, and let alone any linking them to the modern land of Somalia. There is a postulation from a book written by a Somali of their inhabitation going back to 7,000 BC. The oldest remains in Somalis at Buur Heybe were Negroid like modern day West Africans. The passage in the book that links them specifically to the any activity in the region at that time is not presented. The page makes mention of the famous expedition to Punt by Hatshepsut, but there is nothing again linking those modern nomads in the region to antiquity there. Not to mention that many have put the land of Punt itself nearer to modern Eritrea/Djibouti border slightly north of Somalia's modern border. Another interesting claim made on this page is that Somalis been apart of an unnamed ancient civilization in Somalia (perhaps Axum), but again it does not make sense when you see that they are nomadic. This confusion about their history is perhaps why their is some hesitant for them to acknowledge that the Bantu is who dominated Northeastern Africa in antiquity.

We all agree of their Northeast African origins, but Dr. Winters maintains that these people lived primarily in the Eastern desert along the Red Sea, and perhaps in the adjacent Arabian peninsula (my claim on the latter). He coins these people as "Puntites". The ancient Kemites had wars with these people, and eventually defeated them.


The lighter skinned Habesha/Semitic/Jewish/Amharic Ethiopian populations who reentered Africa via the Arabian Peninsula have nothing to do with Ancient Kemet. The map below depicts the Semitic/"Puntite" (see Dr. Clyde Winters) languages originating in Northeast Africa before the time of Narmer's conquest along the red sea before leaving Africa into the Near East. They reentered Africa via the horn after the fall of Kemet, as the map depicts.

Notice how in the video the white woman tries to play up on the self identified racial distinction made by the Amharic, and she attempts to bring in the Hamitic Hypothesis by giving them credit for the Great Zimbabwe rather than the local Bantu's. The Habesha student even says that he is is a sunburnt white person.(and many other Habesha students in this video series say the same lie). They make great distinction between themselves and the more numerous Oromo, who were said to have already been there by the time the Habesha came across the Red Sea back into Africa. These Semitic Africans rather, were the ones who took over the Axumite empire from the Bantus, which eventually destroyed Meroe according to Chancellor Williams in Destruction of Black Civilization.​


Oromo is derived from 'orma' - person to 'oromo' - people in the Oromo language
Orma ; Oromo - the name of a god



Modern Beja - Medjay Nubians


The modern day "Beja" people of the Eastern desert were allies to the ancient Kemites during times of war. They were also personal body guards of some of the pharaohs. They were noted to be fierce warriors, by both the Kemites and thousands of years later by the British. These people too are nomadic, however unlike the Somalis these people have verifiable proof of their connection to Kemet.





Migration from Kemet of Cushytic Africans into Saharan and "Sub Saharan" East Africa.

The map below details the Cushytic Y-DNA (paternal) M-215's initial migration from Punt (Ethiopia-Eritrea) north into Kemet and it's descendants (V-12 and V-32) later leaving Kemet. This is showing the back migration of these Cushytic/Hamitic Africans who left Kemet and also migrated further south into the eastern parts of Sub Saharan Africa such as Somalia and Oromia, Ethiopia (V32). In modern day northern Sudan-southern "Egypt" V-12 signals these Cushytic people as descendants of Kemet.​



The African groups above are remnants of those Cushytic Kemites who migrated from these civilizations with the Anu/Bantu from the constant threat of war along the Mediterranean with the chaotic Tamahu who were using their newly obtained knowledge from blacks of civilization, bathing, speech and what not to put our once peaceful advanced existence into a war state.

The domination of the Bantu Africans in Kemet along their initial northwad expansion from is symbolized by the unification of the two lands by Menes Narmer. The domination of the Bantu explains why there is a massive Sphinx with a Bantu individual all the way in northern Kemet. The civilization of Kemet itself was a confederation of these distinct Africans (including the one below), but as shown by the findings of UNESCO the Bantoid element of the population was the largest in number. We find that the language of Kemet was interchangeable with the Bantu populations with the names of the long existed groups having a direct translation in the ancient Kemetic language. We find that in some Cushytic groups like the Oromo, but that is it. The bulk of Cushytic Africans were likely hinged along the Red sea as the linguistic evidence shows in the map above that they were almost exclusively found in the Eastern front of the Nubian & Kemetic desert. We find much evidence however that the Dravidian populations should be identified as the "Mediterranean" branch of the population as opposed to the Cushytic speakers who now dominate Northeastern Africa. The gracile features shown in some of the Kemites depictions most likely reflect those black Dravidian populations who have since left Africa and relocated into India. The Nilotic groups on the other hand shown in the last part of this section were a pivotal part of the society since it's inception as well despite being the smallest percent numerically of the African indigenous elements.​


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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
4) Nehesi - Nilotic Africans


White anthropologist called these Black ass Africans, "Cro Magnon" which is code word for Europeans.



