at my boy
now last month i wrote a couple posts about my boy who ended up assed out on vacation in jamaica..for no good reason other than he didnt watch his spending and blew his cash...he had no access to his bank account and couldnt pay to check out his hotel and stuff because he had no gotdamn card

..has his girl and his ppls down and they couldnt him downi also learned little bit more about his financial management which was terrible for a grown man...so he asked to borrow 200 something bucks..he never asked me for money before so im like good...the understanding that he'll pay me back within a week once he got back to the states.so i send via western union
its almost 5 weeks hasn't paid me back..but keeps giving me like deadlines of when he will which he hasnt made...he gets paid twice a week..i make more than enough so 200 plus doesnt hurt me but its the principles of this...its not something im giving him because hes going through financial hardship (which ive done before for others)..it was something i gave him because of stupidity on his part

...now its ill pay you back eventually

..thats all good and well..but i dont think ill be letting dude borrow from me in the future...