So I went a lil overboard as usual, but I was excited about the release
Went on and slapped together a rough dirty and quick cover for Dolphin Blue
I was waiting for this because its a very beautiful game, and my dreamcast with the DCHDMI mod is not modded with a gdemu, So I've been waiting for a burnable cdi for a while. As expected it looks gorgeous in 1080p. I also put scanlines on to take care of some of the sprite jaggies
Got some footage of both this and Knights of Valour which is also burnable....apologize in advance for looking pathetic but its hard to play and record
I also added Force Five to my GDEMU modded dreamcast, this game really shows what could have been in store if dreamcast could have held on longer...looks great. Also hoping this gets converted to a cdi at some point so I can play it on the hdmi dreamcast