And war is exactly what will happen. Humans will have each other go extinct before the earth is even close to fully destroyed and unable to sustain human life.... in my humble opinion anyway.I am NOT very educated on the subject.
The thought came to me whilst watching a Vampire anime.
The vampires were considering different ways to deal with humans, whilst feeding at the same time.
Dracula desired total destruction.
Another set of vampires were looking to gather like animals in a pen.
In this situation, you have folks thinking of 100, 600, 1000 years in the future.
Most of us are just thinking about our own lifetimes.
What you describe is a recipe for war.
I usually just read threads like these and not participate.
I like reading opinions of smart posters.
And war is exactly what will happen. Humans will have each other go extinct before the earth is even close to fully destroyed and unable to sustain human life.... in my humble opinion anyway.
There are already politicians in office put in place for this specific reason. Project 2025 will be their official way to move us to that point. They tried with Jan 6th and failed. Local governments have been filled with a ton of anti-democracy individuals. We are closer to this reality than most people realize.Yup…. Cats on here overreacting to bullshyt that will more than likely never materialize
black masculinity has these non blacks in a frenzy.
never let them take away your testosterone
Name a billion dollar incel
Are there enough fish, chickens and cows available to eat, if humanity increases by another 20%?
Are there enough resources?
If you were king of the world/future, would you limit human growth?
All of em
There are already politicians in office put in place for this specific reason. Project 2025 will be their official way to move us to that point. They tried with Jan 6th and failed. Local governments have been filled with a ton of anti-democracy individuals. We are closer to this reality than most people realize.
The top 10% of the population is consuming over half the resources on Earth. 35% of agricultural crops aren't even grown for human consumption, they're grown to feed livestock.
Just take beef, which is by far the most resource-intensive, wasteful source of food. A single beef steer can take up over an acre of land, use over a million liters of water before it's ready for market, and will produce over a thousand kilograms of CO2 equivalent. When you combine pastureland and cropland (grain feed), beef cattle take up around half of the world's agricultural land, but only produce 2% of the total calories and 5% of the total protein.
300 million Americans consume about 30 billion pounds of beef a year. The entire rest of the world (nearly 8 billion people) only consume 100 billion pounds of beef at year. In other words, if Americans simply consumed beef at the rate the rest of the world does, it would immediately reduce global beef consumption by 25 billion pounds a year, which would free up enough land to produce hundreds of billions of pounds of other food.
Personally, I wouldn't use any draconian means to limit population growth. If you simply provide strong universal education, quality universal health care, living wages, and female rights/empowerment, then population growth naturally plateaus. All the places where population growth is out of control are places where women have poor education, poor health access, or no hope in life.
But I would limit how much rich people could exploit the world's resources for their own gain. Instead of allowing private individuals to exploit everything for personal gain, I'd put a lot more land under corporate, community control, and replace modern capitalism focused on constant growth with new systems which incentivize distribution and sustainability.
I said name one…..
That’s why I was laughing when Tech bros were in shambles when there was a run on silicon banksIncel with a billion dollars is still an incel
That’s why I was laughing when Tech bros were in shambles when there was a run on silicon banks![]()