This group is the tallest of all people in the World, and are noted to be heavily melaninated. This group of Africans were an integral part in the emergence of Hapi Valley civilization per DNA and cultural relatedness, and were characterized most notably as the populations of Upper Nubia (South Sudan today). Archaeology also links these Africans to ancient Kemet, via their migration from the region of what is now South Sudan through Central Africa, and onto Lake Chad or "Mega Chad" in reference to it's drastic size increase during the Holocene.


This migration occurred during the Holocene period, and the remnants of this migration is seen in the Western regions of Africa in the Songhai people and language.

As the Savannah dried into desert these Africans migrated east into what is now Upper and Lower Nubia. Joining the Bantu and Dravidians heading to the East to begin the genesis of Nile Valley civilization;
  1. 243eoth_zpsjbe1y2o4.jpg
In the depiction below we clearly see Nilotic individuals being depicted as the Nubians. Western scholars deliberately misclassified this group of Africans as "European" or "Cro Magnon" in older anthropological studies

Shown in formation much like the ancient Kemites in the Anu section above, the ancient Nubians particularly further to the South were characterized by Nilotic Africans. We note the physical distinction between these soldiers known as the famous archers of Ta-Seti shown as more melaninated and tall, contrast with the Kemetic soldiers who are shorter, use cow hide shields along with spears (compared to the Bantu Zulu warriors above) and appear to be a reddish brown - brown color (one of the many variation of black skinned Africans).


"Buttermelt" hairstyle;


Nilotic Sidelock




Demonstrated below to the right is a statue said to be the oldest example of the worship of Hathor (Kemetic Cow deity) found in the modern nation of Niger. This finding correlates with Nilotic pastoralist culture having dominated the central regions of the once fertile Sahara around what was Lake Mega Chad. This stems from their communities of the fertile Saharan period.


Prior to the dynastic period all of these groups were present in the ancient Sahara until the 4th millennium B.C.E. This group while black skinned is genetically distinct from the haplogroup E carrying Bantu and Cushytic Africans, as being characterized by haplogroups A and B. There are some groups like the Tutsi of Rwanda who are lightly admixed with Nilotes, and this admixture gives them a more gracile physical distinction from their almost fully haplogroup E (M2 lineage) carrying Hutu neighbors.

Nilotic Africans largely live along the Hapi Valley in South Sudan, and along the Great Lakes with some isolated pockets in the Saharan nations of Chad and Niger (remnants of their inhabitants in the region millenniums prior). Recent genetic evidence on the original "A-group" Nubians confirms that they were largely Nilotic Africans who had a major role in the initial state formation of both Nubia and subsequently Dynastic Kemet prior to the other groups arriving from the Sahara.​

"Accordingly, through limited on number of aDNA samples, there is enough data to
suggest and to tally with the historical evidence of the dominance by Nilotic elements
during the early state formation in the Nile Valley
, and as the states thrived there was a

dominance by other elements particularly Nuba/Nubians"

It was from this A-group that the Qustul incense burner was found, which is the proof once again that the World's oldest recorded monarchy/civilization came out of Africa.
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
African Migrations into Eastern Asia
The eastward march of the C-Group Nubians


The African type can be traced to the African type that lived in China. This Negro type was characterized by sindonty. The earliest examples of sindonty date back to the Choukoudian/Zhoudian Upper Cave type not the sundonty pattern which arrived in the Pacific with the classical mongoloid people found in Indonesia. This classical mongoloids entered Southeast Asia and the Pacific after African speaking Manding and Dravidian speaking people had already settled much of the Pacific. This is supported by the Sindonty pattern found among the Japanese who have a Dravidian and African substratum in their language.

Secondly, archaeological research makes it clear that Negroids were very common to ancient China. F. Weidenreich ( in Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. Peiping 13, (1938-30) noted that the one of the earliest skulls from north China found in the Upper Cave of Chou-k'ou-tien, was of a Oceanic Negroid/Melanesoid " (p.163).

These blacks were the dominant group in South China. Kwang-chih Chang,writing in the 4th edition of Archaeology of ancient China (1986) wrote that:" by the beginning of the Recent (Holocene) period the population in North China and that in the southwest and in Indochina had become sufficiently differentiated to be designated as Mongoloid and OCEANIC NEGROID races respectively…."(p.64). By the Upper Pleistocene the Negroid type was typified by the Liu-chiang skulls from Yunnan (Chang, 1986, p.69).

Many researchers believe that the Yi of Southern China were the ancestors of the Polynesian and Melanesian people.

