The Louis Farrakhan Appreciation thread (His influence on hiphop is substantial)


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
I see your points your making, you would just come off alot more intelligent without all the religious insults.. especially if Farrakhan who you claim to praise read your comments on this thread he'd be disappointed on your talk about Islam..


religion is fascinating science fiction to me breh, I actually have mad literature/documentaries on islam. My Qur'an has been collecting dust tho, book is kinda boring.

I just feel a bit irked when i see cats make comments like 'REAL ISLAM' and dumb shyt like that when its all fairy tales. Hating on this man for no real reason, Anything offensive that I say is strictly in self defense, but why am I defending a man in an appreciation thread anyway?......these nikkas coming in here throwing shots and I'm throwing em back b :youngsabo:


At the end of the day tho, Farrakhan himself said that he would never put a white arab over a black man (of any belief). So I don't think he'd really give a damn to be honest. Especially when I ride out for him for the most part.
May 27, 2012
Trenton, NJ

religion is fascinating science fiction to me breh, I actually have mad literature/documentaries on islam. My Qur'an has been collecting dust tho, book is kinda boring.

I just feel a bit irked when i see cats make comments like 'REAL ISLAM' and dumb shyt like that when its all fairy tales. Hating on this man for no real reason, Anything offensive that I say is strictly in self defense, but why am I defending a man in an appreciation thread anyway?......these nikkas coming in here throwing shots and I'm throwing em back b :youngsabo:


At the end of the day tho, Farrakhan himself said that he would never put a white arab over a black man (of any belief). So I don't think he'd really give a damn to be honest. Especially when I ride out for him for the most part.

when they say "real Islam" they're talking about the Islam that resided with Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) Not Elijah Muhammad. You claim Muhammad to be a white Arab, there are sources that point otherwise... But it doesn't matter cuz Muhammad said there is no difference between black over white or arab over non arab only in God's Consciousness.

Also...The whole nation believes Allah came in the form of
Fard Muhammad who was a white arab
according to him himself so your point is moot...

The Bottom Line is without the Islam we know in Mecca, there would be no Nation of Islam, no Moorish Science Temple, No 5 Percent Nation of Gods and Earths, and other offshoots of offshoots, so I disagree,, obviously Farrakhan holds Islam in a high esteem...

and what is this mystery god stuff your talking about...

The Nation of Islam believes that Allah independent of all things (mystery God according to you) is the creator of the heavens and earth , and this Allah created man with a piece of himself, breathing life into sounding black clay, Adam was born... That is what they talkin about with the original black man being God... Meaning divine within..... they just teach members to be proactive and exercise the "GOD within" so that the GOD supreme can exercise his will through your submission and obedience.

Farrakhan stated that when you are in complete harmony with Allah you become part of the "We" that is used linguisticly in the scriptures.

so whether you talking about a Sunni Muslim, or a NOI Muslim the Allah is the same, we just differ in regards to was Fard a physical manifestation of Allah, just like some differ with Christians as to is Jesus a physical manifestation of Allah.


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
when they say "real Islam" they're talking about the Islam that resided with Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) Not Elijah Muhammad.f your talking about...

I know the differences and I don't care, its all fairy tales b.

Claiming something is "Real Islam" is equivalent to you telling me something is "Real Jedi-ism"

Its completely irrelevant

I fukks with the oldhead and I don't care if he's real jedi-ism or not

May 27, 2012
225're a retarded fakkit, stanning some human being on a personal level. That is fukking creepy and makes you look like a fakkit.

Someone could put a bullet in this nikkas cranium, I'd see it on the news, say "hmmm" a sandwich, and sleep like a fukking baby.

You'd probably be ready to commit that.

fukk you and him...2 fakkits.
May 27, 2012
Trenton, NJ're a retarded fakkit, stanning some human being on a personal level. That is fukking creepy and makes you look like a fakkit.

Someone could put a bullet in this nikkas cranium, I'd see it on the news, say "hmmm" a sandwich, and sleep like a fukking baby.

You'd probably be ready to commit that.

fukk you and him...2 fakkits.

that's a bit harsh huh....Farrakhan say's that part of our problem is the disconnect we have with our brothers around the world.. if someone dies unrighteously in Georgia and we in Jersey reading about it, and don't feel anything then there is a disconnect..

