You ever think it may be by design? It's easier to stay poor when you are poor, especially with children. What's the conditions making them poor? Why hate the poor instead of hating the capitalist system that keeps them poor?
I believe it's by design, I've been saying this for as long as I've been a member here, with that being said, the problem still exists, children are being birthed into poverty and the entire family suffers and it leads to people making poor decisions because "I can't allow my family to go to sleep without eating".
This isn't about hating poor people, it's about realistic solutions to problems that plague poor people, having more babies is not a solution, accident babies are not a solution, having a child while living in poverty and the father does nothing to support that child while he's off making even more children is not a solution, all of these problems can be nipped in the bud if the male had a reversible vasectomy and couldn't lay his eggs all over town creating babies he can't afford, the woman can have her tubes tied so she can't birth children until she's in a better financial situation and has planned for it.
I do hate the capitalist system, but we live in it and if we're not destroying the system the alternative is to change things we do have control over like whether or not we birth new children into poverty.