Negroid skeletons dating to the early periods of Southern Chinese history have been found in Shangdong, Jiantung, Sichuan, Yunnan, Pearl River delta and Jiangxi especially at the initial sites of Chingliengang (Ch'ing-lien-kang) and Mazhiabang (Ma chia-pang) phases ( see: K.C. Chang, The archaeology of ancient China, (Yale University Press:New Haven,1977) p.76) . The Chingliengang culture is often referred to as the Ta-wen-k'ou (Dawenkou) culture of North China. The presence of Negroid skeletal remains at Dawenkou sites make it clear that Negroes were still in the North in addition to South China. The Dawenkou culture predates the Lung-shan culture which is associated with the Xia civilization.

The founder of the Xia civilization was Yu. The Great Yu was the regulator of the waters and the builder of canals. He is also alleged to be the inventor of wetfield adriculture. Wolfram Eberhard, in The Local culture of South and East China (Leiden,1968), maintained that Yu came from the south and established the Xia dynasty in Shansi.

Archaeological evidence supports this view. The foreunner of the Xia civilization was the Lung-shan (Longshan) culture. The Taosi ruins , a Longshan between the Fenhe and Chongshan ranges is considered a middle and late Xia period site. Another important Longshanoid site is Qingliangang. The Qingliangang culture is a decendant of the Hemudu culture and dates to the fifth millennium B.C.(K.C. Chang, "In search of China's beginnings new light on an old
civilization", American Scientist, 69 (1981) pp.148-160:154).

The oldest neolithic culture in China is the Hemudu culture in northern Zhejiang province. This culture group had incised and cord-impressed pottery, rice and domesticated water buffalo, dog and pig (Chang, 1981: p.152). The Hemudu pottery is reminiscent of pottery found along the coastal areas of southeastern China and Taiwan (Chang, 1981: p.154). This indicates that southern Chinese, who were predominantly Black early settled those parts of China associated with the Xia and Shang civilizations.

In the Chinese literature the Blacks were called li-min, Kunlung, Ch'iang (Qiang), Yi and Yueh. The founders of the Xia Dynasty and the Shang Dynasties were blacks. These blacks were called Yueh and Qiang. The modern Chinese are descendants of the Zhou. The second Shang Dynasty ( situated at Anyang) was founded by the Yin. As a result this dynasty is called Shang-Yin. The Yin or Oceanic Mongoloid type is associated with the Austronesian speakers ( Kwang-chih Chang, "Prehistoric and early historic culture horizons and traditions in South China", Current Anthropology, 5 (1964) pp.359-375 :375). The Austronesian or Oceanic Mongoloid type were called Yin, Feng, Yen, Zhiu Yi and Lun Yi.


Early African Presence in East, Southeast Asia and Pacific Islands

Sickle Cell which originated IN AFRICA 7,500 YEARS AGO and other related hemoglobin disorders found throughout Southeast Asia, thus proving that their relationship with Africans, and particular the Niger-Congo where these genetic mutations originated and typify is in fact biological and not superficial.


Malaria resistance (passing only from parent to offspring) is found in all local populations adjacent to all ancient civilizations (through the Fertile Crescent, Southern Europe-Greece-Southern Italy south into the Arabian Peninsula (with the area known as Mecca being a focal point), the Indian sub continent, Southeast Asia - southern China), and Central America (Olmec and Mayan civilizations). The strong presence of our African ancestors in this migration from the Hapi Valley (Kemet and Nubia) into Asia is the only way to explain how sickle cell migrated into those regions.

Another distinct African trait in the form of culture is also seen as far as the Pacific Islands. The headrest which are seen earliest in Nile Valley civilization, and in contemporary peoples throughout "Sub Saharan Africa". If the people of these islands migrated out of Africa tens of thousands of years ago then why are recent cultural phenomons in Africa and recent genetic disorders observed in these "long removed" Blacks of Asia?
Fiji Headrest

Ancient Kemetic Headrest

Akan (West Africa)

(wide nostrils, black skin, tightly coiled hair/braided/locks, large lips)

The Eastward migration from Africa of the Nagas or a a Black Individual who has reached the "Christ Consciousness" is further proof of the legacy of our peoples stemming from Nile Valley civilization trickling out throughout the World. The winged serpent or "Dragon" in China is a central theme of this "phenomenon" that clearly arose in Africa where the recognition of such individuals is still practiced. The same word to refer to these individuals is even used;​


For more of this "pleblecite" talk








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All Star
Apr 3, 2014


Even in modern times Southeast Asians are still melaninated.

East March of the C-Group Nubians in to China


During the Anyang-Shang period, the Qiang lived in Ch'iang Fang, a country to the west of Yin Shang . The Qiang people were often referred to as the Ta Qiang "many Qiang", they were used as agricultural workers, and used in Yin-Shang ancestral rites as sacrifice victims.

