Thinking people are better than me is my biggest problem. Thats where the low self a steam comes from. I can't even get 1 guy sooo no free food for me at
Thanks uncle Fonsworth.
1st and foremost
guys=/= life.
Once you start to have more confidence in yourself you'll notice other people will be more attracted to you as just a person over all. You aint gotta be the best or the best looking. Just be confident in whatever you do even if you suck at it.
2nd I know you can get a guy and handsome ones at that *pause* You probably just want of those guy's that even the 9 and 10's chicks have to "work" for to keep there attention. I could be wrong, but I dont really see a reason for you not to be able to attract any men.
3rd When its all said and done no one cares about your sadness or downs, unless they already cared about you in the 1st place. So if you are trying to grab attention in that manner, its only going to be from someone else that is in just a bad of a spot as you or someone that is trying to take advantage of you.
You dont want that type of attention.