The Metal Gear Solid 1 Thread

Rice N Beans

Junior Hayley Stan
May 5, 2012
Chicago, IL
Going back to my original comment on TS, let me expand a bit. I think they did a good job bringing it in line with the MGS2/MGS3 era of gameplay. I don't think this is a bad statement. It does feel like MGS with the MGS2/MGS3 style. Kind of bringing it in line of expectations but this hurts the game gameplay wise.

The "3D" explorative part is mostly exploitable, and it cheeses the harder parts. Just entering the facility via the vents, it is so easy to just drop from the catwalk to ground level. First person takes the stress out of a lot of gun fighting because things are flatter in MGS1. I had a far easier time playing this game as a teen than I did replaying MGS1 on PS1 as an adult.

Yes, the voice acting is awful in this version. Probably the thing I hate the most since a lot of mood is tied to the codec convos. I think Mei and Natasha are the worst.

Now, just reaffirming the modernization for the time was good. I think it is what we can expect from a remake when it released. However, a proper remake needs to redo bits of areas, unless they want to keep the reduced capabilities of the original gameplay. As the gameplay expands, so do the areas. You can't have that first person aiming and everyone comes at you on completely flat ground and most zones are boxes pretty much. You can't have paths that lead you through enemies in the original get sidestepped by hopping the railing. This is something the later REmakes get right.