wait- why is this thread even in this section?
I'm about to put y'all up on something.
Especially @
L&HH and @
illadope , cause they grinding it out.
See this site?
Basically you go there and design your own t-shirt or hoodie, right.
You set the number you think will be ordered. People order that number, they make the shirt and ship it out.
And spit the profit with you. Lets say you sell a shirt for 16 bucks and it costs them 8 to make it. You get the 8 bucks profit.
Just that simple.
AND THEY CHARGE YOU NOTHING FOR THIS. You don't even pay shipping and handling. They do it ALL.
If you try to sell 20 shirts and people only buy 19 before the deadline, then they simply refund all orders and the shirts don't get made.
But hell, if you're about to not make 160 bucks because someone didn't buy one shirt, you'd better come out of pocket and buy that one shirt.
No minimum order, and they WILL email you to tell you you didn't hit the limit you set 24 hours before the deadline you set, so you have a chance to lower it just so your shirt sees print and your money is made.

now BEFORE YOU GET ANY BRIGHT IDEAS IM GONNA WARN YOU NOW: They CANNOT put complex graphics on the shirts like photographs. So that

that just went off about making shirts with Coli Smileys and getting rich, you can dead that right now. I already tried.

so how can I make money online with this, breh!?"
I don't know. what went on tonight? Wack ass Rey Mysterio showed back up on Monday Night Raw. What happened on Monday Night Football? Didn't some mayor get caught smoking crack or some shyt? You don't think a Weiner for Mayor shirt would have sold? (c00n post warning) How much money could you have made off "I Am Trayvon" hoodies? shyt is happening every day.
Nah fukk that if you too sensitive ALL money is generated via human misery ALL OF IT.

but how am I supposed to-"
Open a Bing advertising account. Open a facebook advertising account. They both allow direct linking. Don't bother with google, cause they dont. Make a shirt based on a trending topic, make ads based on trending topic and the shirt, target keywords based on the trending topic, send traffic to the offer page. Be sure to put how much the shirt is so they know exactly what they're getting. They click, it may cost you 20 cents to a dollar. They buy, you made 8 or more.
Hell, I was talking to my Ace a week or so ago, 2 weeks? anyway... I explained my hypothetical thoughts on this ole idea.... I gave her this scenario: You see all those broads hitting the like button on Drake quotes? 50,000 likes.
If you took one of those quotes and put it on a pink or white shirt in cursive letters with some hearts on it or whatever....
you don't think 100 women is gonna buy that shirt?

breh, how much money have you made-"