In Southeast Asia and southern China, ancient skeletal remains represented the earliest inhabitants as identical to the Oceanic type ( Kwang-chih Chang, The archareology of ancient China, (New Haven,1977) p.42; G.H.R. von Koenigswald, A giant fossil hominoid from the pleistocene of Southern China, Anthropology Pap. Am Museum of Natural History, no.43, 1952, pp.301-309). Although Negritos were also established in north and southern China by the beginning of the Recent (Holocene) period the populations in North China and that in southern China and IndoChina had become sufficiently differentiated to be designated as Mongoloid and Negroid-Oceanic respectively, both having evolved out of a common Upper Plestocene substratum as represented by the Tzu-yang and Liu-Chiang skulls.

In addition to Oceanic Blacks in Southeast Asia and southern China shortly before the Christian era Africoids of the Mediterranean type entered these areas by way of India. Much of the archaeology in southern China is related to the Southeast Asian patterns, with numerous finds of chipped stone of the type found in Szechewan,Kwangsi .Yunan and in the western part of Kwangtung as far as the Pearl River delta.( Chang, 1977, p.76. ) Neolithic culture of southern China as the people were parallel to southeastern development. It seems from the evidence that in China there were several major areas where the Neolithic way of life characterized by farming for food, use of pottery and the making of stone instruments.

In Southern China the most well known early cultures were the Ta-p'enK'eng culture of the southeastern coast, cultures dating to the 5th millenium. The Ta-p'en-K'eng sites have a chracteristic cord-marked pottery dating to before theird millennium. A radio- carbon date is available for this culture of 4450-4350 BC. The color of the pottery ranges from buff to dark brown, the principal shapes of the vessels are large globular jars and bowls. The people of this culture also made many stone sinkers and dugout canoes.There is believed to have been an early horticultural revolution in the tropical regions of southeast Asia, with the domestication of several cultigens. As in Africa this culture was Aqualithic with most of the people living on mounds and pilled houses. These horticulturalist ate aqualtic animals such as fish and shellfish, and grew root crops such as yam and taro .The Ta-p'en-K'eng site has provided much insight into their agricultural origins as indicated by the great variety of cord marks on the pottery demonstrates. The habi tat of the ancient people who made this ware at Ta-p'en-K' eng, was widespread in IndoChina and even in southern China and Japan. The Hoabinhian culture of Vietnam and that of Ta-p' en-K'eng, were characterized by cord-marked pottery which is identical in both places , and it is possible that the Yang -shao site at Huang Ho basin in North China may have also been founded by blacks in southern China who probably been the cultivation of rice . In the southeast southerners began at Hupeh and Kuangsi the cultivation of means of artificial irrigation and by terracing of the mountain slopes. These same Austronesians were already using bronze before the Chinese. The women's standing was high, she participated in the worship which consisted of a mountain and snake cults.There is evidence from the physical anthropologist that skeletons from Shantung and Kiangsu show resemblances to the Negroid type of southern Chinese rather than Mongoloid, especially at the intial Ch'ing-lien -Kang and Ma chia-pang phases. As a result of this evidence it seems that agriculture was widely practiced in Southeast Asia and China long before the full impact of farming was felt in the North among the Chinese.

Neolithic technology in south China is typified by hunting with the bow and arrow. The stone inventories include shoulder axes, as those found at Ya-an in Sikang, and the island of Hainan. The ceremics are characterized by the long persistence of corded red ware. There was also painted pottery,black pottery, stone knives and sickles and pottery tripods , styles that later were duplicated in bronze. The people practiced single burials the appearence of decapitated heads at many sites in China suggest war and the expansion of the Chinese southward.

In ancient times due to the Chinese being a nomadic group, they probably cremated their dead and learned to bury their dead from the Blacks. The southern Chinese probably had their own writing system at an early date considering the - fact that they were well known traders and most trader-groups developed a script to keep records, yet we can not be sure of this fact. Moreover, the appearance of similar pottery signs on South Chinese pottery and North Chinese pottery indicate a common ideology for both groups.

Many of the elements of southern Chinese cultures and the impliments found in this area and Southeast Asia show an interrelationship. The people who live in Southeast Asia today speak the Austro-Asiatic languages, which are closely related to the Austronesian group. As indicated by the languages of the aborigines Ta-p'en-K'eng sites are found spoke Austronesian languages, the cultures of these groups were also Austronesian according to Dr. Shun-sheng Ling .

As in the African aqualithic, an extensive mound culture existed in China, an area strectching from i ts plateau in the west to the Western coast of the Pacific ocean, it includes the Huang-Huai(the Yellow River and the Huai River) plain of North China and the plain of the lower valley of the Yangtze River of central China, these mounds lie in the Ancient line of the Austronesian habitation. In accordance with oral tradi tion and Chinese proto-history mounds were in existence during the time of Huangti, and Fu-Hsi as reflected in the legendary narrative of the burial of Tai-Hao at Wan Chiul - chiu.

