Spencer's is my favorite store. Got a kirby yeah that kirby t-shirt and dont think I've ever played any game that hes been in.

just like the yoshi shirt from that clothing store with the white Chinese symbols in the red background. Kirby was that dude though. Nintendo always knew how to make the most adorable monsters and mutants through the use of anime. Its brilliant. Its this level of thinking that has kept Nintendo alive and also the lack of this level of thinking which led to Segas death as a gaming console company. They could have been where Sony is at now if they played their cards right. Sonic had and still has an appeal. They have the games and even the ideas but they never execute them right. It's like wtf. I'm still mad at Sega for the Dreamcast. Should have chose the playstation 2. I felt so weird when I got a ps2 in 2002. I felt like I betrayed a console that held me down for real. The ps kept me out of trouble and being a statistic. That's why I'm talking about video games like this. It did a lot for us even more than what the schools could. I know that how i drive has been influenced by the video games I've played as a kid. It's more so of the hand-eye coordination as well as the mental aspect of it where you anticipate the move of the drivers you are driving alongside with. Rage racer and ridge racer taught me how to drive before I learned how to drive. Racing video games gave me the basics to wanting to drive. Wanting to drive to other places. Again, I like driving even long distance driving. I spent hours playing those games as a kid.
Now I'm here playing gta online. Got kicked out the online session again. I feel like eating nachos. Got the munchies but gonna settle for some grits with cheese or butter instead. About to whoop up an home version of IHOP meal. About to finish this kosher kush though