All Star
My thing with the NOI and the likes, are these negros have been preaching since the 40's. But the black community have only gotten worse.
So, something should tell these negros that their method is effective and to go back to drawing board.
I can't ever respect the NOI for how they back stabbed brother Malcolm for telling the truth about Elijah Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad wasn't practicing what he was preaching. And should have been exposed for it.
Any fake leader is counterproductive to black people progression.NOI is no different than the black church.
you have some points but I also disagree with some of what you say. yeah, they've been building for a min now and the black situation has gotten worse but at the same time people are slowly waking up. Change doesn't happen over night. It takes 9 months for a baby to be born. We've been slaves for 300 years + another 100 under jim crow, complete change is gonna take awhile. Just like black people thought obama could change the US in 4-8 years(not that he would've changed it if he were in longer, but that's beside the point)...
I cringe at the thought of where our future would be w/o WD Fard coming to the US. Hard to know where you going w/o knowing the foundation to the black man, woman and child. Who's the original man? Who's that mystery god. Without him we would be LOST. Elijah's the manifestation of that knowledge and the brothers and sisters who listened it changed their lives. A lot of people who hear the truth, but don't try to learn will result in no change, which is where a lot of brothers and sisters today fall in. A lot of brothers and sisters don't know ANYTHING about the NOI or The Nation of Gods and Earths or other conscious parties. That too is also a reason for the slow process.
The best part about it though, is that because of Elijah, Father Allah came into the knowledge of himself and the rest is history. There's no more secrets or hidden messages. The NOI says that WD Fard was/is god. The Father, took the wisdom from Elijah and born the understanding. He said ALL black men were god, which is true and can be proven in no limit of time.
So with that said, nobody can knock WD Fard or Elijah, and most def not The Father. Nobody is holy, we can only strive to be righteous. They said the original man is god and that there is no mystery god. You are the solution to your problems. People can continue to wait for "Jesus" or "Allah" or the "Government" or w/e the name of their god but they'll be waiting a long time. There's no more secrets. There's nothing new under the sun. Everything is related and will help you grow when you do research and relate it to your life.