The Netflix's "Daredevil" Season 1 thread


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
isn't better call Saul being released like a tv show with new episodes each week?
I haven't been watching but I think so. I thought that was AMC though. I've been slipping on that cause Breaking Bad was my shyt. But this has been confirmed to be releasing all the episodes at once. It's even been described as a 13-hour movie in alot of interviews.


Vincent D'Onofrio Reveals More Details About The Kingpin

In a recent interview with argentinean film magazine "La Cosa Cine", Vincent D'Onofrio shared some more details about his role as The Kingpin in the upcoming Marvel/Netflix Daredevil series, and what is it like to work for a big company like Marvel. Hit the jump to read the full interview!
Follow Spidey91:

By Spidey91 - 3/2/2015


Netflix's Daredevil premieres April 10th, but in case you don't wanna wait 40 more days and don't mind knowing a little bit more about the upcoming Marvel show, then check out the interview Vincent D'Onofrio gave to Argentina's biggest film magazine "La Cosa" (which translates to "The Thing" in, it has nothing to do with that other Thing).

The Kingpin does not appear in the series right away. Can you tell us who is Wilson Fisk?

The good thing about this show is that it doesn't give you all the characters right away. In the early episodes the context is created, the environment in which they will interact. Then, once they find the Kingpin for the first time, they will already know things about him and his attitude. Wilson is a very private person. He moves in the shadows, until something makes him come out to defend what he thinks is right. That's all I can say before someone comes get my head (laughs).

Do you find any parallels between Matt Murdock and The Kingpin?

The dynamic between the hero and the villain is great. Matt Murdock wants to change the city, wants to make it a better place. Wilson Fisk wants the same. But their backstories, what makes them who they are, are totally different. This creates a conflict of power in the show and the 13 episodes will revolve around that, defining what is right and wrong in the middle of this conflict.

Before Steven DeKnight, Drew Goddard was the one in charge of the series, and even appears in the credits as the creator. How developed was the story when he decided to leave?

Sorry, but I can't give you an answer to that. When I arrived, Steven was already in charge. I know nothing about what happened before.

I don't know if you can tell us a lot about the Daredevil spin-offs, and the connections with all the Marvel Cinematic Universe. To what extent would you like to take your character in this structure?

It's something we chatted and I know that everyone involved had a great time doing the series, and from what I understand the filming of Jessica Jones is going very well. So I would love to be involved in whatever I can, the more the better. I can not wait to see everything put together, so we can all enjoy it. I have to say that working with this company is very comfortable. It's a very creative environment, and as an artist that feels really good.

What differences did you find in the filming of Daredevil over other series that you worked on, like Law and Order?

It's completely different. Everyone is much more creative. From the showrunner to producers, writers and directors involved. There was a very different creative environment. I was inspired with every script I received, with every discussion I had about what to do with that. I have to be honest, the whole process had superior creativity when compared with other works. But to be fair, I must say that television underwent many changes. These shows like Law & Order or CSI are like the last of the dinosaurs, they will not exist again. It's a new world now, and I'm happy to have been part of that. But we have another picture in front and that's amazing.

How much research did you do for this character? Did you read any comics?

I think I grabbed everything that exists. With comics there's something odd, it's like a constant flood of information. Someone will always come to you with new material. But even if I had not researched this world, I would say that the combination of what Steven DeKnight, our showrunner, wrote and the art of Frank Miller is what helped me find the character.
The dream of everyone here at Marvel is doing a version of Daredevil that no one will see coming. Deliver this world in a new way, and Netflix had a lot to do that. What you will see is a 13 hour movie.

As we saw in the series, there's much of the spirit that Frank Miller gave Fisk in, say, Love & War, right?

Definitely. Of course, this version comes from another writer and another language, but there are many similarities. Especially in this aspect of vulnerability that Vanessa (Ayelet Zurer) awakens in Wilson. In the show, the relationship between Wilson and this woman will awaken many emotions in him, much more than what Miller showed in the graphic novel.
This aspect is what interested me the most about the character. Unlike the comics, here you can feel a real person. This woman appears in his life and creates a conflict. It's a love that he found, he never sought, and I will not reveal anymore, but it's something important this season.

