when I have ever told you that I was hurt or negatively affected by your posts or possible threads about me? I never told you once not to make a thread about me or anything like that. It was all jokes to me (and I assumed it was for you too) until you started expressing that it wasn't fun or funny to you. You didn't say those things when I made the threads.
I don't do things out of spite on here besides for 1 star peoples threads that always one star mines. You keep assuming I have some sort of animosity and hatred towards you, which I do not at all. I was not being spiteful. I see people make spin threads all the time and I thought it would be funny, no matter how immature that sort of thinking was. As I've said a million times, if I was trying to be spiteful, why did I not express anger, jealousy, negativity etc when those threads backfired?
Did I curse anyone out for saying that you weren't a man and that I was an idiot? Did I curse anyone out for saying you were beautiful? No I did not do any of those things.
And you can make all the threads about me that you want. That's not why I'm apologizing. I'm apologizing for the possibility of having hurt you in anyway shape or form. You can keep your option on me but I'm still not going to send you any pictures.
Good night.