The Netflix's "Daredevil" Season 1 thread

Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
yo so is there any nods to the overall MCU?

ive been rewatching the whole MCU from beginning for about 2 weeks now following this chart..


ive seen the first 3 episodes of daredevil and i loved it but i wanted to watch EVERYTHING in contuinity. So im asking because i was fukking pissed how in IRON MAN 3, shield or the avengers aint show wtf? all that shyt just happened to tony stark and shield wasnt there after being there the first 2 movies?


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
yo so is there any nods to the overall MCU?

ive been rewatching the whole MCU from beginning for about 2 weeks now following this chart..


ive seen the first 3 episodes of daredevil and i loved it but i wanted to watch EVERYTHING in contuinity. So im asking because i was fukking pissed how in IRON MAN 3, shield or the avengers aint show wtf? all that shyt just happened to tony stark and shield wasnt there after being there the first 2 movies?

Only reference to anything is the whole basis for the crime and new element in hell's kitchen: they're rebuilding after the battle in the avengers and everyone wants a piece of that neighborhood. Other than that, I didn't catch any nods to stuff that came before Daredevil. It's more self-contained.

and i liked the fact that they didn't show up in iron man 3 breh:whoknows:

Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
Only reference to anything is the whole basis for the crime and new element in hell's kitchen: they're rebuilding after the battle in the avengers and everyone wants a piece of that neighborhood. Other than that, I didn't catch any nods to stuff that came before Daredevil. It's more self-contained.

and i liked the fact that they didn't show up in iron man 3 breh:whoknows:

:patrice: whats your reasoning for that? it didnt make sense to me at all..they destroyed irons man home...his HOME :damn:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
:patrice: whats your reasoning for that? it didnt make sense to me at all..they destroyed irons man home...his HOME :damn:

Well I look at it like a comic book breh: the avengers don't always show up in an iron man comic to help him out or spider-man to help him out. Or in wolverine or the hulk to help them out. The belief that you gotta take into it is that everyone has their own thing going on when they're not in a team up movie; they've all got their own adventures and own issues to deal with and that's what happens. Spider-man has been a part of the avengers for the past 10 years in the comics and they don't always come to his aide when something big is going down because you have to be able to tell stories about those characters and progress their stories and their characters as opposed to just making everything a big time team up where no one gets any character development at all or at least very little.

I mean look at what happened in Thor the dark world: portals opening up on earth and time and space damn near collapsing on itself. Were any Avengers there to help him out? Nah, he's a big boy he dealt with it himself.

Then of course there's the real world practical explanation: They're on contracts you can't use up their movies at every turn.

Uptown WaYo87

May 7, 2012
Well I look at it like a comic book breh: the avengers don't always show up in an iron man comic to help him out or spider-man to help him out. Or in wolverine or the hulk to help them out. The belief that you gotta take into it is that everyone has their own thing going on when they're not in a team up movie; they've all got their own adventures and own issues to deal with and that's what happens. Spider-man has been a part of the avengers for the past 10 years in the comics and they don't always come to his aide when something big is going down because you have to be able to tell stories about those characters and progress their stories and their characters as opposed to just making everything a big time team up where no one gets any character development at all or at least very little.

I mean look at what happened in Thor the dark world: portals opening up on earth and time and space damn near collapsing on itself. Were any Avengers there to help him out? Nah, he's a big boy he dealt with it himself.

Then of course there's the real world practical explanation: They're on contracts you can't use up their movies at every turn.

:ehh: that makes sense, it just threw me off cause up until that point in the MCU...shield or other easter eggs were in every movie but yea i get what you saying

im not up to thor the dark world but thanks for the spoiler :troll:

lol jk i dont give a shyt


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
:ehh: that makes sense, it just threw me off cause up until that point in the MCU...shield or other easter eggs were in every movie but yea i get what you saying

im not up to thor the dark world but thanks for the spoiler :troll:

lol jk i dont give a shyt

:deadmanny: my b breh..but yeah there are definitely story reasons but of course the real life reason is they're only signed to so many films and anytime they appear, even if it's for a second, it counts toward that. I remember Chris Evans talking about that before iron man 3 came out that he wouldn't be in it because he didn't think Marvel would be smart to use that as one of the films on his contract if they've got bigger plans for him as Cap and he doesn't intend on being around after the contract is up. Obviously he could've changed his mind since then


