Pure Water
fakkit ass nikka like @Luke Cage always negging.
I don't know but I expect EA to fukk it up by doing shyt that nobody asked for
But knowing EA is behind this, you aren’t worried? They will milk that shyt to death... probably release dlc to find out what happened type shyt.. all I’m saying is as much as I love shepherd also, I don’t wanna see him being shoehorned into this. I don’t mind the game referencing him or anything like that but Shepard in the flesh seems too forced and cheesy to me but then again this is just my opinion.I like Shep, so I don't agree.
But to answer the question, maybe Shep is your mentor or even your parent? Maybe Shep is your ancestor, or maybe you have to pull Shep outta cryo like Captain America.
ME5 doesn't have to be Shep, but that "Pathfinder" shyt wasn't it.![]()
But knowing EA is behind this, you aren’t worried? They will milk that shyt to death... probably release dlc to find out what happened type shyt.. all I’m saying is as much as I love shepherd also, I don’t wanna see him being shoehorned into this. I don’t mind the game referencing him or anything like that but Shepard in the flesh seems too forced and cheesy to me but then again this is just my opinion.
But that's exactly what I'm worried about, this game will be fan service galore because at the end of the day, EA know they have a safety netWorried? No.
ME was put on freeze but dethawed because Bioware needs a win after consistently churning out L's.
I prolly won't pre-order this without seeing reviews anyways (not much incentive to, especially if special editions can be had after the fact) so if they flub again I can save my cash and KIM.
I'm not worried since I can't lose.![]()
But knowing EA is behind this, you aren’t worried? They will milk that shyt to death... probably release dlc to find out what happened type shyt.. all I’m saying is as much as I love shepherd also, I don’t wanna see him being shoehorned into this. I don’t mind the game referencing him or anything like that but Shepard in the flesh seems too forced and cheesy to me but then again this is just my opinion.
I see y’all not understanding me.. I have no issue with them closing that plothole I would just prefer the game would not be about finding out what happens to shep. I don’t want these new games surrounding shep and if you do that’s cool, but can the do that for a new trilogy? I don’t want the game to be full fan service
Not really understanding how it's a shoehorn when Shep was shown alive at the end of "ME3".
That's a big ass plot hole they need to address at some point.
I see y’all not understanding me.. I have no issue with them closing that plothole I would just prefer the game would not be about finding out what happens to shep. I don’t want these new games surrounding shep and if you do that’s cool, but can the do that for a new trilogy? I don’t want the game to be full fan service
Im not agreeing or disagreeing but What else can they do with Shepard? As a main character or side character? I don’t want a story focused around that personally
Oh ok I get what you're saying.
I mean....I dunno. They didn't resolve the plot of the original trilogy. Not just what happened to Shep. So I'm not understanding how they can make a new game and not address that for most of it. The Mass Relays being gone would change the entire dynamic of the series....you potentially have millions of aliens stranded on Earth because they came there to fight the Reapers and now they can't get back home.
That would be ground zero of where Tali, Joker, Wrex, Garrus, etc. are. We see Shep alive at the end of 3 and the entire cast just flying off. If Bioware doesn't show how they'd deal with the problems caused by the end of 3....that's kinda silly man.
Shep's life purpose became defending the galaxy from the reapers. Now that he's done it, he might be mentally fukked up ala Luke Skywalker, Kratos, etc. so the cliche PTSD storyline is already in place. Then there's the fact that he may or may not be a cyborg/not even human anymore/not even Shepard anymore so they have angles with that...there's a lot of avenues here on a personal level.
As far as the main plot goes...
Well to casuals fans all of these issues are not true issues. You might do better covering that shyt in a book or a comic.
The casual fan needs that big hook. What's the "next great threat." If they didn't already use undead proteans I'd say that would be a good start but they did so I guess they'd have to come up with something new. Or maybe do a crossover with Andromeda.
Ain't no casual fans man. The last game flopped.
You need the core OG "Mass Effect" fan base or this shyt is dead in the water. I'm not saying it's impossible to lure them in without the original cast but they're going to be leery as fukk about approaching a new game, when Bioware ain't even cleared up the plot points of the original trilogy.
The plot holes at end of ME 3 are fixable. Just need a new game dealing with after effects of reaper fight. The synthesis and control choices in ME 3 were stupid. You purposely off Shepard. The destroyer path easily leads to new game and an alive Shepard. Shepard story should be over though. New protagonist. Maybe even let us pick species like Dragon age
Need to know what happens to galaxy after curing genophage. See what happens with humans leading galaxy. See quarians and geth progress. What happens to asari and turian after their planets were wrecked by reapers