The Netflix's "Daredevil" Season 1 thread


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
Stick was once the dude who played Toshihiro Mfunes student in


The Rainmaker

Mr. Money in the Bank
Jun 12, 2012
This series was ABSOLUTE PIFF :banderas: Lived to the enormous hype I've read.

The fights, the graphic violence, and even if this is the darkest thing they've done with the MCU, the small bits of humor.

I disagree with all who said Vincent D'onofrio was a miscast. He made a great Kingpin. A little different characterization than in other media, but still an awesome take on the character.

Only thing I'll say is we needed a little bit more Rosario Dawson in this.

Episode 12 got me :sadbron::sadbron::sadbron:

Man, I CAN'T WAIT for them delivering a Punisher series like this :banderas:

Bad thing about binging this shyt is that I don't know when and if we'll get a second season :mjcry: At least we're a couple of weeks away from Age of Ultron .
May 30, 2012
Mt. Vernon
JUST started watching episode 5 and you are spot on. The problem is people are expecting the veteran daredevil, kingpin etc. Its awesome to see them not at the very begining but the 2nd semester of freshman year college. Marvel does it again.
Two different shows but that doesn't mean its not better done.

That's like saying Breaking Bad isn't better done than Vampire diaries because they target different demos.
Just finished watching it... man this show was also....

To everyone complaining about Kingpin..... I dont think yall actually got him or a lot is going over yall heads (stop overthinking shyt).

This in a sense is YEAR ONE for everyone, so many of yall are like "bu bu but this aint the Kingpin I know from comics" NO shyt! That Kingpin is like a decade or more deep as a boss on that level in the comics. People are forgetting this is pretty much his beginnings and him coming into power and gaining the mentality of the man that we all know he is. I think the final eps pretty much showed glimpses forward of what yall are talking about and hoping for.

Also, his fight style... I love how he "rages" out and is nothing more than brutal rage and power.... I think buddy played an EXCELLENT Kingpin and lets just be real.... he looked JUST LIKE HIM.

The show was excellent... sad its over.... I do understand they are going to do JJones, Cage, & IronFist next.... but I hope they find a way to go the MCU route and drop maybe a couple of these shows 2-3 times a year.... as I really dont wanna have to wait for them to drop 1 show per year and Season 2 of this be 5 years from now after Defenders drops. I would love to see this again next year or at worst in 2.

Do any of yall know like the format of how they are going to release these?