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014

EDITORIAL: Why DAREDEVIL Is Building Towards The "Shadowland" Story For THE DEFENDERS

Daredevil season 1 set up multiple story-lines for the future. While most plot-lines can be argued to be setting up stories for only Daredevil, there is one that's being arranged for the upcoming Defenders event series. Here's why I believe the "Shadowland" story arc is being set up for the future.
Follow ComicsBornAndBred:

By ComicsBornAndBred - 6/8/2015


Marvel and Netflix’s Daredevil has been an obvious critical and commercial success. It’s been met with roaring acclaim amongst critics as well as fans. Basically, this is one of the best things Marvel has done, in the field on TV or film. With the MCU dominating so much in terms of characters, mythos and storylines. It’s refreshing to watch a different format. Daredevil set up a story through 13 well-paced, developed and intricate episodes. 13 episodes may not seem like much, but various storylines were set up and alluded to for future seasons of the show and the other upcoming Netflix properties. Born Again is referenced various times for example. Chief among the plotlines set up by the Netflix hit, is the “Shadowland” comic book arc.

For the ill-informed, Daredevil controls The Hand and tries to make it a force of justice within Hell’s Kitchen. He transforms his beloved neighborhood into Shadowland, a prison structure built within the HK. Bullseye had destroyed HK and left it in ruins leaving Matt to build this new structure in its remains. Matt kills Bullseye for what he’s done. This leads to Daredevil’s former heroes to question his decisions. Now in Shadowland, it’s Daredevil versus his former friends Luke Cage Iron Fist and Punisher, among others.

The “Shadowland’’ story is a significant reminder of how miserable life can be for Matt Murdock. That’s what’s’ so compelling about him. He’s a hero who’s burdened with extreme pain and loss. Darkness seems to be his unwelcome friend at times. The first season of the show put Matt through some serious obstacles, but non like “Shadowland”.


There seems to be this conspiracy that’s’ subtly haunting the first season. In my opinion, it all revolves around “Shadowland”. Nobu, Stick, Black Sky and other things all point to this event coming.

With the massive success of Daredevil’s first season, I believe that the character will be a focal point in this ‘Phase One’ of Netflix like Iron Man was for the MCU in its first phase. The other heroes of Netflix’s shows seem to be operating in Hell’s Kitchen. This is primarily, Murdock’s stomping ground. Luke Cage is usually a Harlem kind of guy for example. This is why I feel Daredevil is being built to take center stage for The Defenders story. “Shadowland” is coming and it will be the major event The Defenders will have to contend with. Here’s why:


The first season of Daredevil is jam-packed with Easter eggs and references. But, the most notable allusions must be to that of Elektra Natchios, arguably Matt’s greatest love. Elektra is considerably important to the Daredevil mythos. In episode 10 titled, ‘Nelson v. Murdock’, there’s mention of a Greek Girl Matt dated while in law school. These are overt mentions of Elektra. Not only, does she hold overall importance to Daredevil as a character in his lore, but also in the “Shadowland” story. Elektra is a known member of The Hand, a Japanese ninja order that’s full on evil. Her death is one of the reasons Matt kills Bullseye during the story. But, more importantly, after she is resurrected, she tries to stop Matt from being corrupted by his involvement with The Hand. Elektra is an important piece of the puzzle but so is another Daredevil mainstay.




