I wish I never visited south Florida

because it makes me depressed to be back here and even more about my life.

and for the record, I didn't do shyt but drive and chill in the ocean.

it was worth the trip as short as it was. I wish I stayed and didn't have to go back here. The more I think about my morality, life and death. It seemed unreal. fukking unreal and to come back here feeling trapped and needing to escape around this environment. I don't know how I've managed or haven't thrown in the towel at this point. Suicide even breezed through my mind at the idea of having to go home. shyt sucks but I have a will to live and strive for better. The vibe felt positive despite the history of that place and what I've heard and know compared to up here where you can feel the negativity, stress, anger, desperation. I even was ready for whatever out here but shockingly it was different.