The "Marvel Cinematic Universe" is now the most successful movie franchise in US History

King Koopa

All Star
Dec 1, 2013
The 8-4 and fiery moats
No love for the thor movies or Iron man 3? :manny:

Only movie in thier universe that I thought was well below average was Incredible Hulk.

Them nikkaz putting up great number which will only get better.

You couldnt tell me back in 2000 that Captain fukking america 2 would damn near grossing 100M in a weekend.
Nah bruh, those movies were mediocre to me IMO. The Thor movies weren't bad, but nothing special either. They are pretty much Loki's movies. Iron Man 2 just sucked and 3 had too much dumb stuff going on along with it's multiple plot holes. It's actually crazy looking at the change in quality between those movies and the new Cap joint.

I'm not surprised that Cap is doing so well. Dude is just a better character and has better stand alone stories then the rest of the people on Avengers. Especially when they transition those stories on the big screen. The military mix helps as well.