Stick’s presence in the seventh episode isn’t just to allude to the past, but also the future. He acts as a symbol of forewarning; a blind man who’s a bit of a herald, how cliché. More importantly, he makes multiple references to a coming WAR and his needs of a SOLDIER. This war is an obvious battle between The Chaste and The Hand. The Chaste a band of mysterious ninja warriors who are primarily based in Japan. Stick is a prominent member. The Chaste have been in battle for centuries with their chief adversaries. The Hand. The Hand is a ninja order who have dark connections and seek to spread their darkness across the world. “Shadowland” is heavily connected with The Hand as Matt has taken them over and been corrupted by them. It only makes sense for The Chaste to retaliate.
Stick’s many mentions of war aren’t the only hints as to what’s coming. A the end of the seventh episode, he meets with a mysterious large male figure as they discuss the death of BLACK SKY, Matt’s readiness for battle and GATES OPENING. Judging from the mysterious figures bodily scars, it seems that he is Stone, one of Stick’s acolytes and member of The Chaste. Black Sky and the opening of gates are two key topics here. Black Sky was a young boy whom Nobu has shipped to HK. He deemed him as a weapon of sorts. We saw that the boy was chained to the inside of the crate. Judging from the eerie supernatural vibe the child gave off; I’ve surmised that he had demonic connections. “Shadowland” deals with not only Matt controlling The Hand, but also being possessed by the demonic Beast of The Hand. This ties into if Murdock will “be ready when the gate opens”, due to the fact that the gates are probably opening for The Beast. My theory is that this child was to maybe be used as a vessel for the Beast. Nobu is obviously a member of The Hand and Stick’s hatred of the child makes sense if he were to be the vessel.
*Stick never really explained how he found Matt and why he chose him. I believe it’s because Stick seeks out the disabled believing they have the potential to obtain heightened senses. They have to make up for what they don’t have. These senses make for better warriors as they are more aware of their surroundings than those who aren’t disabled.


If you do your research, you will discover that Nobu is most likely Kagenobu Yoshioka, the founder of the Hand in the Marvel comics. When we see Nobu fighting Daredevil, he’s dressed in red and heavily resembling a member of The Hand. In “Shadowland”, his schemes include seizing a part of the Hells’ Kitchen for The Hand. In season one of Daredevil, Nobu can be seen discussing the control of numerous properties and land with Wilson Fisk. Nobu also vehemently mentions how Fisk owes promises to those he speaks for. Very hush- hush stuff. I’ve also discovered, from other sources, that the writing on the blueprints of the city that Nobu handles, translates to Black Sky. This only furthers the “Shadowland” connection.


The connections to The Hand are abundant. Nobu is representing The Hand, and he is bringing the Hand's Manhattan complex seen in the Shadowlands series into a full city block of Manhattan in cooperation with Fisk. Fisk must get something out of this supposed arrangement he’s made with The Hand. In the comics he receives quite the gift: the ability to be resurrected or have a valued ally resurrected. Fisk’s affiliation with Nobu is often referred to him being connected with the Yakuza. It is never outright stated who Nobu works for, but it’s definitely The Hand. Fisk seems to initially fear opposing Nobu, probably due to his fear of the repercussions form the ninja cult.

*With Nobu connected to Madam Gao through Fisk, there seems to be a connection between the Chinese and Japanese. Don’t be surprised to see Iron Fist deal with this thread.



I think Defenders will deal with Shadowland. Daredevil is already a scarred, wounded and fragile individual mentally. He’s easily seduced by violence and rage. Couple that with his skills and he not only makes for a dangerous hero, but villain as well. “Shadowland” makes Matt an adversary to his fellow heroes. He makes The Hand an army of justice he THINKS he can use correctly. “Shadowland” pushes a good man pushed past his limits. Having Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage battle it out against their trusted ally would be compelling.
With only AKA Jessica Jones really having an established adversary revealed in contrast to the remaining Netflix series, (Although Madam Gao will pop up in Iron Fist I believe) its hard to surmise how the shows villains will connect. The Hand is known for employing many different members in the comics. Purple Man, for example, could be a member of The Hand and whatever his relationship with Jones is, he could have an agenda that’s important to The Hand. All the heroes are operating in Hell’s Kitchen. That’s a pretty tight area. For all we know, as the audience, Matt could cameo in Jessica Jones or Iron Fist or Luke Cage before the team up event. They must be somewhat aware of what one and another is doing in the small neighborhood of HK. This can all help set up Defenders.

Daredevil is a huge accomplishment. It has planted the seeds for several plots successfully. With season two coming soon; maybe we will discover if these allusions and references hold any validity.


The Watcher

Judging you from afar
Dec 2, 2014
I just got done marathoning the first season and this was much better than I expected. Can't wait for season 2.