If I want to be perfectly honest, the last two previous episodes were superior than the season finale. They were better overall episodes. HOWEVER, the finale was amazing in its own right purely due to it being a textbook to how FAN SERVICE is done RIGHT. We saw how forced feed fan service in Rise of Skywalker were it did a disservice in elevating the story or the characters within the story and served no rhyme or reason or purpose. In The Mandalorian's season finale, everything that was there for fan service purposes were slickly set up from previous episodes with great foreshadowing in which we had a sense of what could happen, but unsure if they was going to go there. Especially in the Ahsoka episode, we already were informed that some Jedi that would come for Grogu, and even got a wink and a nod to her in implying it would be Luke by her saying "but there's aren't many Jedi left" out there (paraphrasing). And also with the given of the staff to Din (Mando) foreshadowing he's going to have a one on one against the Moff Gideon using that staff. Or the introduction of the black troopers. Everything leading up to the climatic conclusion which all executed with perfection to give what the FANS wanted without it looking forced. The only thing where I felt they was pushing the fan service a bit TOO think was when R2D2 showed up, like I understood with Luke, you're going to have R2 but there wasn't really a reason for him to leave the X-wing. Overall, great way to end the story arc of Din & Grogu.