me and my mans hit up happy hour yesterday and as soon as we step in there was a jawn eyeing the fukk out of he's eager to go smack but i tell him to chill cause shes in a group and women love to get a ego boost out of rejecting dudes in front of there friends....
so he catches her a lil later when she's by herself walking by our area and the introduction went well but everything after that was just crazy awkward vibes, the nervous uneasy look on her face had me dying inside

...he talked to her for solid 3-4 mins and couldn't get any type of flow but a couple empty was so bad breh just hit the 'cool nice to meet you'' and kept it moving didn't even bother getting into asking for the number ..I'm guessing he caught her at a bad moment but idk man some woman just are not used to men confidently approaching them...and she was very cute with nice legs but clearly fit into the shy socially awkward type,which are by far the hardest type of girls to crack....