Peerfly told me that my FB fan page would need 10,000 likes before they would approve it so i said fukk em and started using affiliaxe which has better offers and ad managers IMO

If they're shaving like that, should i track and call them out on it or would i have to just charge it to the game?
charge it to the game. Every company does it. ESPECIALLY on email/zip submits.
You gotta realize that they way they even make money off those things is by spamming the hell out of those emails on the back end. People really don't like spam. They may not even see the offer. So they claim to shave for quality control.
The best way I can think of to make money off those things (gift cards and the like) AND BEAR IN MIND IM SPEAKING HYPOTHETICALLY......
Is to try pay per view instead, geotarget poor areas and college towns, and target URLs for like grocery stores, best buy, amazon, etc.
Poor person looks at stuff they want for christmas, pop up shows up on page:


Misery, breh. Misery.