Are you aware of the importance of the character in the comicbook culture? Do you get some pressure?

Yes, I know what it represents, but as an actor that happens all the time. Even when you're doing a play. You give a thousand shows and you get tired of always repeating the same thing. But when you listen to people entering the theater, you know that, for them, is the first time and you have to go out and tell the story. Is the same here. There are many fans waiting to see the new version, and I don't get nervous, quite the opposite. It makes me wanna go out, tell them the story and succeed, for them.

Well, he certainly sounds excited about the show! What about you guys? Do you think D'Onofrio will do the Kingpin justice? And are you looking forward to Marvel's foray into a more dark and mature corner of the MCU?

Daredevil punches his way into Netflix on April 10th.
Source: La Cosa Cine


Aug 29, 2013
I just saw the trailer.

This looks dope as hell, man.


The Menace
Apr 30, 2012
Wait...Vincent D'Onofrio is playing The Kingpin?



Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
DAREDEVIL: New Details (SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!)

A set report from Brazilian website Omelete provides some intriguing new details on Marvel and Netflix's Daredevil series. Apparently (redacted) and some other mystery Marvel characters will be joining Kingpin in his battle against the Man Without Fear...
Follow Mark:

By Mark Cassidy - 3/3/2015

Brazilian website Omelete have posted some very interesting details from their visit to the set of Marvel and Netflix's Daredevil series back in October of last year. Even with Google translate it's difficult to piece together, but with the help of MCU Exchange we've managed to make some sense of it.

Probably the biggest reveal in the report is that the character of Melvin Potter, aka The Gladiator, will play a "large role" in the series. This was one of Matt Murdock's very first enemies in the comics, but actually reformed and became an ally later on. Near as we can tell he'll be Wilson Fisk's weapons guy on the show, and will not only provide the Kingpin of Crime with some kitted out armoured cars, but also some type of kevlar suit. The scene described also reveals that Leland Owsley/The Owl (Bob Gunton) will be Fisk's financial advisor in the show, and that "other characters in the Marvel Universe" will be present.

Additionally, the site spoke to Costume Designer Stephanie Maslanski, who commented on the Kingpin character. "Both Matt Murdock and Wilson Fisk want to turn Hell's Kitchen in a better place to live", she revealed; confirming what we've heard about the villain having some good qualities. "Fisk is a guy who has a heart and a past. It is a deep and multi-layered character. He is far from be a grotesque and exaggerated character. We leave that to other programs that are on TV." Here are some more tidbits from the report.

- Matt Murdock lives on the top floor of an 8 story building.
- Rosario Dawson's Claire Temple (Night Nurse) works at Metro General Hospital.
- The series is aiming for a somewhat realistic tone, akin to The Wire or even Arrow.
- Matt's abilities are incredible but still very much grounded in reality.
- Atlas Investments is a company near the Nelson & Murdock Law office, an easter egg to the Pre-Marvel day of Atlas Comics.

Thoughts? Daredevil premières on Netflix on April 10, 2015.


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
"Best Comic-Book Show": first Daredevil's review is out!
Marvel's Daredevil will debuts on Netflix, April 10th but now there is a first review by The Observer! Check it out!
Follow NoMore:

By NoMore - 3/9/2015

Arrow? Flash? Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Gotham? Nope, the best comic-book show will be Marvel's Daredevil. Well, this is what The Observer say in their first review:

"I know it’s still early in the year, but I’m calling it now: The most beautifully choreographed fight scenes of 2015 will be on Netflix, courtesy of Marvel’s Daredevil. We’ve seen the first four episodes, and this show is like no other comic book adaption on the small screen yet. The beauty of Netflix is the freedom it allows—Daredevil gets as dark as the source material requires. It’s so dark, it’s almost a better Batman show than Gotham, and that show actually has Batman in it. If nothing else, Daredevil will rule the comic book TV landscape for years to come."

What do you think about it?

Plus, bonus point:

Source: The Observer

