lebron doesn't suffer from rolled ankles like most players because his lower body-legs are thick and jacked

And I would hope you're not claiming to be impartial here either because your agendas are infamous here. That's not even the point. A question was asked why a bs thread like this was allowed to exist and I gave the answer. Whether you or I have bias is irrelevant to that.Except that thread used content that manipulated "video evidence" to push an agenda. If the same thread, in theory, was made about LeBron, you'd be in there pointing out that very thing. We get it, you hate Kobe, you don't need to fake the funk like you've got a hammer of impartiality in your hand.
nor do I know why you think its disruptive content that is worthy of being bushed.
You fukk with Bron now?
So why are these steroids that only available to lebron? Why hasn’t any other athlete been a never injured athletic freak at 33-34?yall really believe a perimeter player of his size is able to maintain his athleticism at his age naturally?
lebron doesn't suffer from rolled ankles like most players because his lower body-legs are thick and jacked
Are you hinting I am due for a 4 month cleanse or whatever it is that you do?
Of course, you don't, because if you did, you'd soon realize there'd be nothing left for you to post about.
Peptides like IGF and LGR3 can help with ligament and tendon health. They are similar in category to HGH.