My junior year at college was broke off status.
I had 0 money, so I would eat that big $4 5 gallon tub of ice cream for breakfast and dollar menu for dinner. Those fukking ramen noodles

During that time, i honestly felt poverty and it was not a nice feeling
So whats your broke stories?
sophmore year first semester. that aid didnt come thru until the following semester. and the job i had was completed. so there was no where to work. i mean NO WHERE.
BROKE status. i was on fumes. parents came thru from time to time. but i was trying to be a grown man and handle mine. so i was calling and begging either. plus my entire dorm room was broke, all 4 of us. lol.
put it this way. it was so bad. we had to make a decision. should we go play ball today come home and be super hungry but only have enough to barely scratch the surface?
OR should we skip hoop. so we wont be as hungry?
OR should we go play hoop, since we're so hungry right now. so we can forget how hungry we are. hopefully be to tired to eat when we get home and just crash out?
hamburger helper, split 4 ways, and i'm talking 1 pack of ground beef.
ramen noodles all day.
Pot pies for a buck(smarten up, this will get it done, i learned this late in the game. best bang for your buck by far).
we playing basketball video games for pizza. who ever wins gets a whole large pizza. from the no name spot around the corner. didnt matter. cause everyone in there would beg for a slice. so you wouldnt have more then 3 to yourself regardless.
messed around and had a terrible gpa that semester. ended up taking time off. moms was hot and was like okay you wanna be grown. since you dont have a job(aint like i wasnt looking like crazy)... time for you to see what the real world is like. go on down there and apply for GR...

you might get some food stamps if your lucky.
went down there with my boy once. me and him both. it tooks us 4 hours to be seen. all kinds of shady characters in there. thats when i realized how could anyone be on general relief aka WELFARE for YEARS and never work if they arent disabled? its a job to go down there and deal with that nonsense. you're there all day and may not get nothing done that day then have to come back to find out "sorry you cant get any aid at this time" WHAT????
it was rough brehs. got on the grind and found a gig not long after.