I don't know about all that breh. It's just good professionalism to give two weeks notice if you can. I think it also depends in what industry you are in. At my last employer I gave two weeks notice, the president of the company called me into his office, tried to get me to stay, when they weren't able to match, he appreciated that i gave two weeks to help the person who would be taking over my desk.
Fast forward 10 months later, guess who's going to be heading my division at my new employer? That's right, the former president of my last employer. You never know who you are going to cross again or what type of reputation you are creating by just quitting with no notice and leaving your co workers with a mess to clean up.
If everything is all good at your position I can see that, but even then I have seen it a few times over, senior guys with good reps come in to put in their two weeks, and in the next two weeks they get shafted, or their position is magically eliminated and they're exiting the building with thier cubicle conents in a box. I've seen your scenario pan out also. The guys put in notice, company makes better offer, employee decides to stay, a month goes by and their position is oddly "vapored"/company downsizes, or the superiors and coworkers now view the employee negatively for eyeing to jump ship.
Your way is fine, because that is the ideal way to do things, but I'm just saying, after seeing how companies treat people, good companies too, two weeks notice isn't always the best way to go. You saw what the poster said, the company found out about the two weeks and canned them, now they're on eggshells hoping another position comes through. That's not good to me.
I'm not 100% disagreeing with you, or stating the contrary for the sake of arguing either, I'm just saying my life experiences have shaped my opinion so that it differes from yours for the most part. Like you say, it worked out for you, but like I'M saying, that's YOU. Everyone is different.
Industry/City size is imporant also. I live in a big city, hundreds and hundreds of companies and business, so my take on it would be different than someone from a smaller town.
Re-read my inital post and it came off really angry-snobbish, but that type of thing upsets me like no other, so I wasn't trying to come at the OP's head like that, but to me, them getting canned, that is total B.S.
We go to work to earn money and provide for our families, it may be important for some people to have a fancy title or hobnob with certain people so they feel important, but to me the purpose of a job is to MAKE MONEY, so that's what the poster was trying to do a better job of.
Companies do employees wrong and look them in the eye on the tail end and say "oh it's just business", they'll fire someone and give the staff a phony excuse under the guise of "oh it's just business", they lowball employees to try and get the most work for the least wages and we're supposed to "be considerate of them"? No, I can't vibe with that. I don't trust any of these smiling faces out here, at all, I've seen right through them too many times.