Sucks to see what some people become. My former best friend lost his grandma two weeks ago. I went to both the wake and funeral out of respect, and he really appreciated my presence. I was the only friend at the funeral. I spent a lot of time at his grandparents during my teenage years when he was in their custody. They treated me like family.
I went to hit him up on Saturday night, and he iced me because he (I later found out) had people over to snort blow and whatever other drugs they're doing.
I'm leaving the city soon, and don't plan on coming back. Moments like those sting a bit. But I realize that our lives have taken us down different roads, and that doesn't necessarily make us bad people.
He went to college, got caught up with drugs, wound up in jail, and ended up getting expelled. He came back to Chicago and has a manual labor job.
I'm just not on that level anymore. Our lifestyles are incompatible it seems. I guess that's life