Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts

Aug 16, 2017
My mom is so fukking negative it drives me crazy. She lives in fear of the most basic shyt and always has a negative outlook on everything.

She literally has lived the most basic life, never tries anything new and has never accomplished anything she wanted to but is ALWAYS points out how things are "wrong" and could have been done better.

If you suggest anything new to her the first thing she will do is point out what could go wrong. I call her out on the shyt too. And she always denies it.

I just applied for a job that I am completely qualified for. Read it to her and she has the goofiest look on her face and the best she can say is "The worst they can say is "no."

The job has a pension and she like "Well such and such has a pension and they can't collect social security."

I'm like "So?"

We talk about it a little more and she literally just sits there with nothing positive to say and keeps asking questions likes she tries to find something to criticize.

When she can't find anything else to nitpick she just blurts out "What’s wrong with your face? Are you breaking out?"

I had a small pimple by my nose that is slightly raise but not red. I just look at her say "You're concerned about 1 damn pimple, really?" And then she gets mad at me.

Like seriously? She can give it but can't take it. I wish she'd get a hobby so she can criticize her damn self.

My mom is the same way. When I was younger, I’d apply to jobs, and my mom would say, “You know you’re not going to get it.” Or if she didnt hear from me in a certain amount of time, she’d assume I’m dead, or in trouble. And any time I call her, she answers “What’s wrong.” I had to put a lot of effort into unlearning those negative thought patterns, and not expecting bad things to happen. And honestly, our lives haven’t been that difficult.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013

My mom wouldn’t know what to do if she found happiness
I have gotten to spend a lot more time with her lately and it really made me realize a lot of things about her that I never realized before.

We love each other very much, but she is very immature. Her communication skills are shyt, she can't take any type of criticism, she's a bit lazy, she has a 2 second attention span and she doesn't like other women. She also has a very delusional relationship when it comes to my dad.

I call her on her shyt everytime though. I'm not my dad. He can let that shyt slide but I won't.

I think a lot of her shyt is rooted in self doubt. She's scared of every fukking thing. She used to have this creative spirit but now she literally does nothing but run behind everyone like a servant. It drives me crazy. I told her if I wanted a maid I would pay one. The funny part is that she's not even that tidy to be doing all that. Lol

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
My mom is the same way. When I was younger, I’d apply to jobs, and my mom would say, “You know you’re not going to get it.” Or if she didnt hear from me in a certain amount of time, she’d assume I’m dead, or in trouble. And any time I call her, she answers “What’s wrong.” I had to put a lot of effort into unlearning those negative thought patterns, and not expecting bad things to happen. And honestly, our lives haven’t been that difficult.
Oh wow.

You know what's funny as I read your message I realized I had to do the same thing. I overcame it so long ago that I forgot but I had to do the same thing.

She was never mean with it but this huge self doubt is in everything she does. Every time a small challenge comes along she acts like it’s a huge deal and she doesn't know when to chill out.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
I saved 2 of my employees this week. I hate the new location our office is in. It's so fukking ghetto.

My staff isn't perfect but I've really done a good job of cultivating a respectful environment. We have good people. Both guys were minding their business and a random ass loser tries to come and get violent with them.

Luckily I was able to deescalate both situations quickly.

I have really developed my ability to be kind and pleasant but firm and authoritative without being bytchy or rude. I'm so proud of that.

I think I come off bytchy on this forum because half the time I just fukking around but I'm actually super nice and fun.

Part of the reason I am so eager to find a new job is because my mom pointed out how my communication skills were so good and how well I manage my staff.

It made me realize that my base nature is really positive and the only reason I can be crabby is because my boss is a fukking idiot.

™BlackPearl The Empress™

Long Live the Empire
Sep 30, 2013
This is my last complaint of the day. Lol

I met my bosses daughter the other day. She's only about 10 years old so I don't want to call her out her name but the little motherfukker was rude as hell to me.

I'm literally the reason her lazy ass downlow father can play daddy daycare to avoid child support with her ass all day.

If she only knew how close his ass is to being financially ruined. When I leave his whole shyt is done. That $1.1 million house they love so much is going on the market in 2025. I guarantee it.