Communists and Satanists share the same intense hatred for the female sex. You cannot call yourself a true servant of Communism if you do not desire the outright debasement of the feminine nature..there is no compromise in this, there is no gender and no difference before the’re all equally enslaved.
Western women, in particular, have allowed themselves to be tricked into exchanging their position at the rear to go to the frontline. They are not prepared for the violent resetting and failure of this grand social project which will demand they commit great physical, emotional and mental resources that is typically required of men in TIMES OF WAR. We are now here.
Men have no idea of the finalities behind this cataclysm that is calling up energies and hatreds that go back thousands of years. A convocation that beckons even the universe to pay attention to what is happening on Earth as God’s hand is visibly coming down on all of us. Pressure from men’s bloody hunger and a need for destructive atonement from Heaven will any of you stand in your own right?