I'm not from the US. Only a certain type of person can own a gun here.

I don't know the exact details but I'll explain what I know.
- My Cousin was a great guy, he was like a role model for my male cousins and he was doing really well in school.
- Then he started hanging around the wrong type of people.
- He did some shady things with those people.
- He fell in love with a « good girl » and they went out together.
- I think she tried to get him back on the right path but failed, so they broke up.
- This seemed to have affected him a lot. He wanted her back so he tried to leave his shady life to go back on the right path.
- But the « gang » he was in wasn't too happy with it. So, I don't know how they did it exactly but they betrayed him and he landed in jail.