I believe it and respect it but I'm as regid and static as they come. It's the ones that are the most phobic that I give the side eye to though. I could give two shyts how someone lives their life.
You never know what other ppl are doing in private or what their secrets are to not be ostracized.
Before it was easier to get away with shyt and for it to die down.
That's why I always laugh when ppl act like there's a trans/gay agenda when the trans shyt and gay shyt been going down before their great great grand parents were alive.
Not full sex changes (surgeries), but living presumably as the opposite gender, manipulating marriages, in opposite gender spaces and being stealth etc.
The bi/gay shyt been around even longer.
Just like how some folks who don't know what the hell they are talking about acting like it's a generational thing with women being sexually expressive.
Women been cheating on their husbands, having babies by other men, fukking countless men.
"Women back in the day were real women. I hate this IG/Social media age