The mound culture began around 3,000 BC in China 7,000 years after a similar cul ture had developed in central and North Africa, which moved step by step to the lower valley of the Yangtze River, starting originally from the lower valley of the Yellow River. By about 1200 BC, the people practiced agriculture and ate aquatic animals.At the Kiangsu Province mound site called the Hu Shu culture,the mounds were man-made knolls called 'terraced sites '. The mounds are flat on the top, here the people placed their dwellings. These mounds served three purposes i) burial mounds, ii) religious places (i.e.,high ground) and iii) habitation. The mounds are believed to have been introduced by the people to China from the Euphrates-Tigris valley who are believed to have introduced the arts .

In conclusion, the sundonty pattern had nothing to do with the rise of mongoloid people. C.G. Turner's research makes it clear that the early Americans were sindonty not sundonty (see: Turner, "Teeth and prehistory in Asia, Scientific American,(Feb.1989) 88-96), in fact he places the origin of these sindonty people in Northern China at Zhoukoudian Upper Cave. An African influence in the rise of many cultures in East Asia is clearly supported by the archaeological, toponymic and linguistic evidence.

Dr. Clyde Winters

read more



African Origins of Montu Arts
("Martial" which was later adopted is a Roman word)
Fighting arts did not originate in China nor India! It was from the Hapi Valley that combative arts originated, and made it's way across Asia.



"They told you that Karate means open hands... Lets break it down from the Medu Neter perspective. Ka-Ra-Te Ka means Spirit Ra means Sun Te means Life/Living Ka-Ra-Te means Spiritual Sun of the Living. The purpose of Karate and the montu(martial) arts is to uplift your inner spiritual son(sol) ie melanin"
What happened to all of the blacks of Eastern Mainland Asia?


There has been a systemic genocide against the original blacks who founded civilization in Eastern Asia, and the "oriental" population there now holds these secrets. Paekche's Principle breaks down the secrets of this anti Black genocide throughout Eastern Asia that still goes on to this very day.

One must always ask why did the West not swarm China the way that it did Africa, when it was in the position to do so and with the means. The Sino-Chinese wars and the subsequent Mongoloid regime revolutions was essentially an ethnic cleansing of the original black populace that remained in China.​




I've seen many modern orientals denounce the Black and white photo evidence as the result of "bad lighting" or "primitive technology". Then when you post pictures of the modern non Southeast mainland Asians who still have the Black/Brown skin they get quiet smh.


When you see these recent pictures of the Black Chinese of a century ago, the C-Group Nubian argument begins to make alot more sense...

The Orientals appropriated the cultures of their black ancestors before systemically exterminating them. The Orientals regard the ancient knowledge that has this Nile Valley Nubians legacy "ancient Chinese traditions" and guard them viciously as a racial treasure. The Black Asian peoples most closely related to the original Chinese as noted by the studies listed above (i.e Chang) were pushed off of the Mainland into Southeastern Asia and into the various Island chains.​
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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Various African Migrations into the Americas
Do WE (FBA's) have a link to any of these migrations? YES!! Have we been on this land for thousands upon thousands of years? YES!!


Before I begin this section I would like to first show the typical tropes against the argument of Africans settling the Americas

It is important in these situations to understand what the sceptics who are trying to create doubt are arguing, so that we know how to counter these claims. The first claims against the Olmecs being African, is the baseless dismissal of the findings of the distinctly Negroid remains in the Olmec grave sites, on the bases of reliability of the science. The responses to this videos claims of debunking will be highlighted throughout the next few post dealing with the Americas.

"..We find the dark races on Earth confined to no particular zone but spread as it were pole to pole; from the Artic to the Antarctica circle. But it is in America, the last discovered by the civilized European, where we find the stronghold of the colored race" - The Races of Men: A fragment - by Robert Knox (185) Chapter VI - Page 148

Recent Genetic Evidence Confirms "Australoid - Proto Negroid" Populations Were the First Peoples In America Not Mongoloid Asiatics Migrants

Let's start by saying that it is no longer disputed if Africans arrived in America prior to 1492 even to Western scholars. The South American woman that they named Luzia has been designated as "Africoid", and the metric distinction was the subject of believe it or not a televised documentary and has been acknowledged by the Western sources like the Smithsonian as the oldest people in the America's.

