What's so dope about call of duty? I've played that game once and it was overrated and just uninteresting.
I have a conspiracy theory about that game especially since it came out at after 9/11 happened and the second bush went to war with Iraq. I think they made that game to socially condition teenagers to join the military in the mid 2000s. One of those games had some Saddam Hussein assassination mission in it because they showed that shyt in the commercial. I know back around that time... folks were scared that they were going to reinstate the draft but the pushback was real. Bush knew what was up. Thats why I dont get why folks are acting like this shyt is new. We survived 8 years of the second bush. If you survived those years, you are a survivor.
Do you need a headset for that game though with the online features if you're gonna do that group shyt? I need to buy a headset to talk shyt on gta online.
EDIT: COD came out in 2003.

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