He say's we are supposed to be one big fam, one big nervous system.
May 27, 2012
Trenton, NJ
I know the differences and I don't care, its all fairy tales b.

Claiming something is "Real Islam" is equivalent to you telling me something is "Real Jedi-ism"

Its completely irrelevant

I fukks with the oldhead and I don't care if he's real jedi-ism or not


Just a question, I see your aggression towards religion and that you believe they are fairy tales.. Now is it the stories of the Qur'an that you consider fairy tales. or do you believe the whole concept of "God Allah" to be fairy tales. just trying to figure where everything is stemming from. Because I have friends that share similar views as you, but they would never go as far as saying that the concept of GOD Allah is fairytales..

They hate religion like you, but look at intelligent design as evidence of there being a designer or potential designer


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
Just a question, I see your aggression towards religion and that you believe they are fairy tales.. Now is it the stories of the Qur'an that you consider fairy tales. or do you believe the whole concept of "God Allah" to be fairy tales. just trying to figure where everything is stemming from. Because I have friends that share similar views as you, but they would never go as far as saying that the concept of GOD Allah is fairytales..

They hate religion like you, but look at intelligent design as evidence of there being a designer or potential designer

I have no problem with the concept of God/Allah/Zeus whoever

I just don't believe he/she/it has ever actually spoken to anyone. Ever.

And anyone who makes that claim is obviously manipulating the masses or just plain delusional

And Natural selection renders "intelligent design" unnecessary.

Human beings have an amazing imagination and it was easier to fool people back then because the large majority weren't educated.....David Blaine would probably be worshiped as a God back then.

Muhammad:Say breh, some angel spoke to me in a cave and told me to write down some shyt. :cool:

Random nikka:fukk outta here nikka :comeon:

Breh u know me, I'm an honest and sincere human being, I can't even read nikka, How could I write some ill shyt like that without divine intervention b? I got no reason to lie b, here, take a look at this shyt and read it for yourself :scheme:

Random nikka: U know what?... ur right, the way some of this text lines up could only be done by God himself, damn, that shyts cray b, all praises to allah, lets spread this to the entire world :gladbron:

I'm grossly oversimplifying it but essentially that's how it went down. And not to just single out Islam.... all religion is basically just like that. Joesph Smith's finding magic tablets inside of a hat (Mormons) is no different than what Muhammad did thousands of years ago, People only give Mormons more hell because it happened more recently and of course we all know miracles like that are only labeled "authentic" if they happened a long ass time ago.


but while we're on the subject, if Muslims truly believe that along with the other stuff in bible/Qur'an. Then why would it be so far fetched for them to also believe that Master Fard Muhammad was God incarnate and came to Elijah Muhammad? I mean, God already came to the Jews and Christians, then to Muhammad....why is it impossible for him to come a 4th time?

None of these claims have strong evidence to support them, so why quickly dismiss one and label the other authentic? My guess is that it all depends on what you were "raised" to believe. (Either that or the majority rules) :yeshrug:


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....

religion aside, u can't deny the real shyt this nikka says, hate on him all u want but he's cut from the same cloth as Malcolm, they're basically twins
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May 27, 2012
Trenton, NJ
I have no problem with the concept of God/Allah/Zeus whoever

I just don't believe he/she/it has ever actually spoken to anyone. Ever.

And anyone who makes that claim is obviously manipulating the masses or just plain delusional

And Natural selection renders "intelligent design" unnecessary.

Human beings have an amazing imagination and it was easier to fool people back then because the large majority weren't educated.....David Blaine would probably be worshiped as a God back then.