"Uros people live in floating reed islands in Titikaka Lake in front of Puno town (Peru). They could have started Tiwanaku culture and shared genes and culture with Pacific Islanders; it is particularly relevant the giant hat covered men statues found in both Tiwanaku at Titikaka Lake shore and Easter Island (3700 km far from Chile in Pacific Ocean). These giants monoliths are very similar one another and unique in America and Pacific Islands....Also Uros seem to be one of the most ancient population in Titikaka Lake that could have started Tiwanaku culture. Prehistoric contacts between Amerindians and Pacific Islanders are strongly suggested by genetic and cultural traits. It is not discarded that Uros could have come from Pacific Islands: Uros show melanic skin and are dolichocephalic; in contrast, surrounding Aymara people have a clear skin and are brachicephalic. The Kon-Tiki project led by Thor Heyerdahl showed that a simple sailing is possible between Peru and Polynesia Islands; also, the most ancient skull found in America is of black origin: Luzia, suggesting that first America peopling was also carried out by Black/coloured people."

HLA in Uros from Peru Titikaka Lake: Tiwanaku, Easter and Pacific Islanders - PubMed

WE MUST BE CAREFUL ABOUT CLAIMING A LINEAGE TO THIS TYPE OF BLACK HOWEVER. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima in his book "They Came Before Columbus" in the "Postscipts and other finds section" at the end of the book, had put context to the findings of the Africoid - Australoid skeleton remains. As mentioned in the exert in "The Origins of Primitive Man" at the top of this second post, these first "American" settlers were Pacific island migrants of a Twa (misnamed "pygmy") race. This Africoid race, while melaninated were distinct from the later Olmec - Africans who brought the old World style civilization to the Americas.


Pre-Colonial "American" Race Wars
As mentioned earlier the Australoid Pygmies were the first in the Americas, and this was followed by the Mongoloid element according to Van Sertima. Dr. Clyde Winters on the other hand using the studies below proves that this Mongloid element suddenly appeared between 6-8k BC.

“ At the present moment, almost all the skeletal remains older than 7000 cal yr BP in South and Meso America share the same morphological pattern, differing considerably from the morphological variation that characterizes the actual Native American populations (for an exception to this pattern see Bernardo and Neves 2010).” See Early human occupation of Lagoa Santa, Eastern Central Brazil: Craniometric variation of the initial settlers of South America, pg. 402 , Early human occupation of Lagoa Santa, Eastern Central Brazil: Craniometric variation of the initial settlers of South America

“ Despite the large number of studies demonstrating the high cranial morphological differences between early and late native American groups, the morphological variance present among the first humans who occupied the New World has been scarcely studied (see [21] and [36] for exceptions).
Sardi et al. [26] also recognized that early and recent native South Americans display very different cranial patterns. “

“However, the morphological diversity observed in South America is different from the one observed elsewhere in two aspects: first, the transition from the Paleoamerican morphology to the modern morphological diversity seems to have occurred faster in South America than in the other regions. To date there is no evidence of changes in the overall cranial morphological pattern or in its variance before 7.5 kyr BP [2–6], “ Early South Americans Cranial Morphological Variation and the Origin of American Biological Diversity,Mark Hubbe, ,* André Strauss, Alex Hubbe, and Walter A. Neves , Early South Americans Cranial Morphological Variation and the Origin of American Biological Diversity

Lund’s observations on the skeletal remains led to bioanthropological research focused on the study of a skeletal/cranial type named “Paleoamerican”. Morphologically distinct from most archaeological and present-day Native Americans, Paleoamericans are characterized by a morphological affinity with modern populations from Africa and the South Pacific (Neves et al., 1999, 2003, 2004, 2007; Powell and Neves, 1999; Neves and Hubbe, 2005; Hubbe et al., 2011). “ Andre Struss, Paleoamerican origins and behavior: a multidisciplinary study of the archaeological record from Lagoa Santa region (east-central Brazil) (Dissertation), 2016, file:///C:/Users/olmec/Downloads/Dissertation%20Andre%20Strauss%202016.pdf

Dr. Van Sertima makes mention of the fact that the Australoid pygmis populations were absorbed into the greater (in number) Asiatic migrants. It is my own conjecture (for whatever it's worth) that this absorption of this earliest pygmy element accounts for the relatively short stature of many contemporary Latin Americans at 5'7 for Mexico. This height is only contemporary with the East Asians who also carry that early pygmy ancestry before mixing.

Oral traditional place ancient "blacks" in pre-colonial America for thousands of years.


The Legacy of the Foundational Black American
In reference to Dr. Clyde Winters assertion of a later migration around 6,000 BC from Asia of pale skinned individuals, it must be noted that just about every aboriginal native American group attest to an ancient race of nomads that contained "white giants" who were cannibals coming from Asia, and traveling throughout the land masses of the "Americas". These later pale skinned populations according to many scholars and oral traditions of the natives were the cause of "race" wars in pre-columbian America. The depictions of many Meso-American civilizations even post Olmec, show wars between people of distinct skin colors. These wars were even recorded as late as medieval Mexican - Central American (Mayan) cultures, which were highly influenced by West African Mande - Muslim migrants.

