Executing a smart retreat is better than suffering a foolish death. Retreat from me quickly while the skies are clear and before you’re snared and cannot escape from me.
I will give you food but the belly is not full, I will give you knowledge but the mind is still stupefied, I will give you vision but your eyes will only comprehend darkness for your hope is lost and you are utterly broken.
He’s young and proud, impetuous and unyielding. He swears he’s alive but the scales have weighed his dry bones, he is surely dead but does not know it. Say you love the world and it’s safety? A destruction comes dressed up in glory, the sun has chased away the clouds and the children have come out to play. You will believe the lie, you will be tempted and you will come into ease while the graves are made.
I saw a wandering spirit who was weary from his travels, who desired a place of rest and quickly I entreated him and made him a gracious offer. I gave him your home as his place of rest, I gave him your sons and daughters as vassals and I made him an enemy of you and your spouse. Therefore, you will find rest outside but you and your families will be discomfited at home, there will no be peace at home. There will no comfort in your silent places.