I still never got around to watching the F4 reboot
I think Marvel could get Doom right aesthetically speaking. They'd have him looking the part. But you can't just throw Doom out there dolo which means they would have to work out a Sony type deal to reboot F4 with Marvel taking care of the creative side. I feel like the general pubic has soured on the Fantastic Four in general and have definitely soured on multiple reboots of the same franchises. Plus, I don't think I would be able to survive the corniness of never ending one-liners between Johnny Storm and Ben GrimmThe second they had Doom up there like a nikka on Comic View I'd have to throw in the towel, brehs. Their villains thus far have kind of just been there as excuses to se our heroes be heroes. Doom is his own entity. He's not just someone's foil. He should be able to be on screen with RDJ's Ironman and not just hold his own but even outshine dude. I don't see that happening anytime soon with Marvel's track record of villains. I'd love to be wrong, doe
Exactly my point, Doom has to be that villain that goes outside that Villain causes terror, hero defeats villain structure in the MCU
Doom is more cunning, intelligent, and powerful to have a basic format,
Imagine The Avengers all working together to finally defeat Doom only to find out

Doom needs his own movie, fukk the F4