Essential The Locker Room's Random Thoughts


Jun 11, 2012
Unapologetic Fire Island partier completely loses it, blasts “tattletales” in unhinged video

Funny how he said fukk the new world order and agenda 21 but yet he couldn't say fukk social programming or fukk social engineering which has been done to gay male community. Nevermind about how us gay folks have been and still are used as test subjects and experiments even right in front of our face.

I already said how many pages back at how theres way too many LGBTQ folks that are comfortable thinking because they got some legal protection that means their asses are safe. See... this is one of the reasons why I'll be honest, I dont care about the gay scene or even certain aspects of gay culture because that shyt has been infiltrated by agents who want to destroy us. Got these folks running around out here screaming gay pride while at the self destructing. As I said, the gay culture has become more about being entertained or pleasure instead of empowerment. That's why you have gay folks still catching STDs at high rates, still have high drug and alcohol abuse, shorter life expectancy, high rate of suicide, higher rates of depression and etc. Basically telling us to party and entertain ourselves to death. Got us giving ourselves nouns to describe our physical before we acknowledge who we are as a person and etc.

Naw, I'm good. Theres nothing wrong with being gay. I'm all for empowerment and building. It doesnt make me less or more human than any other human. I just wish folks could be fukking REAL for once about shyt. To me, the gay male community is living a lie. fukk this mentally regressing, stay young, dumb and full of cum, superficial, out of control, gym bro, mean girl bs they keep on pushing to us gay male adults. Nobody is telling me how to be who I am. I dont have to validate who I am because I KNOW. No denying or hiding or lying. So I'm not going to force myself to act like something I'm not.
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