Top 113 Poster
Don't you hate when you're minding your own business and trying to live your life, when all of the sudden, without any reason at all, your right ear decides to start making that annoying "ᵉᵉᵉᵉeeeeEEEE" sound?
So Microsoft (Xbox) has a rewards system, where you earn points for using their search engine (Bing).
You get like 5 points a search up to 270 points daily.
Then they also have quizzes where you'll get anywhere from 30 to 70 points day.
In addition to that because I have an Xbox I can play games for even more points.
Usually I wind up with around 20,000 points a month. It takes me 5 minutes in the morning to earn a day's points.
I redeem those points for either Xbox Giftcards, or I'll use it to pay my subscription to their Game Pass service.
It was such a good deal it brought me back to gaming. Hope that helps.