You look okay bruh. Constructive tips.
@LauderdaleBoss gave great feedback.
The only thing left is how you cock back on your uppercuts, you’re telegraphing them. You can throw a upper cut with your guards where you have them, you don’t have to drop your hands so low.
Also, you’re punching with all upper body, no hips and barley any legs. Your punches would have more pop with lesser upper body movement. Turn into your hooks and upper cuts, use less arm, practice recoil (snapping your body back to your starting stance after throwing a hook) especially when throwing hooks. Snap your body back after your throw them. Trust me, your stamina will thank you later. Lastly, you’re swinging your head with your punches and where ever you throw them. Your head should not follow your where your hands go.
The best way to study yourself in a video is to mute the sound. The sound of your punches are distracting and it’ll give you a false sense of security/accomplishment. No sound forces you to LOOK at yourself and give honest critique. Your punch can land loud and have horrible technic, but you can’t punch soft with proper technique.
Hope this helps.