With the amount of money the nfl makes you actually think thats going to be a problem?
Because it's dangerous to have a more inexperienced crew out there.
Say waht you want, but you're backing those who have no NFL referreeing experience based on....I don't know.
Well how many times you see a 60 year old man can't get out of the way and rplayers run into them.
I don't think it's dangerous at all, that's goofy talk
nikka, where in my sentence did u get at i was talking about money?
U said that they have new refs come in with no experience coming in at some point, my point is that its not gonna be one new ref that comes in, its gonna be a completely new crew of refs with NO NFL EXPERIENCE. I don't see how u think that isn't a problem.
So you say the have no nfl experience like they never watched a fukking football game before. Like they're putting soccer refs out there with a handbook.
Tell me please what calls you need NFL experience to make? If you`ve been a lifelong fan most of us know the general calls to make, and the ones we`d miss certainly wouldn't make the game "Dangerous"
u are dumbing down this thread one post at a time, friend.
For real.
Dude is defending refs he knows nothing about.
I do know people complain about refs 24/7, especially age issues.
I don't see the danger in getting experienced, younger refs to come in and call these games.
zero experience and zero nfl experience are two different things. I'm sure they'll get refs that have been working elsewhere. With some training, they'll be fine
You have NO CLUE whose coming in!!
And who cares what you hear complaining about? Theyr'e still better than the less experienced and the unknown.
So you think the NFL is getting joe blow off the street, come on man.
Who argued for them being niqqas straight off the street?
what I said a few minutes ago?
I"m sorry....nfl refs are bad enough with their interpertation of pass interference. Leaving it in the hands of guys with no NFL experience....smh