"Sailing the Mouth of the Straights of La Maire, they met with very tempestuous Weather, and seventeen of their Men going ashore, were Devoured by the Cannibals of Terra del Fuogo. These People being all Whites, and of large stature, Paint themselves Red, and go stark naked, except some of highest quality who tie a Deer Skin about their Necks; and the Women cover their Nakedness with a piece of Leather....
Lastly, they are So Salvage, that they seem rather to be Beasts than Men, knowing no Religion, ill Natured, Cruel and Treacherous."
These "white giants" were eventually subdued as depicted in the later Africoid-Aboriginal American civilizations. The Mayan and Aztec civilizations among others would depict these wars with this pale race.



The Columbian Europeans was a prophecy of many Native Americans. The Europeans were so successful in their colonization of the native Americans, because they teamed up with the later Asiatic migrants (who knew the land) to subdue the aboriginal Africoid inhabitants of America. In America many of the natives were forced into chattel slavery once subdued in the wars. It is interesting in the situation today in which the stereotypical pale skinned Mongoloid Native American has been confined to the reservations. These pale native Americans were double crossed by the Europeans whom they aligned themselves with. Many of the Mestizo populations in Latin America now how European - American attitudes towards the blacks who have been in place there for thousands of years. It is also interesting to note that in the USA (no where else on the two continents), you have lily white skinned Americans (or in some cases whites with 1/100th native ancestry) claiming to be native Americans due to their European ancestors paying $5 in the dolls rows to be classified as Native Americans at the beginning of the 20th century.

During this identity switch the melaninated natives who resembled Africans in appearance and skin color (according to early European explorers) and whom were enslaved were reclassified as "colored", "Negro", and today "black" or "African Americans". This is a deliberate attempt by the USA to legally deny the land rights and reparations of the "black Americans" who have been taught over the century to legally distinguish ourselves as "recent" African slaves (which did take place as well, but to a lesser extent than reported). The brainwashing is so thorough, that many blacks insultingly dismiss the sacred words of their recent ancestors who routinely acknowledged that we have "Native American in our family" as "wishful thinking".
Cranial evidence on the Olmecs or Xi People relating to Foundational Black Americans
The outright refusal of European scholars - The Smithsonian to acknowledge these long known verified findings of "Negroid" cranial remains (made by Europeans ironically) in Olmec sites is one of the most pivotal examples of what film maker and black activist Tariq Nasheed refers o as "I'm white and I say so". For this reason, any black person with good sense would never wait on Western verification of the context of ourstory.

The anthropological evidence cited in the books of Ivan Van Sertima is concrete evidence of distinctly "Negroid" remains found in the ancient Olmec (the first civilization in the Americans) sites that white scientist refuse to acknowledge;
"Diehl and Coe (1995, 12) of Harvard University have made it clear that until a skeleton of an African is found on an Olmec site he will not accept the art evidence that there were Africans among the Olmecs."
"This is rather surprising because Constance Irwin and Dr. Wiercinski (1972) have both reported that skeletal
remains of Africans have been found in Mexico."
Dr. Wiercinski (1972) supports this claim with skeletal evidence from several Olmec sites where he found skeletons that were analogous to the Negroid type black.
Wiercinski discovered that 13.5 percent of the skeletons from Tlatilco and 4.5 percent of the skeletons from Cerro de las Mesas were Africoid (Rensberger,1988; Wiercinski, 1972; Wiercinski & Jairazbhoy 1975).



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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
The video of the sceptic at the beginning of the last post, starts out by trying to dismiss the significance of findings of "Negroid" skeletal morphologies, by claiming that the phenotype exhibited may not be consistent with the typical genetic pairing. Meaning they are saying that these noted to be Negroid skulls may not be African, but of some other "Negroid" looking people who could possibly have a genotype closer to Asians. The issue with that is that there are not that many options to choose from when dealing with a "Negroid" morphology, and that is the actual "Niger-Congo" morphology of Africa or the very similar Australoid skulls of modern day Black Australians. If there are other peoples who can possibly fit this distinct description then please let me know! From Brace 93, "Sub Saharan Africans"/"NIger Congo" (hence the samples noted in the study) and Australians are in their own distinct corner away from other World populations. You will not confuse these people with non Blacks. So yes cranio analysis will definitively be able to identify the typical Niger-Congo speakers as Negroid.


Now can we deduce between the African and the Australian options using common sense? Yes! The Australian argument is nullified by virtue of the stage of development that both "Negroid" peoples have been in in their respective homelands. Australians for example are nomadic and not agricultural. For this reason there are no civilizations in Australia (at least to my knowledge). The African "Negroid" option would make much more sense given the stage of societal development among these groups at the time are even more developed then than those of the Americas, complete with farming, permanent settlements, metallurgy etc.

