another to bake your proverbial noodle....
We here in US go hard to be most racist country out there
If we not we atleast top 5

however they got you believing all these extremist come all way over here on shoe laces and bubble gum knocking down immense financial epic centers...and other buildings ..

as well we spend billions upon billions to keep "them" out terrorist...

you mean to tell me w/ all the cac racist in this country
W/ all the resources and free time

non of them are going over there and blowing up and killing
Yes we got the US army
But that doesn't account for all the individual but jobs ..
And it for sure doesn't stop local cac terrorist here..
And just by sheer numbers you'd have to have some references some accounts of these but jobs getting together to carry out their madness...
If these impoverished 3rd world countries can do it...

why aren't these racist cacs following suit......