Buff Bagwell wasn't the end and be all..they had DDP the whole time and used him as a stalker. It was silly. When was Bagwell ever ahead of DDP? He was just Steiner's bytch the whole time like that Canadian kid Petey from TNA.
I always thought Sting's reasoning was a lil' short-sighted tho'.
Yeah, Rock ran down Booker on some "who the hell are you" shyt... but Sting actually thinks the same would've happened to HIM? No dis to Booker, but in 2001, he wasn't who Sting was status-wise in the wrestling business. I def. couldn't have seen Sting being carried like a midcarder the way some of them other dudes were. Sting was one of those dudes who'd been at or near the top for like 12 years by that point. Far different from Booker, Bagwell, or even Page. Sting was an icon by '01. He probably would've been at the frontline of the Invasion, and probably one of the only WCW/ECW guys who came out of it looking good (the others being RVD and to a lesser extent Booker).
As lame as it sounds, I always stuck by the WWF, I watched WCW but I was a WWF fan first and foremost so when Vince bought WCW it felt like "Yeah we won". I was 13 years old though lol.
But it was so surreal moments as a wrestling fan I've ever watched. And the public firing of Jarrett is one of the most etherous things ever in wrestling.
The reason why WCW never got off the ground was owed to business reasons and contracts. The plan was to launch WCW in the summer as a completely separate brand, but TNN/Spike, whom they were in an agreement with at the time, had a no compete clause in the contract, meaning that Vince couldnt start up any competing brands so he couldnt put WCW on an FX or E! Entertainment channel. Also, TNN balked at the idea of Vince turning Raw into Monday Nitro, which was plan B, because they had paid for the very profitable and successful Raw brand, and WCW was a beyond damaged product. At that point, it wasnt worth turning WCW into a separate brand, and the plan was abandoned.
As far as Sting getting buried, he would have been received and pushed similar to Flair. Flair got a monster push in his program with Vince. Booker got a nice push, given that he was largely a mid-carder, except for getting a run as champ during WCW's dying days. LOL @ Sting questioning why Rock said "who the hell are you?". That was the Rock's character. Disrespectful and funny. What was the Rock supposed to say: "Oh my God, you're Booker T! Can I get your autograph???"
He was McMahon's whooping boy for like 80% of that Rumble match and then got scolded as weakling by Triple H after he caught the L to Rico which made him into Triple H's errand boy. I wouldn't call that a monster push.
Triple H RVD & Ric Flair backstage 09/22/02 - YouTube
how u gunna isolate one segment and make that representative of flair's first year or two in the E. lets forget that flair was made president of raw and all that. I mean the cat was in his 50s, his push was very appropriate for someone his age. Fck, he beat vince. Babyfaces get their asses kicked in matches and come back. That builds heat. I swear, whenever an internet fav looks bad for even a second, u all claim hes being buried. Look at all the sht vinces character went through.
But it was so surreal moments as a wrestling fan I've ever watched. And the public firing of Jarrett is one of the most etherous things ever in wrestling.