Genetic evidence of Foundational Black Americans/ The Niger-Congo Family in Pre-Columbian American Civilizations

Another piece of little known evidence of the "Niger-Congo" strain of Africans coming to the America's is the finding of sickle cell anemia in ancient Mayan remains.
"The posterior distribution of the ancestral recombination graph yielded a sickle mutation age of 259 generations, corresponding to 7,300 years ago during the Holocene Wet Phase. These results clarify the origin of the sickle allele and improve and simplify the classification of sickle haplotypes." - Whole-Genome-Sequence-Based Haplotypes Reveal Single Origin of the Sickle Allele during the Holocene Wet Phase 2018





Once again notice how the distribution of sickle cell correlates almost perfectly with the location of Niger-Congo speaking family


"X-ray findings of the
skulls in Mayan Indians were suggestive of sickle cell disease.20 It has also been described in Mexicans. The sickle cell trait was found in 7.3 per cent of a series of over eight thousand Negroes,9 with a higher percentage in South African natives.10"


Now the million dollar question is how does an African disease that originated around 5,000 BC end up in Meso American remains before 1492 if there was no contact?
The video of the critics at the beginning of the last post never addressed this long known finding about sickle cell.

Another piece of confirmation of ancient Kemites and Nubians extensive travels to and from this area of the World is via the fact that mummies throughout the Hapi Valley have been found to have had tobacco and cocaine residue (the white "scientist" apparently acted a fool upon reading these findings, and this study addresses those concerns).
Central-South American Cocaine and American based Tobacco was found in royal mummies of Kemet and Nubia
The video at the beginning of the previous post of the sceptics makes the false claim that only ONE mummy was found to have cocaine and tobacco, when in reality it was NINE mummies. The "expert" guest tried to debunk the argument on chance of contamination of the misreported "one" mummy.

"The recent findings of cocaine, nicotine, and hashish in Egyptian mummies by Balabanova et. al. have been criticized on grounds that: contamination of the mummies may have occurred, improper techniques may have been used, chemical decomposition may have produced the compounds in question, recent mummies of drug users were mistakenly evaluated, that no similar cases are known of such compounds in long-dead bodies, and especially that pre-Columbian transoceanic voyages are highly speculative. These criticisms are each discussed in turn. Balabanova et. al. are shown to have used and confirmed their findings with accepted methods....
“The initial reaction to the findings of Balabanova et. al. was highly critical. These criticisms were not based on a known failing in the authors' research methodology, rather they were attempts to cast doubt on an implication of the research - that cocaine and nicotine were brought to Egypt from the New World before Columbus. This conclusion is not acceptable to conservative investigators of the past. In fact it suggests a deep-rooted aversion to what Balabanova suggested might mean an unraveling of aspects of history contrary to basic reconstructions. This aversion, according to Kehoe (1998) stems from the conviction that Indians were primitive savages destined to be overcome by the civilized world - that the acme of evolutionary success resided in the conquering race itself. ‘Childlike savages could never have voyaged across oceans.’ “
Balabanova's findings bring yet other evidence forward that humanity is not so easily pinioned into the pre-conceived notions of primitive and advanced - even as this might be related to the presumed technology of earlier times. The quest for discovery - to find new worlds - is not just a modern selective advantage of our species. Perhaps it is the defining characteristic. “


Cultural Overlapping of Ancient Hapi Valley Cultures and Aboriginal American Civilizations.


They Came Before Columbus


Djed - Shown in both Kemet and ancient America



john ogilby america | ... the book America ], c1673 by Arnoldus Montanus (Ogilby), Amsterdam


The North American Mound Builders


North America (especially the Mississippi river and it's tributaries) is littered with mounds. These mounds are relatively recent structures that date the Middle Ages. The only other place where they are noted to be found are in Western African Mande civilizations, as a defense against fortification. The age dating of these mounds, and the correlation with Mande culture implies that this was the result of the massive migration of Abu Bakr III's Malian fleet that settled in North America (many say Mexico) during the 14th century AD.


St. Louis Pyramids


Mississippi Mounds

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All Star
Apr 3, 2014
Many of us are descended of Native Americans - Africans who had made this land home for millenniums before Columbus arrived or the first "slave" ships came across the Atlantic. Stop disrespecting the integrity of our elders and ancestors who insisted that we have "Native American in our family", by claiming that this statement is one of "self hate". If you understand that the Native American ancestry is an ancient or long standing African presence (which infused with some of the much more ancient American populations in most cases) then this should be respected as fact!


One of the best parks in Boulder Co, is named;

Chautauqua Park


I don't put ANYTHING past these desperate Devils.






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