Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Apr 18, 2013
more for me :takedat:

Dried cranberries are a good addition to everything green tho breh, trust
I like diet cranberry juice :troll:.


Ain't nobody tryin to get indicted.
Feb 2, 2016
This has been the worst month and few weeks I've experienced in a while.

I realized two things recently. My mom in her very crazy and odd way supports me. If I ever needed her for anything she'd help me without question no matter how she felt about me.

That's a real fukking woman. A woman should never hesitate to help someone she cares about. Luckily my mom wasn't raised to be salty like some modern women.

I'd help someone I'd hate because it's the right thing to do. I bought these kids lunch because they didn't have enough money for lunch. I buy cigarettes for my homeless bro because I hate to see him digging in the trash for smokes.

I don't talk about my personal life to anyone other than one person because I know she loves me unconditionally. We've done many things for each other and will kill for each other without hesitation.

I think I can trust this new girl. I've been talking to her for months. Taking it slowly and getting to know her. I told her about my exceptionally difficult day. She only offered to help me. I didn't put any pressure on her. She offered her help and her ear.

I refused to accept because I had a couple back up plans, but the fact that she wanted to help means more to me than my weight in gold. I can make money, but making friends is hard because I know human nature. People are shyt bags and selfish.

I called my mom this AM. I was quite sad yesterday and I fell asleep because being sad is exhausting. I woke up with a plan.

We had a good talk for the first time ever. She told me I am way too stressed out and I need to go out and have fun because I'm too young to work this hard. I didn't complain she just knows me well and can read me.

The pot calling the kettle black. All my mom does is work or take care of everyone all the time.

I remember being a kid and promising myself one day I'm going to help her. I remember buying her a car and feeling like the man.

Ironically the older I get the more I realize she's right about everything and I need her help more than anything in this world.

My stress level is always very high. My doctor told me I'm going to have heart attack before the age of 30 at this rate. And my heart already beats funny and hurts when I get stressed out. I'm sure I've had small heart attacks in the past. I really am going to kill myself if I don't calm down. My heart hurts more frequently these days. I don't talk about it.

I can't chill though, even if I die because of it, which is the reality of the situation. I'm scared to go to sleep sometimes because I don't think I'll wake up. Low heart rates can cause heart attacks and sleep lowers your heart rate.

Healthy people like me die from heart attacks a lot.

I'm not scared to die. I'm scared I'll die before I am recognized as excellent in my profession. I'm so close to being the youngest and only black male doing what I'm doing for the third time in my life. I've accomplished a lot before 30 because I feel like I'm going to die before I see 30.

I know I'm going to die before my kids grow up. I can feel it. Death has been chasing me my whole life. I can only dodge it for maybe a couple more years.

If I die I'm glad I did things nobody else did. I come from a family of pioneers. There are many first black insert profession here in my family. There are books about my family and how much we've accomplished. I remember reading them one as a kid and wanting to be a part of that.

I'm adopted so I've always felt like I'm not good enough to be in my family. I put pressure on myself to be great and do things at the highest level to show them I belong in this family.

Lol ironically nothing i've done impressed them other than the job I have now which is funny to me because anyone can get a job. Anyone can be smart. Anyone can graduate college. I could blow people out the fukking water in a lot of shyt because it's so simple to me but I like challenging myself.

I like bleeding for it, I like going places the brave go.

Low key my idol is Alexander The Great. I read about him when I was a kid and felt like he and I were the same man. We both like to lead from the front and we want to conquer the entire world.

I know it sounds crazy but my goal is change the fukking world. I know I can and I've been building towards it forever.

I got my art shyt popping again. Every Day Is Someone's Birthday is moving along. I'm proud of that because I'm not an artist. But I'm getting good feedback from my work.

Low key I've been setting the ground work to legally establish a business to monetize my ideas.

Humility has taught me a lot. I was crucified for my sins of vanity and being selfish. I think people sense I've humbled myself and I get mentors because of it. This year I've had multiple people give me professional advice.

I still think highly myself because numbers don't lie, but I also value what everyone else brings to the table whether or not I know what it is.

Everybody has a history and everyone has skills.

Anyway I'm glad I didn't die in my sleep last night. I thought last night was the night. My heart hurt a lot.

Princess Coco

Feb 2, 2016
I hope they know their little baby girl is home bored and suffering while they're smoking cigars and drinking cafe con leche with the Castros

Vice Queen

aka Joe Henny
Jan 15, 2015
Girl, bye!

One day we'll be able to digitally store our consciousness and effectively live forever in a wonderful digital world of our choosing.

No matter what, death is still undefeated. You cannot stop the natural progression of the universe.


Feb 24, 2015
Everyday is a gift

Don't ever take it for granted cause second chances are rare

Cherish every moment
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