Muhammad:Say breh, some angel spoke to me in a cave and told me to write down some shyt. :cool:

Random nikka:fukk outta here nikka :comeon:

Breh u know me, I'm an honest and sincere human being, I can't even read nikka, How could I write some ill shyt like that without divine intervention b? I got no reason to lie b, here, take a look at this shyt and read it for yourself :scheme:

Random nikka: U know what?... ur right, the way some of this text lines up could only be done by God himself, damn, that shyts cray b, all praises to allah, lets spread this to the entire world :gladbron:

I'm grossly oversimplifying it but essentially that's how it went down. And not to just single out Islam.... all religion is basically just like that. Joesph Smith's finding magic tablets inside of a hat (Mormons) is no different than what Muhammad did thousands of years ago, People only give Mormons more hell because it happened more recently and of course we all know miracles like that are only labeled "authentic" if they happened a long ass time ago.


but while we're on the subject, if Muslims truly believe that along with the other stuff in bible/Qur'an. Then why would it be so far fetched for them to also believe that Master Fard Muhammad was God incarnate and came to Elijah Muhammad? I mean, God already came to the Jews and Christians, then to Muhammad....why is it impossible for him to come a 4th time?

None of these claims have strong evidence to support them, so why quickly dismiss one and label the other authentic? My guess is that it all depends on what you were "raised" to believe. (Either that or the majority rules) :yeshrug:

Were taught in Islam that Muhammad (PBUH) was the seal of, the final messenger,

and we dismiss others because we follow our guidance through the Qur'an and Sunnah..

I wasn't raised to believe in Islam, I chose Islam because of the structure it provides and the concept of Allah in the Qur'an is the exact same concept I had as a non Muslim among other reasons.

The Qur'an does state that Allah will raise up reformers..

Fard Muhammad could quite possibly have been one of those reformers. Because we have little info on Fard, we don't know if Fard actually claimed to be Allah.. He could of just been here traveling to teach Islam, or had been a student at the Moorish Science Temple another pseudo Islamic group...

As a matter of fact Warrith Deen Elijah's son, stated that he asked his mother did Fard ever claim to be Allah, and she covered her face and shook her head no... Sounds like Elijah seen how Blacks were worshipping white Jesus and wanted to give them a black god to worship...

You said how come we don't believe Allah will come a 4th time... Muhammad instructed us that this is the final revelation because we are the last of his people.. and that this revelation was for all of Mankind, not a particular people

Muhammad said his "ummah" will not last 1500 years
he said this in the 5th/6th century.. and we are already in Islamic Calendar year of 1433 years I believe.... So what i'm saying is time is short for us Muslims, were not looking for new prophets and messengers, we're looking for an Imam, a Kalifa for the Ummah.. and the Return of Jesus

We understand that one of the major signs of the end was the Birth of Muhammad, because he was sent as a mercy unto all of mankind for all time,


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
Were taught in Islam that Muhammad (PBUH) was the seal of, the final messenger,

and we dismiss others because we follow our guidance through the Qur'an and Sunnah..

I wasn't raised to believe in Islam, I chose Islam because of the structure it provides and the concept of Allah in the Qur'an is the exact same concept I had as a non Muslim among other reasons.

The Qur'an does state that Allah will raise up reformers..

Fard Muhammad could quite possibly have been one of those reformers. Because we have little info on Fard, we don't know if Fard actually claimed to be Allah.. He could of just been here traveling to teach Islam, or had been a student at the Moorish Science Temple another pseudo Islamic group...

As a matter of fact Warrith Deen Elijah's son, stated that he asked his mother did Fard ever claim to be Allah, and she covered her face and shook her head no... Sounds like Elijah seen how Blacks were worshipping white Jesus and wanted to give them a black god to worship...

You said how come we don't believe Allah will come a 4th time... Muhammad instructed us that this is the final revelation because we are the last of his people.. and that this revelation was for all of Mankind, not a particular people

Muhammad said his "ummah" will not last 1500 years
he said this in the 5th/6th century.. and we are already in Islamic Calendar year of 1433 years I believe.... So what i'm saying is time is short for us Muslims, were not looking for new prophets and messengers, we're looking for an Imam, a Kalifa for the Ummah.. and the Return of Jesus

We understand that one of the major signs of the end was the Birth of Muhammad, because he was sent as a mercy unto all of mankind for all time,

cool story bro :skip:

61 Corpses

The Breh
May 26, 2012
Tom your a sensitive ass nikka. Take your neg like a man instead of following me into a different thread to neg me, you homotional fakkit. :pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit::pacspit:


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
i only neg in self defense breh :umad:


all praises due to allah :stopitslime: