let me please say this
To these infentile imbicels .... if you have a U.S. envoy an ambassador

you can't just do what you please to that individual he takes his citizenship, rights etc...etc..w/him wherever he goes it does not remain state side...
If one lops off a finger


into that sh*t too it reps. Lives

Many have 6 fingers prominent reason old pics hid hands

But they are all apart of the hand each finger although they may operate independently
Let's say theoretically you lopped off one and it could still think feel operat as if part of the whole,

hence it would demand to be treated as such and we all are aware of the scientific fact of phantom limbs on the body that are detached but the body still reacts as if they remain
They've done something sick demented
I've explained what dent means and this filthy miniacle place
This, is the "helper" your holy book speaks of this off shore consciousness