Does anybody have that picture of tha brotha saving tha otha brotha that was goin ova tha waterfall it was real popular on ig/ tha net a while bac & it was some art
Was it one of those religious pictures?Does anybody have that picture of tha brotha saving tha otha brotha that was goin ova tha waterfall it was real popular on ig/ tha net a while bac & it was some art
Was it one of those religious pictures?
I think I know what pic you talking about.I'm not sure, I thank it said if I see my bruh falling ima picc him up. thas all I remember. It could've been one originally?
I think I know what pic you talking about.
That's all I'm getting right now too but I've seen that pic on Instagram and FacebookThat shyt was viral I tried googling it but all I get is a man standing infront of a water fall or water fall pics
That's all I'm getting right now too but I've seen that pic on Instagram and Facebook
My side hustle been slow. Started the process of being an Ubereats driver
Just woke up from taking a big ass napnow I'm thinking about writing a list to go buy some groceries Monday
, I don't know what I'ma eat for dinner tonight tho lol.