One of the world's greatest secrets, one of the world's most precious treasures is that in which a treasure is hidden amongst men.
These dead men…having eyes but not beholding the vision, having ears but not hearing the note of serenity and having hands but not being able to touch heaven's form. They falter and they stumble into the abyss..they die for a lack of knowledge, they are consumed, even the bones, as prey.
How far fallen is God's great design from his place on Earth! Heaven's form, heaven's form...the embodiment of that which is perfect, the desire of wisdom and the hope of a man's heart is what I have called you.
Even though, I've call you Heaven's Form by name.. I titled this note Beautiful and surnamed you Glorious because I crafted it with thoughts of love, I adorned it with praise and gave it life through truth. You will know that you're loved eternal.
Let this be my which even if I fall away, that you'll always know how special you truly are. For in my keep is diamonds, rubies, pearls and all of the secret things but it is in you where my glory is kept and where my memorial before man comes from.