Being dubbed the computer "expert" for your family is no fun and games. Especially when your family doesn't listen to you anyway.
My in-laws are getting up on technology and have way too many ways to connect to the internet in their house (1 laptop, 1 desktop, 1 nook, 1 Nexus 7, 1 netbook, 1 iPad (borrowed), and 2 smartphones). Unfortunately they don't use their PC devices often enough so any time they try to do, they are bombarded with notifications to update and give up because their pc is running too slow.
Then they ask me if they need a new computer and i tell them no, you need to use it daily and let it update regularly. They say OK, then put their computer away so they can pepper me with the same complaints in 2-3 months when they dust off their PCs again.
Yes I'm mad.